Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 21570 Active Page: Publications-Wickershamid:21579

Publications: Elizabeth Wickersham, MD, MS

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  1. Lust O, Chongsuwat T, Lanham E, Chou AF, Wickersham E. Does Exercise Prevent Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnant Women? A Clin-IQ. Journal of Patient Centered Research and Review. Summer 2021;8(3):281-285.
  2. Kooner T, Varughese A, Wendelboe MA, Wickersham EA, Chou AF. In patients with chronic migraines, is Botox therapy more effective than placebo in reducing frequency and severity of headaches? Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association. May-June 2021; 114(3): 114-117.
  3. Li J, Gragert D, Wickersham E, Chou AF. In patients with patellar tendinopathy, do platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections result in lower pain scores, in comparison to common modalities? J Okla State Med Assoc. May/June 2020; 113(3): 117-120
  4. Chou AF, Wickersham E, Bratzler DW, Drevets D, Wendelboe AM. Clin-IQ. Is antibody testing for COVID-19 in the general population a useful diagnostic tool? J Okla State Med Assoc. May/June 2020; 113(3): 98-106.
  5. Montes B, Sosa, Wickersham E, Chou AF. Clin-IQ. Does restricting or eliminating caffeine consumption improve fetal outcomes of pregnancy? J Okla State Med Assoc. Jan/Feb 2020; 113(1): 12-15.
  6. Wendelboe AM, Mathew R, Chongswuat T, Rainwater E, Wendelboe MA, Wickersham E, Chou AF. Is There Less Opioid Abuse in States Where Marijuana Has Been Decriminalized, Either for Medicinal or Recreational Use? A Clin-IQ. J Patient Cent Res Rev Fall 2019; 6(4): 267-273
  7. Wickersham E, Gowin M, Deen MH, Nagykaldi Z. Improving the Adoption of Advance Directives in Primary Care Practices. J Am Board Fam Med. Mar-Apr 2019;32(2):168-179.
  8. Stubbs C, Mattingly L, Crawford SA, Wickersham EA, Brockhaus JL, McCarthy LH. Do SSRIs and SNRIs reduce the frequency and/or severity of hot flashes in menopausal women. J Okla State Med Assoc. May 2017;110:272-4
  9. Nagykaldi Z, Dave A, Kristof C, Watts T, Utpala S, Wickersham E. Exploring and Improving Patient-Clinician Conversations During Annual Wellness Visits. J Am Board Fam Med. March-April 2017;30(2):161-169
  10. Madison S, Brown EA, Franklin R, Wickersham EA, McCarthy LH. Nasal saline or intranasal corticosteroids to treat allergic rhinitis in children. J Okla State Med Assoc. 2016;109 (4-5): 152-153. (PMCID4918463; PMID27328556)
  11. Jatala S, Fitzgerald S, Tietze P, Ramakrishnan K, McCarthy LH, Wickersham E. What are the recommended timing and screening modalities for women at higher risk of developing breast cancer? A Clin-IQ. Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews 2015;2(1): 38-42
  12. Highlander SK, Wickersham EA, Garza O, Weinstock GM. Expression of the Pasteurella haemolytica leukotoxin is inhibited by a locus that encodes an ATP-binding cassette homolog. Infection and Immunity 1993; 61(9):3942-3951
  13. Silverman PM, Wickersham E, Rainwater S, Harris R. Regulation of the F plasmid tra Y promoter in Escherichia coli K12 as a function of sequence context. Journal of Molecular Biology 1991; 220(2):271-279
  14. Silverman PM, Wickersham E, Harris R. Regulation of the F plasmid traY promoter in Escherichia coli by host and plasmid factors. Journal of Molecular Biology 1991 218(1):119-128
  15. Silverman P, Wickersham E, Harris R. F plasmid tra Y promoter activity in E.coli is regulated by two separate mechanisms. Abstract presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, 1990, Washington, DC


  1. Wickersham EA. Atrial Fibrillation: The Facts. The Bulletin. Oklahoma County Medical Society 2016; 4th ed., vol. 89: 8-10