Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 22461 Active Page: Education & Training id:25613

Education & Training

Training and Professional Development efforts focus on expanding student and community training opportunities, providing professional development experiences for faculty and staff, and conducting seminars on cultural diversity for members of the section. Training included interdisciplinary pre-service training for students in multiple disciplines; state, national and international training to providers in health, education, human services, mental health and juvenile justice; and training on cultural adaptations of evidence-based practices for American Indian children and their families. Our training teams include Master Trainers in a variety of evidence-based practices.

We continued to expand both the number of individuals receiving training and staff with specific expertise to provide high quality interdisciplinary training on a wide range of topics related to children with special needs, and children exposed to abuse, neglect, and/or trauma. The current training programs are described below.

OUHSC-Based Education

Training Activities