Parent Page: Prospective Students id: 21397 Active Page: Student Testimonialsid:23332

What makes OU College of Medicine so unique?

OU r mission is leading health care- in education, research and patient care. Our goals are uncompromising quality, exceptional service, innovative education, advancing knowledge and institutional strength. The University of Oklahoma is truly a special place- opening new frontiers in education, research and patient care. The College of Medicine fosters a student-centered culture that values the feedback and contributions of our medical students. Listed below are just a few reasons why our medical students believe the University of Oklahoma is such a special place.

Innovative Technology

One of the things I love most about OU College of Medicine is the emphasis on different learning styles beyond the classroom: from team-based learning activities with our classmates to applying what we are learning at the Clinical Skills Education and Technology Center. By applying our knowledge base in a simulated patient interaction or to solve clinical case studies, we can hone our skills and really solidify our understanding of medicine. 

Maryam Mian, ‘22

Dedicated Faculty

The large amount of interaction between students and professors during my first two years at OU was unexpected but so beneficial. Students have open communication with lecturers and course directors and there are a variety of ways that students can influence and improve their education. Surveys allow students to provide honest and constructive feedback and student elected curriculum chairs provide another route of communication between course directors and students.

Shana Usiukiewicz, ‘20

Student-Centered Culture

At the University o f Oklahoma College of Medicine, you really feel like the experience and learning is tailored to you. Faculty and administration are constantly working directly with us in order to make medical school the best experience it can be. I am constantly impressed by how earnestly our feedback is incorporated into day to day student life.

Silas Martin, ‘22

Strong Community

The College of Medicine fosters what is perhaps the best sense of community in the nation. The modules within the college exemplify this idea not only academically, but also socially, by providing a sense of “home” while on campus. This idea of community is also furthered by events throughout the OUHSC campus which provide a firsthand glimpse at the teamwork that is needed in providing modern healthcare.

Talib Chaudhry, ‘20