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Faculty Governance of the College of Medicine

Welcome to the faculty governance site of the OU College of Medicine. Our excellence hinges on our ability to foster a vibrant and diverse community and the work of the Faculty Board plays a crucial role in this regard. The Faculty Board serves as the executive committee of the Faculty of the College of Medicine, with authority to conduct its affairs in the intervals between meetings of the Regular Faculty; prepares recommendations on such matters as are deemed necessary for action of the Regular Faculty; considers any interdepartmental matters or issues affecting the College and its external relationships that require action, advice or arbitration; and acts as an executive advisory body to the Executive Dean.

All College Meetings

The OU College of Medicine Fall and Spring meetings are an opportunity for our community to hear from and interact with the Dean(s) of the College. The Dean(s) will give updates related to our learners and faculty, as well as provide programmatic updates on our educational programs, research and sponsored programs, our clinical enterprise, and our finances.

AY 2023- 2024

The 2023 Fall Faculty Meeting will be on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 from 5:15- 6:15 PM via Zoom and in-person in AAT A/B.

View recordings of previous meetings here.

The Faculty Board

The Faculty Board meets the 4th Tuesday of every other month. Dates for the FY22-23 academic year are September 27, November 22, January 24, March 28, and May 23. The Executive Committee meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month. The Faculty Board meetings are open to the general faculty. We encourage faculty who have questions or wish to have items addressed to contact their Department Chair or the Chair of the Executive Committee. 

Members of the Faculty Board

College of Medicine Senators

Each spring, the faculty members of the College of Medicine elect representatives to key offices and committees to serve as the voice of the faculty in the governance of the school, the campus, and the university. The vitality and quality of our work as clinicians, educators, and researchers hinges in part of the quality of this representation. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to one of your faculty senators. More information about the responsibilities and charge of these individuals and committees can be found here. The current College of Medicine Senators are: Heather Burks, M.D., Pranay Kathuria, M.D. (Tulsa), Resham Bhattacharya, Ph.D., Mark Lang, Ph.D., Kate Morris, M.D., and Xi-Qin Ding, PhD.

Let Us Know How We Can Help

Candace Kallenberger
Assistant to the Executive Dean
Tel 405-271-2265