Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 22853 Active Page: Graduate Assistantshipid:22857

Graduate Assistantship Program

A graduate assistantship (GA) is available to the majority of graduate students within the Department of Radiological Sciences. Occurring ​parallel to the graduate students' academic and research endeavors, the GA allows for the students within the program to gain real-world experience in medical physics ​during the full 2-year academic program. GA participants are assigned to ​work under the supervision of  ​board certified physicists in the following areas:

  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Radiation Safety
  • Diagnostic Radiology
  • Radiation Therapy

The work involved includes (but is not limited to): machine quality testing, patient specific quality assurance, environmental monitoring, and machine calibration and verification. The GA generally grants the recipient a monthly stipend and a reduction in the rate of tuition. The experience gained during these work assignments allow graduate students a valuable "running-start" into their future residencies and career.