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The Oklahoma Breastfeeding Resource Center (OBRC)

The OUHSC OB/GYN Lactation section is comprised of the Oklahoma Breastfeeding Resource Center (OBRC). 

  • OBRC mission: to improve breastfeeding outcomes through education, advocacy and research.  
  • OBRC vision: to promote innovative breastfeeding care in an interdisciplinary environment. 
  • OBRC website:  

OBRC is a statewide resource for healthcare providers, organizations, and families, working to improve the care of nursing parents and children. OBRC provides breastfeeding advocacy, education, training and research to promote innovative and interdisciplinary lactation care throughout Oklahoma.  thanks to federal title v funding through the Oklahoma state department of health (OSDH) OBRC offers a variety of lactation related services that are outlined below. 

FREE 24/7 Breastfeeding Hotline

OBRC offers the Oklahoma Breastfeeding Hotline. A free 24/7 service where families, providers, or anyone needing assistance regarding breastfeeding (or with breastfeeding related questions) can contact an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).  

Oklahoma’s Free 24/7 Breastfeeding Hotline 

  • Call: 1-877-271-MILK (6455) 
  • Text: OK2BF to 61222 

FREE & Low-Cost Education

As a statewide resource, OBRC has numerous educational opportunities to help support optimal breastfeeding care by a variety of healthcare providers. Offerings include lectures, online courses, free 1-day & 2-day in person classes, rotations for fellow, resident & student electives, mentoring for lactation related research projects, an annual Summit and more!

Becoming Baby-Friendly in OK (BBFOK) Program

OBRC offers the Becoming Baby-Friendly in Oklahoma (BBFOK) program, a program that helps Oklahoma birthing hospitals to obtain Baby-Friendly Designation. The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is a global program that assists hospitals in giving mothers the information, confidence, and skills necessary to successfully initiate and continue breastfeeding or safely feed with formula, and gives special recognition to hospitals that prioritize this education. The accrediting body and national authority for the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) in the United States, is Baby-Friendly USA (BFUSA).

Advancing Infant and Maternal Health Initiative (AIM-HI)

AIM-HI is a new 3-year initiative (FY25-27) from the Oklahoma Breastfeeding Resource Center (OBRC) funded by a TSET Discovery Grant. AIM-HI seeks to advance infant and maternal health through increased breastfeeding support and evidence-based hospital practices with the goal of reducing Oklahoma’s tragically high obesity rates. Email to enroll your hospital today! Enrollment closes 10/31/24.

OBRC will assist ten (10) rural Oklahoma hospitals by:

  • 100% coverage of all fees requiredduring the journey to Baby-Friendly designation. 
  • Free online didactic education for 30 staff and 10 providers per year
  • Early access for prenatal patients to the Oklahoma Breastfeeding Hotline
  • Free prenatal and postpartum telehealth lactation sessions for patients
  • 100% coverage of pasteurized donor human milk from the Oklahoma Mothers’ Milk Bank during year 1 with some continued coverage for 2 additional years
  • Free annual leadership seminar for teams from each hospital, including travel costs to Oklahoma City, for 3 years.

Support for the Oklahoma Mothers' Milk Bank

OBRC offers leadership support to the Oklahoma Mothers’ Milk Bank (OMMB). The mission of the OMMB is to improve the health of Oklahoma babies through safe donor milk. OMMB collects, screens, processes, and distributes donated human milk to meet the specific medical needs of individuals for whom it is prescribed

Support for the Breastfeeding-Friendly Worksite Program

OBRC offers guidance for hospitals, businesses, organizations, schools, etc. to achieve recognition as a Breastfeeding-Friendly Worksite. This program is headed by the Oklahoma State Department of Health and is monitored by OBRC and the Coalition of Oklahoma Breastfeeding Advocates (COBA).