Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 22025 Active Page: Under-Represented in Medicine Visiting Medical Student id:22032


Under-Represented in Medicine Visiting Medical Student Elective

Our department is seeking students starting their MS4 year who come from an Under-Represented in Medicine background and have demonstrated vision and commitment towards improving the health status of underserved communities. 

Students must display a genuine interest in exploring issues of social determinants of health, population medicine, and access to care as it pertains to Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 

Our aim is to increase access, opportunity, and mentorship for all medical students entering the healthcare workforce and to promote interest in academic medicine.


Four-Week Elective

Two $2000 Stipends Available

DEADLINE TO APPLY: March 15, 2025


July 7 - Aug. 1
Aug. 4 - Aug. 29
Sept. 1 - Sept. 26
Sep. 29 - Oct. 24
Oct. 27 -  Nov. 21

Program FAQs

Who is Eligible to participate?

  • U.S. citizens
  • Economically disadvantaged or of a low socio-economic status (SES) or from a community underserved in medicine.
  • Enrollment as a 4th year medical student or DO equivalent, at an LCME-accredited institution at the time of elective. Must have completed core rotations.
  • Demonstrates commitment to improving the health status of all patient populations.
  • A passing Step 1 score is required with no prior failures.

What are the Expectations of the Program?

  • Complete a four (4) week elective in clinical Otolaryngology in Oklahoma City, OK.
  • A stipend of $2000 will be reimbursed to help cover housing, travel, food, and other living and associated expenses.
  • Mentorship with select Otolaryngology faculty members and residents to provide career and professional guidance as well as a personal connection to the community. Emphasis will be placed on the residency application process.
  • Networking opportunities within the department and medical college at large.
  • Participation in daily clinics and didactics and resident interaction.

How do I Apply?

Please include the following in your application:

  • Curriculum Vitae, including USMLE Step 1 Score Report.
  • Include self-identification of which underrepresented in medicine group you belong to.
  • Please answer the following supplemental questions:
  1. Describe your career goals.
  2. Why are you interested in an elective in Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery at University of Oklahoma?

Please submit your application to:

DEADLINE TO APPLY: Applications are due by March 15, 2025.