Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 21941 Active Page: Mission and Aimsid:26932

Mission and Aims


At the University of Oklahoma (OU), our mission is to provide excellent, compassionate, evidence-based maternal-fetal care, teach current and future providers, and conduct research that improves the lives and care of pregnant patients.


The fundamental goal of the training program in Maternal-Fetal Medicine at OU is to train physicians in the clinical, research, and academic principles required to:

  • Have advanced knowledge of obstetrical, medical, and surgical complications of pregnancy and their effects on both mother and fetus
  • Be skilled with prenatal ultrasound and prenatal diagnosis
  • Care directly for women with complicated pregnancies and function as a consultant to obstetricians
  • Have advanced knowledge of newborn adaptation
  • Function effectively in basic and clinical research in MFM to advance the field and remain current despite practicing in a rapidly changing field