Parent Page: Faculty & Staff id: 23920 Active Page: Faculty Pathwaysid:23762

Faculty Pathways


The traditional criteria for selection of faculty are focused on teaching and research; however for medical education, clinical competence is essential for the majority of the faculty.  It is becoming increasingly difficult to meet the demands of education, research, and patient care in such a way that a faculty member can excel consistently in all three areas.  In order to carry out its societal missions, the College must achieve a balanced faculty which incorporates individuals that can achieve excellence in two areas, and in some cases individuals who devote themselves predominantly to one area. To achieve this goal of a balanced faculty, the College has developed an appointment, promotion, and tenure system which includes seven distinct faculty pathways.

Basic Science Faculty

These are faculty members who spend the majority of their time in extramural funded research and also have a significant teaching responsibility. Basic Science Criteria Table

Research Faculty

These are faculty members who spend nearly their entire time involved in research and who have minimal teaching responsibility. Research Criteria Table

Clinician Scientist

These are faculty members with clinical responsibilities who spend significant time in basic or clinical research and who have teaching responsibilities. Clinician Scientist Criteria Table

Clinician Educator

These are faculty members who spend the majority of their time in clinical teaching and practice-related activities. Clinician Educator Criteria Table

(Curious about the differences in Clinician Educator and Clinician? See Comparison document.)


These are faculty members who spend their time exclusively in clinical practice or practice-related activities and have limited interaction with students, residents and fellows in an educational context. Clinician Criteria Table (updated Jan 2023)

Faculty Educator

These are faculty members who spend nearly their entire time involved in the educational activities related to medical student, PA student, and other health professions student curricular activities. Faculty Educator Criteria Table

Quality/Patient Safety

These are faculty members with clinical responsibilities who spend significant time in quality improvement and patient safety initiatives. QI/ Patient Safety Criteria Table