Parent Page: Faculty & Staff id: 23375 Active Page: Past ATS Grantsid:26121

Past Academy of Teaching Scholars Grants

Grants Awarded by Year

Project Title

Principal Investigator


Navigating use of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education

Andrea Jones, MD

Family & Preventive Medicine

Enhanced student and resident virtual physical exam training for telemedicine

Blake Lesselroth, MD

Medical Informatics (SCM)

Understanding LGBTQ+ Medical Student Experiences and Challenges in Assessing Program Inclusivity During Virtual Interviews for General Surgery Residency

Alessandra Landmann, MD


Systematic Cultural Competency Training to Medical Students and Professionals on Native American perspectives of Health

Supriya Koya, MD


Training the Trainers: Training Pulmonology Physicians in EUS-B for improving Lung cancer staging

Houssein Youness, MD


What are the advantages of incorporating a hands-on ultrasound simulation in the obstetrics and gynecology clerkship?

Erin Jorgensen, MD

Obstetrics & Gynecology (SCM)

Physician Assistant Students’ Experiences During the Transition to Clinical Rotations

Mary Moon, PhD

Cell Biology

Identifying Implicit Gender Bias within Narrative Feedback for Medical Student Performance Evaluations (MSPEs)s

Stephen Clayton, MD
