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Medical Students Training

Reagan Amason SCS 2024 - Copy

"My name is Reagan Amason and I am a third year here at the OU College of Medicine. I have been involved in research for the Department of Urology since my first year. In that time, I have been able to work with many faculty and residents on many projects both at both OUHSC and the VA hospital. My research has allowed for me to learn more about the field of Urology and be involved in expanding our knowledge around prostate cancer screening and treatment.   The research infrastructure within the Urology Department allows for involvement of medical students to do high level research with faculty and residents. They also have multiple opportunities to travel with the department to conferences around the country. I am very thankful for the intentional involvement of the faculty to include medical students interested in Urology in their research."

The Department of Urology provides clinical and research training to third and fourth-year medical students, both as part of the regular medical curriculum and in the form of electives. 

Third Year Medical Students 

During the two-week "selective" rotation, students are given the freedom to craft their experience between a primarily surgical experience or a primarily outpatient clinical experience.  Students may also choose to follow their patients in the hospital onwards.  Because residents in urology take "home call", we do not expect students on urology rotations to be on call, but students may elect to stay for after-hours cases if work-hour requirements are met.

Fourth Year Medical Students

Students interested in a more intensive urology experience may choose to enroll in a fourth-year elective for 4 weeks.  Most students prefer the 4th year Sub-Internship elective, consisting of close, hands-on training and preparation to become a urology resident.  Special studies rotation in urology is available as a mentorship model research training experience.  This generally requires a relationship with the department and an expectation to work on a particular project, however, interested students should contact the course director for more information on the course and possible research topics.  Finally, for students who are not planning on pursuing a urology residency, but would like in-depth exposure to urology nonetheless, there is a 4-week inpatient/outpatient elective available for students in their fourth year of education.

Students from other medical schools are welcome and encouraged to enroll in the 4-week elective in urology. 

For more information, please contact:
Karen Mills, Senior Education Program Coordinator, at 405-271-6966 ext. 46116,