Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 22451 Active Page: Patricia Price Browne Prize in Biomedical Ethicsid:22455

Patricia Price Browne Prize in Biomedical Ethics

2022 Recipient: Ezekiel J. Emanuel, MD, PhD


The Patricia Price Browne Prize in Biomedical Ethics recognizes the importance of ethics in confronting the critical biomedical issues of the day.

The goal of the Prize is to foster the development of the highest professional standards in health care through discussions of the ethical issues related to complex healthcare topics. The $10,000 Prize supported by the Children's Medical Research Institute/Patricia Price Browne Distinguished Chair and administered through the University of Oklahoma, College of Medicine will be presented during a visit to the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Campus. The recipient s expected to deliver one formal lecture and participate in informal discussions on ethical issues with students, physicians-in-training, faculty, and the community.

About Patricia Price Browne

Patricia Price Browne, an Oklahoma City resident who was a highly respected and creative worker for the causes of women’s and children’s health stayed true to her personal mottos to “spend time wisely with people and projects that matter” and “work and play out of a sense of love and joy, not duty”. In creating this prize in her memory, friends noted that her innate goodness and straightforward honesty attracted many to her side. Her husband Henry and their two children, Matthew and Whitney, were the people who mattered most to her but her discipline and dedication allowed her to devote significant energy to community causes. Patricia captured the meaning of what it meant to be a quality person; she was leader with a gift for turning dreams into reality. She is remembered for her ability to frame the most complex discussions in the context of “What is the right thing to do?"

Her commitment to health care was constantly reflected in the numerous ways she provided leadership for causes that enhanced the health of women and children. What an amazing record of active participation she illustrated. She was president and a founding board member of Children’s Medical Research Institute, a co-founder of the University of Oklahoma Institute for Breast Health and a founder of the Friends of the Institute for Breast Health and served as its first Chairman. Patricia co-founded the Oklahoma Breast Cancer Project.

Because of her special commitment to health care, Patricia’s friends and family support the Prize as a fitting memorial to her legacy. The emphasis in ethics well reflects Patricia. Through her intellect and integrity, she was able to see beyond the surface and focus on what was genuine and ethical. Her compassion for serving others was based on providing a better life for all. As a tribute to Patricia Price Browne in 2003, husband Henry Browne, Jr., The Friends of Patricia Price Browne Committee, and Children’s Medical Research Institute funded an Endowed Chair in Patricia’s name to ensure quality health care for the children of Oklahoma. The chair proceeds are designated for research and education programs and to establish a $10,000 biennial award in biomedical ethics to physicians, nurses, research scientists and others who demonstrate the highest professional standards in the medical or professional ethics fields.

Nominations are being accepted for the Patricia Price Browne Prize in Biomedical Ethics. The goal of the $10,000 prize is to foster the development of the highest professional standards in health care through discussions of the ethical issues related to complex healthcare topics.

The Prize is supported by the Children’s Medical Research Institute/Patricia Price Browne Distinguished Chair and administered through the University of Oklahoma, College of Medicine.

The Ideal Candidate

The ideal candidate for this Prize would have made an outstanding contribution through active service in medical ethics by serving on appropriate committees or commissions, or by improving the profession’s effectiveness in upholding its ethical standards through advocacy of policies, provision or organization of services. They would be recognized as a role model for addressing ethical issues, be involved in research and medical care and would also be innovative, creative and committed to fundamentally addressing ethical issues in health care.

The Application Process

Candidates must be nominated by a peer. Qualified candidates may be physicians, nurses, research scientists or anyone in the medical or professional ethics fields who demonstrates the highest professional standards in addressing ethical issues relating to healthcare. The nomination packet should include:

  • Candidates' curriculum vitae
  • Statement of evidence in justification of the nomination
  • Up to 5 letters of support/nomination addressed to the Patricia Price Browne Prize Jury
  • A completed nomination form found here: Nomination Form

Submit complete applications and nomination packets to:
Patricia Price Browne Prize Jury
c/o Cindy Dibler 
1200 N. Children’s Ave., Ste. 14000
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Telephone: 405/271-4401

Submission deadline for the 2025 Patricia Price Browne Prize is September 15, 2024.