Anthony M. Alleman, M.D., M.P.H.
This is an exciting time at the OU College of Medicine Department of Radiological Sciences. Our Department has experienced tremendous growth in faculty, comprised of individuals representing all subspecialty areas of Radiology and Diagnostic Medical Physics. We have a strong Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program, three Fellowships, Medical Physics Graduate, Doctoral, Post-Doctoral, and Residency programs.
Our practice encompasses a wide range of experiences including the only Level One Trauma Center in the state, the only freestanding children's hospital in Oklahoma, Oklahoma City VA Medical Center, outpatient clinics, a community hospital in Edmond, and the state's only NCI-Designated Cancer Center, Stephenson Cancer Center. Our residents experience the full spectrum of imaging in radiological sciences with state-of-the-art equipment, exposure to leading edge therapeutic interventions and opportunities to participate in collaborative and translational clinical research.
Our diverse clinical practice and far reaching referral base expose our residents to a rich and diverse collection of clinical cases. Upon completion of our residency program, graduates are able to successfully compete for fellowships and private practice opportunities as they desire.
We are eager to share with you our excitement for the experience at the University of Oklahoma. If you think you would be a good fit for us or one of our programs, please contact us to learn more.
Anthony M. Alleman, M.D., M.P.H.
Bob G. Eaton Chair in Radiological Sciences
Department of Radiological Sciences
The University of Oklahoma College of Medicine