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Start Here: Preparing for Promotion & Tenure

Preparing for promotion starts the day you become a faculty member in the College of Medicine. It begins with knowing your appointment type and pathway, and any specific standards identified by your department. Detailed information on the College of Medicine appointment, promotion, and tenure criteria can be found here. Tips for getting started as a new faculty member are located here.  All faculty being considered for promotion are required to enter their COMPLETE curriculum vitae into Activity Insight.

Appointment Types

Appointment types are tenure, tenure track, consecutive term, or limited term. See Section 3.2 of the OUHSC Faculty Handbook as well as the College of Medicine Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Criteria document for additional information and guidance on appointment types.


Faculty in a Tenured appointment have earned the award of tenure granted by the Board of Regents.  Tenured faculty are expected to maintain the level of performance by which they initially earned tenure.


The tenure track is appropriate for faculty who make contributions to the research mission of the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. Typically, faculty who spend a large amount of time on patient care are not appointed to the tenure track. Scholarship is a main focus of faculty on the tenure track.


Consecutive term appointments are not tenure track and are automatically renewed for the next fiscal year unless notification of non-renewal or termination is given. The College of Medicine has designated a subset of the Consecutive Term appointment type referred to as the Flex Period. 

The Flex Period involves an initial Consecutive Term appointment with the option of switching to the Tenure Track within three years.  Thus, upon appointment of a faculty member to the College of Medicine, the decision regarding tenure-earning eligibility may be deferred for up to three years.  With the approval of the department chair, Executive Dean, and Senior Vice President and Provost, up to three years of academic service in a consecutive term appointment may be credited toward the pre-tenure period.  All personnel policies related to Consecutive Term appointments contained in the Faculty Handbook will apply during the Flex Period.


Limited term appointments may be for full- or part-time faculty who hold academic titles such as instructor, lecturer, or associate, or titles modified by prefixes such as visiting, adjunct, or clinical. In the instance of limited term research appointments, the suffix “of Research” shall be used. Any faculty member employed less than 1.0 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE), is assigned a modified title.


P&T Workshop: Your CV

November 19, 2024 and January 16, 2025

Presentation Slides


P&T Workshop: Your Narrative

December 9, 2024 and February 5, 2025

Presentation Slides


P&T Process Training for Support Staff 

February 8, 2023

Presentation Slides

 Watch video here



Am I ready to be promoted?

This decision is made in consultation with your chair, division chief, center director, or immediate supervisor. Your department may also have its own internal structure for making P&T decisions, so check with departmental leadership before proceeding. You are encouraged to also schedule a meeting with a representative of the College of Medicine faculty affairs office several months prior to beginning the promotion process. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss your readiness as well as provide you with information about the timeline and discuss what actions you need to take.

Academic advancement in the College of Medicine is commonly based on five or more years at the current rank, but time is in and of itself not sufficient for consideration to a higher rank. Promotion to Associate Professor requires a sustained record of academic achievement in teaching, research and scholarly activity, and service. Faculty members must be able to document an emerging local, national, and/or international reputation in his or her academic field. Promotion to Professor requires faculty to demonstrate a sustained record of academic accomplishment as well as recognition as a national and / or international leader. Please review the College of Medicine appointment, promotion, and tenure guidelines for more detailed information regarding requirements for each rank.