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Michael Van Der Veldt

Michael Van Der Veldt, PhD Candidate

Dr. Jonathan Wren Lab

Holly Van Remmen, Ph.D.

Holly Van Remmen, Ph.D.

Member and Program Chair

Aging and Metabolism Research Program

G.T. Blankenship Chair in Aging Research

Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation

Riley Van Trease

Riley Van Trease, PhD Student

Dr. Faizah Bhatti Lab

Kofi Vandyck, MD

Kofi Vandyck, MD

Associate Professor
Medical Director, Cardiovascular and Thoracic Anesthesia

William Vanlandingham, M.D.

William Vanlandingham, M.D.

Assistant Professor

Phillip Vanlandingham, Ph.D.

Phillip Vanlandingham, Ph.D.

Vice President of Translational Research at EyeCRO 

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


Bruna Varalli-Claypool
Amabel Varghese, MD

Amabel Varghese, MD

Family and Preventive Medicine Resident

Ajay Varughese, MD

Ajay Varughese, MD

Family and Preventive Medicine Resident
