Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 22863 Active Page: Message from the Chief Residentsid:24069

Message from the Chief Residents

Welcome from the University of Oklahoma Radiology Residency!

Radiology is one of the most exciting and vital specialties in medicine. The University of Oklahoma Radiology program provides residents with excellent training to begin their career in radiology. We are a medium-sized program matching 6 residents per class. Residents work with fellowship-trained physicians in a myriad of subspecialties, including diagnostic and interventional fields. 

The University of Oklahoma is the only Level One trauma center in the state, which is one of the many facets contributing to the outstanding training our residents receive. In addition, the Children's Hospital is the only children's hospital in the area and the OU Medical Center is a major tertiary referral center. Our program provides services for the OU Medical Center, the Children's Hospital, the VA medical center, the Peggy and Charles Stephenson Cancer Center, OU Edmond, as well as other outpatient clinics. In addition, a brand new bed tower at OU Medical Center has expanded our footprint with new interventional suites and reading rooms.

For those interested in interventional radiology, we offer early specialization in interventional radiology (ESIR) during the fourth year of residency, which allows residents to complete a mini-fellowship in IR. Another benefit of the ESIR program is that the residents who participate in it are able to apply a year's worth of credit to their subsequent interventional radiology independent residency. In addition to the ESIR program, the interventional radiology section has an independent residency that started in the 2020-2021 academic year.

Our residents also have the opportunity to work closely with medical students who rotate through our department. We have recently revamped our medical student education to integrate throughout all years of medical school, including hands-on ultrasound clinics with the residents. 

The training at the University of Oklahoma fully prepares residents for the next step in their career, whether that be into private practice, academics, or fellowship. Our residents are consistently able to obtain highly competitive fellowship positions. 

Fellowship Placement By Year

Neuroradiology - Yale University

Neuroradiology - Medical University of South Carolina

Neuroradiology - University of Wisconsin

Pediatrics - Texas Children's Hospital 

Body - Mayo Clinic Arizona

Oklahoma is also a wonderful place to live with a big city feel, affordable housing and minimal traffic. If you are interested in sports, Oklahoma City has the Oklahoma City Thunder basketball, minor league baseball, hockey, soccer, golf courses, and college football. We also have a growing food scene with new restaurants and bars opening constantly. Other things to do around the city include the boathouse district with Olympic training facilities and one of only three man made white-water facilities in the nation, an outstanding zoo, a philharmonic orchestra, an art district and fine art museum, botanical gardens, Bricktown entertainment district, and excellent shopping.

Thank you for your interest in our program! We hope it’s the right fit for you!


Teddy Tran, DO
Chief Resident
Department of Radiological Sciences
The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center


Jonathon Conatser, DO
Chief Resident
Department of Radiological Sciences
The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center