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Outpatient Surgery

Outpatient surgery includes any surgical procedure for which the patient is allowed to return home for recovery on the same day. Some of our most common general surgical procedures include:

Hernia Surgery

There are different types of hernias that occur in the abdominal area. Hernias are a condition caused by an organ or internal tissue pushing through the muscles. While not all hernias require surgical treatment, if the patient is experiencing long-term or intense pain, vomiting or if the hernia is unusually fast-growing, surgery is usually recommended. Depending on the individual’s condition, surgery may be done with an open or laparoscopic technique and involves the placement of a mesh patch over the affected tissue area.

Lipoma (Lumps and Bumps)

A lipoma is a lump or area of swelling that can occur anywhere on the body, between the skin and underlying muscle. Lipomas are usually not dangerous and usually do not cause pain, but for cases in which there is pain or if growth is unusually rapid, surgery may be recommended to remove it. Small lipomas, less than two inches in size, can typically be removed quickly through a small incision using a local anesthetic.

Benign Gallbladder Surgery

Small polyps that develop on the gallbladder can sometimes be cancerous and require immediate medical intervention. However, many are benign. In these cases, the typical procedure is to perform an ultrasound to determine the likelihood of the polyp developing cancerous cells and to monitor it periodically for growth or changes. If it is determined that cancer risk is high, surgery to remove the gallbladder is typically recommended and may be done through either an open or laparoscopic procedure.

Thyroid & Parathyroid Disease

Disorders of the thyroid and parathyroid glands occur when the levels of hormones released by the glands are either too high or too low. If left untreated, both of these conditions can lead to more serious health issues throughout the body. Depending on the severity of the patient’s disease, surgery can range in complexity from removing just one lobe of the thyroid to near-total or total removal.

Abdominal, Solid Organ & Intestinal Surgery

Benign conditions of the abdomen, small intestine, spleen, adrenal glands, pancreas, and colon are extremely common. Patients who are diagnosed with mild to moderate cases can usually be treated with a variety of surgical procedures, including open, robotic, and laparoscopic techniques. The most common of these procedures includes partial to total removal of the involved organ.