Parent Page: Faculty & Staff id: 23367 Active Page: Peer Assessment of Lectureid:23370

Peer Assessment of Lecturing Project (PAL)

Sponsored by the ATS

Interested in improving the effectiveness of your teaching?  Sign up for a Peer Assessment of Lecture (PAL)!  This opportunity will provide you with CONFIDENTIAL and FORMATIVE feedback from trained PAL peer mentors.


You and two trained PAL peer mentors.


PAL mentors will observe your lecture and provide you with confidential, formative feedback on 2-3 areas of your choice via a rubric that has been tested, validated, and published.

Click here for a PDF of the rubric.

Resource: Newman LR, Brodsky DD, Roberts DH, et al. Developing Expert-derived Rating Standards for the Peer Assessment of Lectures. Academic medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2012;87(3):356-363.



Lecture of your choice.


This program is designed to help improve the effectiveness of your teaching through trained peer mentoring.


To request a consutation:
Click here to complete Qualtrics survey.


“The most important part of the PAL review was that it provided me with a student's perspective on my lectures.”

“I received excellent, clear comments on my 2016 lecture and incorporated suggestions into my 2017 lecture”

“This is an excellent program”

The Process:

  1. Using the rubric containing 10 PAL assessment criteria; choose 2-3 criteria to be reviewed.
  2. The Director of ATS, Alix Darden, PhD, MEd, will assign two trained PAL mentors to you.
  3. The primary PAL mentor will contact you to discuss the two-three criteria.
  4. One mentor will attend your lecture & the other will watch the video.
  5. The mentors will collaborate to ensure you receive the most helpful feedback.
  6. The primary PAL mentor will debrief you and provide written comments.
  7. ALL feedback will remain confidential and will not be shared with anyone other than you. (You may request a letter of completion to verify participation in PAL.)