Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 21544 Active Page: Facultyid:21550

Residency Faculty

Family and Preventive Medicine

Dewey Scheid, MD, MPH

Medical Decision Making



Family Medicine Center Building
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
​900 NE 10th Street
Oklahoma City, OK  73104

(405) 271-2370

Academic Section(s):

OUFMC Research Division


BA: Biology, Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH, 1974-1978
MD: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, 1978-1982
MPH: Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, MD, 1983-1984

Board Certification(s):

American Board of Family Medicine


Residency: Memorial Medical Center, Corpus Christi, TX, 1982-1985


Fellow: Primary Care Faculty Development, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 1989-1990
Fellow: Academic Medicine, Advanced Research Tract, Northeastern Ohio University, 1991-1992


2014 – present    American Mindfulness Research Association
2005 – present    Association of Clinicians for the Underserved

Clinical/Research Interests:

  • Clinical decision making and mindfulness-based stress reduction
  • Medical Informatics



NIGMS/NIH U54GM104938 (Nagykaldi PI)  08/01/13 – 07/31/18
“Limited Competition: Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Program Infrastructure for Clinical and Translational Research”
We propose to strengthen productive bidirectional relationships between researchers and communities in Oklahoma with an emphasis on primary care clinicians, pharmacists, and American Indian communities, expand community test sites by enhancing three practice-based research networks and build a system-wide dissemination/ implementation/diffusion infrastructure consisting of county health improvement organizations (CHIOs) linked to each other and, through regional coordinating centers, to the academic research partners.
Role: Co-Investigator

Disseminating Patient Centered Outcomes Research to Improve Healthcare Delivery
1R18HS023237-01  Nagykaldi (PI)  07/01/2014 – 06/30/2018
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)  $1,340,397
Propose to implement a sustainable, county-based preventive services delivery model that aligns incentives for primary care practices (PCPs), county health departments (CHDs), and hospitals in 3 rural counties. Wellness coordinators will remind patients of recommended primary (immunizations), secondary (screening), and tertiary (chronic disease management) services and direct them to the most appropriate services and resources. Primary care practices will implement systematic screening for tobacco use and physical inactivity and provide brief counseling and referrals.
Role: PI

HHSA290200710009  (Mold PI)  09/15/2009 – 09/30/2012
AHRQ – Task Order #17
Using Health Information Technology to Improve Healthcare Quality in Primary Care Practices and in Transitions Between Care Settings
The goal of this project is to connect primary care practices, that are already using electronic health records and are linked through a local health information exchange hub, to a regional health information organization called SMRTNET, which will provide access to a broader range of information, from a variety of sources, including hospital records, laboratory tests, pharmacy records, and a statewide immunization registry. It is anticipated that access to this additional health care information will reduce unnecessary laboratory testing, improve medication reconciliation, reduce hospital readmissions, decrease some practice administrative costs, and improve patient satisfaction with continuity of care.
Role: Co-Investigator

RFA-HS-08-003   (Scheid PI)  06/01/2008 – 08/31/2011
Modeling Prioritization of Health Care for Complex Patients Using Archimedes
The major goal is to investigate the comparative calculated efficacy of combinations of recommended interventions for hypothetical patients with diabetes mellitus type II, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia using Archimedes, a complex simulation model that uses differential equations and other formulas from regression and decision methods.
Role: PI

C1053601   (Scheid PI)  07/01/2008 – 06/30/2010
Oklahoma Tobacco Research Center (OTRC)
Tobacco Relapse Prevention: Factors for Success
We propose to conduct a cross-sectional study of factors associated with long-term (>2 years) abstinence from tobacco use in order to identify successful factors for long-term abstinence.
Role: PI

1R21 CA100518-01  (Scheid PI)  06/01/2003 – 06/30/2007
NCI/AHRQ Cooperative Agreement
Improving Colorectal Cancer Screening in Primary Care
To use "best practices research" methods to identify effective and efficient colorectal screening processes in a primary care based research network.
Role: PI

TSO 571 17   (Hamm PI)  09/30/2001 – 09/29/2005
ATPM/CDC/ATSDR Cooperative Agreement
Women's Emotional and Rational Response to High Risk HPV
The major goals of this project are to design and conduct a study of women after receipt of results of an HPV gene test, of high versus low risk, or no HPV. The study will address women's interpretation of the meaning of the diagnosis with respect to cancer risk and sexual relationships. White, African American, and Indian participants will be involved.
Role: Co-Investigator

BASIC 99 - 003299 BCTR (Scheid PI)  12/31/1999 – 12/31/2002
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
Individualized Computerized Balance Sheets to Support the Decision to Screen for Breast Cancer
The major goals of this project are to run a focus group with women in their 40's concerning breast cancer screening, developed a computerized balance sheet on the mammography decision including calculation of the individual woman's risk of getting breast cancer, and run a study to determine the effects of the balance sheet on women's intentions to be screened for breast cancer as well as on their actual screening behavior in the subsequent 6 months.
Role: PI

TS 281 14/14-16   (Hamm PI)  09/30/1998 – 09/29/2002
ATPM/CDC/ATSDR Cooperative Agreement
Efficacy of Balance Sheets in Prostate Cancer Screening Decisions
The major goals of this project are to develop a paper balance sheet on the prostate cancer screening decision, based on a decision analysis we conducted, and run a study to determine the effects of the balance sheet on men's intentions to be screened for prostate cancer as well as on their actual screening behavior in the subsequent 6 months.
Role: Co-Investigator

Presbyterian Health Foundation (Scheid PI)  11/17/1997 – 06/30/1999
“Design and Implementation of Computerized Clinical Guidelines for Acute Lower Back Pain.”
To design and implement a portable computer software application which represents an interactive version of the Acute Low Back Problems in Adults, Guideline Number 14 of the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research that can be used in a variety of primary care settings.
Role: Principal Investigator

Select Honors & Accomplishments:

2017 - OU Medicine Award for Outstanding Patient Service 2016-2017. Achieved the top 98th percentile nationally in Physician Communication and Overall Doctor Rating from the Clinician and Group Consumer Assessment of Health Providers and Systems (CGCAHPS) survey

2016 - OU Medicine Award for Outstanding Patient Service 2015-2016. Achieved the top 90th percentile nationally in Physician Communication and Overall Doctor Rating from CGCAHPS survey

2003 - Department of Family and Preventive Medicine Residency Preceptor of the Year Award

1990 - West Side Family Practice Center Residency Program Golden Apples, Teacher of the Year Award

1987 - Isolated Hardship Service Ribbon, United States Public Health Service

1980 - Alpha Omega Alpha National Medical Honor Society

1978 - Wittenberg University Summa Cum Laude

1976 - Alpha Alpha Alpha National Biology Honor Society

1976 - Wittenberg University Honor Society

1975 - Wittenberg University Presidential Scholarship

Select Publications:


  1. Nagykaldi Z, Scheid D, Zhao YD, Mishra B, Greever-Rice T. A sustainable model for preventive services in rural counties: the Healthier Together study. J Am Board Fam Med. 2020;30(5):698-706
  2. Nagykaldi ZJ, Scheid D, Zhao D, Mishra B, Greever-Rice T. An Innovative Community-Based Model for Improving Preventive Care in Rural Counties. J Am Board Fam Med.. September-October 2017;30(5):583-591
  3. Gaskamp M, Blubaugh M, McCarthy LH, Scheid DC. Bedside ultrasound inferior vena cava measurements to diagnose congestive heart failure in the emergency department. A Clin-IQ. Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews. Fall-Winter 2016; 3(4): 230-234.
  4. Hamm RM, Scheid DC. Cost-informativeness ratio as a guide for whether to purchase diagnostic information. [Meeting Abstract] Medical Decision Making 2014; 34: E32
  5. Hamm RM, Scheid DC. Clinical threshold probabilities are affected by utility judgment framing effects. [Meeting Abstract] Medical Decision Making 2014; 34: E33
  6. Fida A, Egbe S, Scheid DC, Welborn TL, McCarthy LH. In adults what is the best diagnostic test for restless leg syndrome? Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association. August 2014; 107(8):432-434.
  7. Eyadiel C, Hamm RM, Scheid DC. In adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus, are patients with poor control more likely to develop venous thromboembolism compared to patients with good control? Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association. February 2014; 107(2):65-66.
  8. Nagykaldi ZJ, Yeaman B, Jones M, Mold JW, Scheid DC. HIE-i – Health Information Exchange with Intelligence. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management 2014; 57(1): 20-31.
  9. Scheid DC, Hamm RM, Ramakrishnan K, McCarthy LH, Mold JW. Improving colorectal cancer screening in family medicine: an Oklahoma Physicians Resource/Research Network (OKPRN) study. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 2013; 26(5):498-507.
  10. Edwards HD, Webb RD, Scheid DC, Britton ML, Armor BL. A pharmacist visit improves diabetes standards in a patient-centered medical home (PCMH). American Journal of Medical Quality 2012; 27(6): 529-534.
  11. Ramakrishnan K, Scheid DC. Treatment options for insomnia. American Family Physician 2007; 76(4):517-526.
  12. Scheid DC, Ramakrishnan K. Determining ectopic pregnancy risk using progesterone levels. American Family Physician 2006; 73(11):1892
  13. Ramakrishnan K, Scheid DC. Ectopic pregnancy: expectant management or immediate surgery? Journal of Family Practice 2006; 55(6):517-522.
  14. Ramakrishnan K, Scheid DC. Ectopic pregnancy: forget the “classic presentation” if you want to catch it sooner. Journal of Family Practice 2006; 55(5):388-395.
  15. Ramakrishnan K, Scheid DC. Selecting patients for flexible sigmoidoscopy: Determinants of incomplete depth of insertion. Cancer 2005; 103(6):1179-1185.
  16. Ramakrishnan K, Scheid DC. Diagnosis and management of acute pyelonephritis in adults. American Family Physician 2005; 71(5):933-942.
  17. Scheid DC, Hamm RM. Acute rhinosinusitis in adults: part I. Evaluation.American Family Physician 2004; 70(9):1685-1692. Reprinted in South African Family Practice 2005; 47(6): 22-26, and (both parts combined) in translation in медицина неотложных состояний (Medicine: Emergency Conditions) 2006; 5(6): 44-54.
  18. Scheid DC, Hamm RM. Acute rhinosinusitis in adults: part II. Treatment. American Family Physician 2004; 70(9):1697-1704
  19. Ramakrishnan K, Scheid DC: Enemas: A "Purge" Atory. The Internet Journal of Gastroenterology. 2004; 3(1).
  20. Ramakrishnan K, Scheid DC. Predictors of incomplete flexible sigmoidoscopy. Journal of the American Board of Family Practice 2003; 16(6):478-484.
  21. Scheid DC, Bard DE, Smith KD, Hamm RM.  Understanding breast cancer risk -- the role of numeracy [Meeting abstract]. Medical Decision Making 2003; 23(6):578.
  22. Scheid DC, Walker RK, Smith KD, Hamm RM.  “If you name it, you claim it.” Beliefs and breast cancer risk perception [Meeting abstract]. Medical Decision Making 2003; 23(6): 569.
  23. Hamm RM, Johnson GA, Scheid DC, DeAngelis AM. Agreement among cervical dysplasia clinicians on key natural history, treatment, and diagnosis probabilities about human papillomavirus [Meeting abstract]. Medical Decision Making 2003; 23(6):564.
  24. Scheid DC, Coleman MT, Hamm RM. Do perceptions of risk and quality of life affect use of hormone replacement therapy by postmenopausal women? Journal of the American Board of Family Practice 2003; 16(4):270-277.
  25. Scheid, D. Uncovering patients’ understanding of probabilities. Society for Medical Decision Making Newsletter 2003; 15(2):2-3.
  26. Mold JW, Hamm R, Scheid D. Evidence-based medicine meets goal-directed health care.  Family Medicine 2003; 35(5):360-364.
  27. Ramakrishnan K, Scheid DC. Opening Pandora's Box: the role of contrast enemas In abdominal imaging. The Internet Journal of Gastroenterology 2003;2(1).
  28. Scheid DC, Hamm RM, Smith KD, Craft MA. Effect of individualized computerized balance sheets to support the decision to screen for breast cancer. [Meeting abstract]. Medical Decision Making 2002; 22(6):549.
  29. Sparks RA, Scheid D, Loemker V, Stader E, Reilly K, Hamm R, McCarthy L. Association of cervical cryotherapy with inadequate follow-up colposcopy. Journal of Family Practice 2002; 51(6):526-529.
  30. Scheid DC, Hamm RM, Crawford SA. Measuring academic production. Family Medicine 2002; 34(1):34-44.
  31. Hulson TD, Mold JW, Scheid D, Aaron M, Aspy CB, Ballard NL, Boren N, Gregory ME, Truong TC,  Diagnosing influenza: the value of clinical clues and laboratory tests.  Journal of Family Practice 2001; 50(12):1051-1056.
  32. Hamm RM, Scheid DC, Cantor SB, Elmajian DA, Patrick RB, Mold JW. Outcome probabilities from a Markov model of prostate cancer screening. [Meeting abstract]. Medical Decision Making 2001; 21(6):536.
  33. Scheid DC, Smith KD, Hamm RM, Craft M, McEachern M. Individualized computerized balance sheets to support the decision to screen for breast cancer. [Meeting abstract]. Medical Decision Making 2001; 21(6):521.
  34. Scheid DC, McCarthy LH, Lawler FH, Hamm RM, Reilly KE. Screening for microalbuminuria to prevent of nephropathy in diabetic patients: a systematic review of the evidence. Journal of Family Practice 2001; 50(8):661-668.
  35. Havrda DE, Rathbun S, Scheid D. A case report of warfarin resistance due to azathioprine and review of the literature. Pharmacotherapy 2001; 21(3):355-357.
  36. Scheid DC, Hamm RM, Crawford SA. Measuring academic productivity – caveat inventor. Academic Medicine 2000; 75(10):993-995.
  37. Scheid DC, Hamm RM, Stevens K. Cost effectiveness of human immunodeficiency virus postexposure prophylaxis for healthcare workers. PharmacoEconomics 2000; 18(4):355-368.
  38. Scheid DC, Coleman MT, Hamm RM. Do perceptions about risk and quality of life affect use of hormone replacement therapy by post-menopausal women? [Meeting abstract]. Medical Decision Making 2000; 20(6):503.
  39. Hamm RM, Scheid DC, Lawler FH. Prophylactic mastectomy in women with a high risk of breast cancer. (Letter to editor.) New England Journal of Medicine 1999; 340(23):1837-8; author reply 1839.
  40. Lawler FH, Scheid DC, Viviani NJ. The cost of medical dictation transcription at an academic family practice center. Archives of Family Medicine 1998; 7(3):269-272.
  41. Scheid DC, Hamm R, Lawler F. Breast cancer screening at ages 40-49. Medical Decision Making 1997; 17(4):499-500.
  42. Scheid D, Logue E, Gilchrist VJ, Gillanders WR, Miller RS, Iverson D, Oprandi AM, Weldy DL. Do we practice what we preach? Comparing the patient visits of faculty and residents. Family Medicine 1995; 27(8):519-524.
  43. Gilchrist V, Miller RS, Gillanders WR, Scheid DC, Logue EE, Iverson DC, Oprandi AM, Weldy DL, Krell MA. Do family practice ambulatory teaching units reflect community practice? Journal of Family Practice 1993; 37(6):555-563.


  1. Scheid D, Yeaman B, Nagykaldi Z, and Mold J. Regional Health eDecisions: A Guide to Connecting Health Information Exchange in Primary Care. AHRQ Publication No. 13-0018-EF. Rockville, MD: AHRQ. May 2013
  2. Hamm RM, Scheid DC, Smith WR, Tape TG (2000). Opportunities for applying psychological theory to improve medical decision making: Two case histories. In G.B. Chapman and F. Sonnenberg (Eds.), Decision Making in Health Care: Theory, Psychology, and Applications. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp 386-421.
  3. Toeppen-Sprigg B, Scheid DC. "Quality Care Review - A Self Review Program for Family Physicians" in Quality Management in Ambulatory Care Service. Joint Commission for Hospital Accreditation. 1992.
  4. Associate Medical Editor, Quality Care Review - A Self Review Program for Family Physicians, sponsored by the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians (a series of clinical and administrative ambulatory care quality audits and quality improvement education).

Research Faculty

Adam C. Alexander, PhD

Adam C. Alexander, PhD

Assistant Professor

Desiree Azizoddin, PsyD

Desiree Azizoddin, PsyD

Assistant Professor

Thanh C. Bui

Thanh C. Bui, MD, DrPH

Assistant Professor

Michael S. Businelle, PhD

Michael S. Businelle, PhD

Leader of the OTRC mHealth Core

Ann Chou, PhD, MPH, MA
Mary Gowin, PhD, MPH

Mary Gowin, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor

Robert Hamm, PhD

Robert Hamm, PhD

Professor, Director of Medical Decision Making

Darla E. Kendzor, Ph.D.

Darla E. Kendzor, PhD

Associate Professor
Leader of the Tobacco Intervention Research Clinic

Amanda Kong, Assistant Professor

Amanda Kong, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor

Joanne Lyu, PhD

Joanne Lyu, PhD

Assistant Professor

Julia McQuoid, PhD

Julia McQuoid, PhD

Assistant Professor

Natasha M. Mickel, Ph.D.

Natasha M. Mickel, PhD

Assistant Professor
Assistant Director of Faculty Development
Director of Oklahoma Center for Mentoring Excellence
Program Coordinator of Center for Telemedicine

Jim Mold, MPH, MD

Jim W. Mold, MPH, MD

Professor Emeritus
Member of the Institute of Medicine

Zsolt Nagykáldi, PhD

Zsolt J. Nagykáldi, PhD, BTh

Director of Research (OUFMC)
Associate Director of Community-Engaged Research (OSCTR)
Associate Director of the Oklahoma Primary Healthcare Improvement Collaborative (OPHIC)

Jordan Neil, PhD

Jordan Neil, PhD

Assistant Professor

Jason A. Oliver, PhD

Jason A. Oliver, PhD

Assistant Professor

Elisabeth Ponce-Garcia, PhD

Elisabeth Ponce-Garcia, PhD

Associate Professor

Michael C. Robertson, PhD, MPH

Michael C. Robertson, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor

Dewey Scheid, MD

Dewey Scheid, MD, MPH

Medical Decision Making