Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 21570 Active Page: Publications-Vidrine-Did:21576

Publications: Damon J. Vidrine, DrPH, MS

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  1. Vidrine DJ, Bui TC, Businelle MS, Shih YT, Sutton SK, Shahani L, Hoover DS, Bowles K, Vidrine JI. Evaluating the efficacy of automated smoking treatment for people with HIV: protocol for a randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols. November 2021; 10(11): e33183
  2. Bui TC, Sopheab H, Businelle MS, Chhea C, Ly SP, Vidrine JI, Thol D, Frank-Pearce S, Vidrine DJ. Mobile-health intervention for smoking cessation among Cambodian people living with HIV: A mixed-methods pilot study. AIDS Care.   EPUB 03-10-2021    DOI 10.1080/09540121.2021.1887443
  3. Hebert ET, Suchting R, Ra CK, Alexander AC, Kendzor DE, Vidrine DJ, Businelle MS. Predicting the first smoking lapse during a quit attempt: A machine learning approach. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. January 2021; 218: 108340     
  4. Bui TC, Pineiro B, Vidrine DJ, Wetter DW, Frank-Pearce SG, Vidrine JI. Quitline treatment enrollment and cessation outcomes among smokers linked with treatment via Ask-Advise-Connect: Comparisons among smokers with and without HIV. Nicotine Tob Res. Aug. 2020; 22(9): 1640-1643.
  5. Frank DW, Cinciripini PM, Deweese MM, Karam-Hage M, Kypriotakis G, Lerman C, Robinson JD, Tyndale RF, Vidrine DJ, Versace F. Toward Precision Medicine for Smoking Cessation: Developing a Neuroimaging-Based Classification Algorithm to Identify Smokers at Higher Risk for Relapse. Nicotine Tob Res. July 2020; 22(8): 1277-1284
  6. Pineiro B, Vidrine DJ, Wetter DW, Hoover DS, Frank-Pearce S, Nguyen N, Zbikowski SM, Vidrine JI. [Poster Abstract A032] Quitline treatment enrollment, dose, and cessation outcomes among safety net patients linked with treatment via Ask-Advise-Connect: Differential efficacy among Spanish- vs. English-speaking smokers. Canc Epidem Biomark & Prev. June 2020; 29(6) Supplement 1: DOI: 10.1158/1538-7755.DISP18-A032
  7. Kendzor DE, Businelle MS, Waring JJC, Mathews AJ, Geller DW, Barton JM, Alexander AC, Hebert ET, Ra CK, Vidrine DJ. Automated mobile delivery of financial incentives for smoking cessation among socioeconomically disadvantaged adults: feasibility study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. April 2020; 8(4): e15960.
  8. Hebert ET, Ra CK, Alexander AC, Helt A, Moisiuc R, Kendzor DE, Vidrine DJ, Funk-Lawler RK, Businelle MS. A mobile just-in-time adaptive intervention for smoking cessation: pilot randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. Mar. 2020; 22(3); e16907.
  9. Pineiro B, Vidrine DJ, Wetter DW, Hoover DS, Frank-Pearce SG, Nguyen N, Zbikoski SM, Vidrine JI. Implementation of Ask-Advise-Connect in a safety net healthcare system: quitline treatment engagement and smoking cessation outcomes. Transl Behav Med. Feb 2020; 10(1): 163-167.
  10. Stevens EM, Wetter DW, Vidrine DJ, Hoover DS, Frank-Pearce SG, Nguyen N, Li Y, Waters AJ, Meade CD, Wagener TL, Vidrine JI. Enhancing Smoking Risk Communications: The Influence of Need for Cognition. Am J Health Behav. Sept 2019; 43(5):950-962.
  11. Hoover DS, Spears CA, Vidrine DJ, et al. Smoking Cessation Treatment Needs of Low SES Cervical Cancer Survivors. American Journal of Health Behavior. May 2019;43(3): 606-620.
  12. Matheny JD, Stevens EM, Chen SX, Christiansen BA, Kowitt SD, Osman A, Vidrine DJ. Ilse RICO3 Verdict and Corrective Statements: Catalysts for Policy Change? Tobacco Regulatory Science. May 2019;5(3):206-228.
  13. Pineiro B, Wetter DW, Vidrine DJ, et al. Quitline treatment dose predicts cessation outcomes among safety net patients linked with treatment via Ask-Advise-Connect. Prev Med Rep. March 2019;13:262-267
  14. Stevens EM, Frank D, Codispoti M, Kypriotakis G, Cinciripini PM, Claiborne K, Deweese MM, Engelmann JM, Green CE, Karam-Hage M, Minnix JA, Ng J, Robinson JD, Tyndale RF, Vidrine DJ, Versace F. The Late Positive Potentials Evoked by Cigarette-Related and Emotional Images Show no Gender Differences in Smokers. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):3240.
  15. Vidrine DJ, Frank-Pearce SG, Vidrine JI, et al. Efficacy of Mobile Phone-Delivered Smoking Cessation Interventions for Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Individuals: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Intern Med. Feb. 2019; 179(2): 167-174
  16. Daly AT, Deshmukh AA, Vidrine DJ, et al. Cost-effectiveness analysis of smoking cessation interventions using cell phones in a low-income population. Tob Control. January 2019;28(1):88-94
  17. Bui TC, Scheurer ME, Pham VT, Tran LT, Hor LB, Vidrine DJ, Ross MW, Markham CM. Intravaginal practices and genital human papillomavirus infection among female sex workers in Cambodia. J Med Virol. Nov. 2018; 90(11): 1765-1774
  18. Prokhorov AV, Khalil GE, Calabro KS, Machado TC, Russell S, Czerniak KW, Botello GC, Chen M, Perez A, Vidrine DJ, Perry CL. Mobile Phone Text Messaging for Tobacco Risk Communication Among Young Adult Community College Students: Protocol and Baseline Overview for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. Oct. 2018; 7(10):e10977.
  19. Savin MJ, Frank-Pearce SG, Pulvers K, Vidrine DJ. The association between lifetime polytobacco use and intention to quit among HIV-positive cigarette smokers. Drug Alcohol Depend. October 2018;191:152-158.
  20. Vidrine DJ, Frank SG, Savin MJ, et al. HIV Care Initiation: A Teachable Moment for Smoking Cessation? Nicotine Tob Res. August 2018;20(9):1109-1116.
  21. Hoover DS, Wetter DW, Vidrine DJ, Nguyen N, Frank SG, Li Y, Waters AJ, Meade CD, Vidrine JI. Enhancing Smoking Risk Communications: The Influence of Health Literacy and Message Content. Ann Behav Med. February 2018;52(3): 204-15.
  22. Reitzel LR, Childress SD, Obasi EM, Garey L, Vidrine DJ, McNeill LH, Zvolensky MJ. Interactive Effects of Anxiety Sensitivity and Subjective Social Status on Psychological Symptomatology in Black Adults. Behav Med. October-December 2017;43:268-76.
  23. Vidrine DJ, Frank SG, Savin MJ, et al. HIV Care Initiation: A Teachable Moment for Smoking Cessation? Nicotine Tob Res. September 2017
  24. Bui TC, Tran LT, Thai TN, Shete SS, Vidrine DJ, Sturgis EM. Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Oral Human Papillomavirus Infection With Multiple Genotypes in the United States. Sex Transm Dis. March 2017; 44(3):166-172
  25. Aigner CJ, Gritz ER, Tami-Maury I, Baum GP, Arduino RC, Vidrine DJ. The role of pain in quitting among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive smokers enrolled in a smoking cessation trial. Subst Abus. February 2017:1-4
  26. Prokhorov AV, Machado TC, Calabro KS, Vanderwater EA, Vidrine D, et al. Developing mobile phone text messages for tobacco risk communication among college students: a mixed methods study. BMC Public Health. January 2017; 17(1):137
  27. Businelle MS, Ma P, Kendzor DE, Frank S, Vidrine DJ, Wetter DW. An ecological momentary intervention for smoking cessation: Evaluation of feasibility and effectiveness. J Med Internet Res. December 2016; 18(12): e321
  28. Businelle MS, Ma P, Kendzor DE, Frank SG, Wetter DW, Vidrine DJ. Using Intensive Longitudinal Data Collected via Mobile Phone to Detect Imminent Lapse in Smokers Undergoing a Scheduled Quit Attempt. J Med Internet Res. October 2016; 18(10):e275
  29. Reitzel LR, Childress SD, Obasi EM, Garey L, Vidrine DJ, et al. Interactive Effects of Anxiety Sensitivity and Subjective Social Status on Psychological Symptomatology in Black Adults. Behav Med. March 2016:1-9.
  30. Nguyen NT, Tran BX, Hwang LY, Markham CM, Swartz MD, Vidrine JI, Phan HT, Latkin CA, Vidrine DJ. Effects of cigarette smoking and nicotine dependence on adherence to antiretroviral therapy among HIV-positive patients in Vietnam. AIDS Care 2016; 28(3):359-364.
  31. Kypriotakis G, Vidrine DJ, Francis LE, Rose JH. The longitudinal relationship between quality of life and survival in advanced stage cancer. Psychooncology 2016; 25(2):225-231.
  32. Farris SG, DiBello AM, Heggeness LF, Reitzel LR, Vidrine DJ, et al. Sustained smoking abstinence is associated with reductions in smoking-specific experiential avoidance among treatment-seeking smokers. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry 2016; 51:51-57.
  33. Bui TC, Tran LT, Hor LB, Scheurer ME, Vidrine DJ, Markham CM. Intravaginal Practices in Female Sex Workers in Cambodia: A Qualitative Study. Arch Sex Behav 2016; 45(4): 935-943.
  34. Buchberg MK, Gritz ER, Kypriotakis G, Arduino RC, Vidrine DJ. The role of BMI change on smoking abstinence in a sample of HIV-infected smokers. AIDS Care. 2016; 28(5): 603-607.
  35. Vidrine DJ, Kypriotakis G, Li L, et al. Mediators of a smoking cessation intervention for persons living with HIV/AIDS. Drug Alcohol Depend 2015; 147:76-80.
  36. Nguyen NT, Tran BX, Hwang LY, Markham CM, Swartz MD, Vidrine JI, Phan HT, Latkin CA, Vidrine DJ. Motivation to quit smoking among HIV-positive smokers in Vietnam. BMC Public Health 2015; 15:326.
  37. Nguyen NP, Tran BX, Hwang LY, Markham CM, Swartz MD, Phan HT, Nong VM, Nguyen CT, Nguyen AH, Latkin CA, Vidrine DJ. Prevalence of cigarette smoking and associated factors in a large sample of HIV-positive patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in Vietnam. PLoS One 2015; 10(2):e0118185.
  38. Buchberg MK, Fletcher FE, Vidrine DJ, et al. A mixed-methods approach to understanding barriers to postpartum retention in care among low-income, HIV-infected women. AIDS Patient Care STDS 2015; 29(3):126-132.
  39. Wefel JS, Vidrine DJ, Marani SK, et al. A prospective study of cognitive function in men with non-seminomatous germ cell tumors. Psychooncology 2014; 23(6):626-633.
  40. Vidrine DJ, Fletcher FE, Buchberg MK, Li Y, Arduino RC, Gritz ER. The influence of HIV disease events/stages on smoking attitudes and behaviors: project STATE (Study of Tobacco Attitudes and Teachable Events). BMC Public Health 2014; 14:149.
  41. Fletcher FE, Vidrine DJ, Tami-Maury I, et al. Cervical cancer screening adherence among HIV-positive female smokers from a comprehensive HIV clinic. AIDS Behav 2014; 18(3):544-554.
  42. Fletcher FE, Buchberg M, Schover LR, Basen-Engquist K, Kempf MC, Arduino RC, Vidrine DJ. Perceptions of barriers and facilitators to cervical cancer screening among low-income, HIV-infected women from an integrated HIV clinic. AIDS Care 2014; 26(10):1229-1235.
  43. Castro Y, Correa-Fernandez V, Cano MA, Mazas C, Gonzalez K, Vidrine DJ, et al. Failure to replicate the structure of a Spanish-language brief Wisconsin Inventory of Smoking Dependence Motives across three samples of Latino smokers. Nicotine Tob Res 2014; 16(9):1277-1281.
  44. Tami-Maury I, Vidrine DJ, Fletcher FE, Danysh H, Arduino R, Gritz ER. Poly-tobacco use among HIV-positive smokers: implications for smoking cessation efforts. Nicotine Tob Res 2013; 15(12):2100-2106.
  45. Gritz ER, Danysh HE, Fletcher FE, Tami-Maury I, Fingeret MC, King RM, Arduino RC, Vidrine DJ. Long-term outcomes of a cell phone-delivered intervention for smokers living with HIV/AIDS. Clin Infect Dis 2013; 57(4):608-615.
  46. Vidrine DJ, Marks RM, Arduino RC, Gritz ER. Efficacy of cell phone-delivered smoking cessation counseling for persons living with HIV/AIDS: 3-month outcomes. Nicotine Tob Res 2012; 14(1):106-110.
  47. Vidrine DJ, Fletcher FE, Danysh HE, et al. A randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of an interactive mobile messaging intervention for underserved smokers: Project ACTION. BMC Public Health 2012; 12:696.
  48. Slomka J, Kypriotakis G, Atkinson J, Diamond PM, Williams ML, Vidrine DJ, et al. Factors associated with past research participation among low-income persons living with HIV. AIDS Patient Care STDS 2012; 26(8):496-505.
  49. King RM, Vidrine DJ, Danysh HE, et al. Factors associated with nonadherence to antiretroviral therapy in HIV-positive smokers. AIDS Patient Care STDS 2012; 26(8):479-485.
  50. Wefel JS, Vidrine DJ, Veramonti TL, et al. Cognitive impairment in men with testicular cancer prior to adjuvant therapy. Cancer 2011;117(1):190-196.
  51. Vidrine DJ, Vidrine JI. Active vs passive recruitment to quitline studies: public health implications. J Natl Cancer Inst 2011; 103(12):909-910.
  52. Vidrine DJ, Hoekstra-Weebers JE, Hoekstra HJ, Tuinman MA, Marani S, Gritz ER. The effects of testicular cancer treatment on health-related quality of life. Urology 2010; 75(3):636-641.
  53. Tuinman MA, Hoekstra HJ, Vidrine DJ, et al. Sexual function, depressive symptoms and marital status in nonseminoma testicular cancer patients: a longitudinal study. Psychooncology 2010; 19(3):238-247.
  54. Fingeret MC, Vidrine DJ, Reece GP, Gillenwater AM, Gritz ER. Multidimensional analysis of body image concerns among newly diagnosed patients with oral cavity cancer. Head Neck 2010; 32(3):301-309.
  55. Vidrine JI, Vidrine DJ, Costello TJ, et al. The Smoking Consequences Questionnaire: Factor structure and predictive validity among Spanish-speaking Latino smokers in the United States. Nicotine Tob Res 2009; 11(11):1280-1288.
  56. Vidrine DJ. Cigarette smoking and HIV/AIDS: health implications, smoker characteristics and cessation strategies. AIDS Educ Prev 2009; 21(3 Suppl):3-13.
  57. Vidrine DJ, Arduino RC, Gritz ER. The effects of smoking abstinence on symptom burden and quality of life among persons living with HIV/AIDS. AIDS Patient Care STDS 2007; 21(9):659-666.
  58. Vidrine DJ. The potential of behavior-change interventions to improve the HIV/AIDS survivorship experience: the example of smoking cessation. Res Initiat Treat Action 2007; 12(2):15-17.
  59. Tuinman MA, Hoekstra HJ, Sleijfer DT, Fleer J, Vidrine DJ, et al. Testicular cancer: a longitudinal pilot study on stress response symptoms and quality of life in couples before and after chemotherapy. Support Care Cancer 2007; 15(3):279-286.
  60. Gritz ER, Vidrine DJ, Fingeret MC. Smoking cessation a critical component of medical management in chronic disease populations. Am J Prev Med 2007; 33(6 Suppl):S414-422.
  61. Fingeret MC, Vidrine DJ, Arduino RC, Gritz ER. The association between body image and smoking cessation among individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Body Image 2007; 4(2):201-206.
  62. Walker MS, Vidrine DJ, Gritz ER, et al. Smoking relapse during the first year after treatment for early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2006; 15(12):2370-2377.
  63. Vidrine DJ, Arduino RC, Lazev AB, Gritz ER. A randomized trial of a proactive cellular telephone intervention for smokers living with HIV/AIDS. AIDS 2006; 20(2):253-260.
  64. Vidrine DJ, Arduino RC, Gritz ER. Impact of a cell phone intervention on mediating mechanisms of smoking cessation in individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Nicotine Tob Res. 2006; 8(Suppl 1):S103-108.
  65. Gritz ER, Fingeret MC, Vidrine DJ, Lazev AB, Mehta NV, Reece GP. Successes and failures of the teachable moment: smoking cessation in cancer patients. Cancer 2006; 106(1):17-27.
  66. Vidrine DJ, Amick BC, 3rd, Gritz ER, Arduino RC. Assessing a conceptual framework of health-related quality of life in a HIV/AIDS population. Qual Life Res 2005; 14(4):923-933.
  67. Vidrine DJ, Amick BC, 3rd, Gritz ER, Arduino RC. Validity of the Household and Leisure Time Activities questionnaire (HLTA) in a multiethnic HIV-positive population. AIDS Care 2004; 16(2):187-197.
  68. Lazev A, Vidrine D, Arduino R, Gritz E. Increasing access to smoking cessation treatment in a low-income, HIV-positive population: the feasibility of using cellular telephones. Nicotine Tob Res 2004; 6(2):281-6.
  69. Gritz ER, Vidrine DJ, Lazev AB, Amick BC, 3rd, Arduino RC. Smoking behavior in a low-income multiethnic HIV/AIDS population. Nicotine Tob Res 2004; 6(1):71-77.
  70. Vidrine DJ, Amick BC, 3rd, Gritz ER, Arduino RC. Functional status and overall quality of life in a multiethnic HIV-positive population. AIDS Patient Care STDS 2003; 17(4):187-197.