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Rotations and Training Sites

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center includes the OU Medical Center and the Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, Allied Health, Public Health, Nursing, Pharmacy, and the Graduate College. OU Medical Center, the Oklahoma City VA Medical Center, Dean McGee Eye Institute, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, and the Oklahoma State Department of Health are housed on campus. The Robert M. Bird Health Sciences Library is the largest health library in the state of Oklahoma and houses over 150,000 volumes, subscribes to 2,600 scientific journals, and has on-line computer retrieval facilities. A library with computer retrieval facilities is also available at the VA Medical Center.

Inpatient Consult Services

OU Medical Center is the major educational institution for the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine and is a 350-bed tertiary care medical center with a full complement of supporting clinical departments and ancillary services. It is a Level I Trauma Center, encompasses multiple ICUs, is a NCI-designated Cancer Center, houses a busy hematopoietic stem cell transplant and solid organ service. Fellow complete 4-6 months of inpatient consults at this facility. Approximately 100-120 new consults are seen per month. 

The Oklahoma City VA Medical Center is a 192-bed tertiary care hospital that is integrated into the Health Sciences Center campus and connected via skywalk. The hospital is equipped with full subspecialty support and includes a geriatric unit, long-term care unit, and psychiatric unit. For more information regarding VAMC, click here


Continuity Clinic

Fellows have one-half day of continuity clinic per week in the IDI. The clinic provides follow-up on patients seen on inpatient consultative services and care for patients living with HIV and receiving outpatient antibiotic therapy.  Fellows have the opportunity to provide outpatient consults across all specialties including those with post-operative infections and joint infections, immunosuppressed patients and travel/tropical related infections. Additionally, fellows also have an additional half-day of continuity clinic per week at the VAMC when not on the inpatient consult service at OU Medical Center.  

Stephenson Cancer Center Clinic

Fellows have the opportunity to provide continuity of care for patients living with cancer who have undergone chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or transplant and cellular therapy. Drs Sassine and Wilson-Dib attend the Heme/TCT ID clinic in Oklahoma’s only National Cancer Institute-Designated Cancer Center on a weekly basis every Friday morning.

Solid Organ Transplant Clinic

Fellows have the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary and experienced team in order to become skilled in the evaluation of candidates for solid organ transplant and in the management of infections that occur in the post-transplant period. The clinic is staffed by Dr. Henao Cordero.

Elective Services

Pictured above is the OKC County Health Department where fellows participate in the Travel Medicine and Refugee Clinics.

Antimicrobial Stewardship/Outpatient Parenteral Anti-infective Therapy

Fellows have the opportunity to participate in the AST rotation to gain familiarity with conducting audits and feedback for antimicrobial alerts in a tertiary-care hospital and participate in hospital administrative committee proceedings related to stewardship and infection control. Fellows will be exposed to coordination of care with home health agencies, infusion centers, and nursing facilities to help prevent complications that may occur while on IV antimicrobials. 

Oklahoma City County Health Department STD Clinic

Fellows have the opportunity to participate in the Oklahoma Health Department sponsored STD clinics. These are low-cost clinic that screen and treat common communicable diseases. Fellows interview, examine, and collect specimens from patients that present for evaluation. Fellows also have the opportunity to perform bedside testing for some STDs. Additionally, fellows also have the opportunity to work with the Disease Intervention Specialists within the Acute Disease Service of the Oklahoma State Health Department. The purpose of the Acute Disease Service is to perform surveillance and investigation of infectious diseases outbreaks and evaluate and implement disease prevention and control. 

Travel Medicine Clinic

The Travel Medicine Clinic was developed in conjunction with the Oklahoma City County Health Department. Travel health services include: pre-travel consultation, medications for protection of travelers, immunizations required for international travel, and counseling.  

University of Oklahoma Center for Travel and Immigrant Health

The University of Oklahoma Center for Travel and Immigrant Health was established December 2019 in partnership with Catholic Charities and Spero Project.  The clinic provides medical care to refugees and asylees in accordance to published guidelines for post-arrival screening and treatment of U.S. bound refugees.  Fellows have the opportunity to screen for and treat diseases not typically seen in the continental U.S.  The goal of the rotation is to offer a framework for multidisciplinary training in cross-cultural care, human rights, health disparities, and advocacy in order to train globally-minded, empathetic and culturally-competent physicians.

Clinical Microbiology Rotation

Fellows spend one month at the microbiology lab of OUMC. During the rotation, fellows are expected to select appropriate tests, know basic guidelines for collection, and transportation and processing of specimens. They are also able to understand and discuss common stains and diagnostic and susceptibility testing done in the lab. Fellows also have the opportunity to work with the Department of Microbiology and Immunology

The Section of Infectious Diseases is in the process of developing new electives available in the campus. These include multidisciplinary management of infective endocarditis, additional exposure to hepatitis C, employee health and telehealth. 

Research Elective

Fellows have between 6-8 months dedicated to the development of scholarly activities. These range from the authorship of manuscripts, preparation of conferences for local, national or international meetings. Coursework in areas that include experimental design, analytical methods, statistics, molecular biology, genetics, cell biology, and grant manuscript can also be incorporated based on the fellowship track. Fellows can also work on developing and implementing quality improvement projects.