Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 23196 Active Page: Abstract Submissionid:23197

Abstract Submission

  • Deadline - Wednesday, November 26, 2024 at 11:55 pm.
  • Please submit abstracts using the online submission site  Directions for abstract preparation and submission are as follows (directions also available at online submission site).
  • The abstracts are to be structured in the following manner according to the type of work.
  1. Research: Background, Objective or Hypothesis, Design & Methods, Results, Conclusions
  2. Case Report: Introduction, Case Presentation (history, physical examination, laboratory and radiology results, etc.), and Discussion.
  3. Quality Improvement: Background, Objective, Design & Methods, Results, Discussion
  4.  Advocacy and Other: Format typically used within the specific field
  • Each abstract has a limit of 2500 total characters, including spaces, in the body of the abstract.  That total does NOT include the title, author names, and author affiliations.  Please create your abstract in a text-editing program prior to submission (cut and paste into the online form). You should use the word count tool in the text-editing program to help monitor the number of characters in your submission.
  • No tables, figures or images will be accepted.
  • Reminder: Ethical conduct of scholarly work requires all coauthors to read and approve the content of the abstract.

NOTE:  All trainees who submit an abstract are REQUIRED to identify a faculty member who has served as their mentor and provided oversight on their research.  After the trainee submits their abstract, the mentor will receive an email notification and will be required to review and approve the abstract before final submission.  There is also an option for the mentor to recommend revisions.  In that case, we ask that the mentor communicate those changes directly to the trainee.  The trainee should then revise and resubmit their abstract.  This process is meant to assure that high quality abstracts are submitted.

***You are a trainee if you are a student, resident, fellow, Post Doc, staff and other.***


This page was last revised September 2024.  If you have issues with this site or questions about PRD please email