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Biochemistry Graduate Programs

The Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology offers programs leading to the MS,  PhD or MD/PhD degrees. These are research-based programs that provide outstanding interdisciplinary education and research opportunities.

Our 24 Primary Faculty and Adjunct Faculty have well-funded programs studying the molecular basis of genetic, bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases in projects that include control of gene expression, DNA replication and rearrangement, cell migration, signaling mechanisms, membrane biology and membrane trafficking pathways, structural biology and assembly of macromolecular complexes, and glycobiology.

The campus is well-equipped with Core Facilities to assist high-technology research, and all departments as well as Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation have active seminar programs. Seminars allow students the opportunity to meet distinguished visiting scientists from academic, technological and government institutions all over the country as well as international speakers.

Oklahoma City offers a vibrant downtown area and there are over 77,000 parks and recreational activities within the state. The State's numerous lakes provide more miles of shoreline than the east and west coasts combined. Oklahoma invests heavily in cultural activities and ranks 17th nationally in per capita spending on the arts. Click here for more information on Oklahoma City.

Financial Support

All students in good standing in the Biochemistry & Molecular Biology PhD Program are supported as Graduate Research Assistants with an annual stipend (currently $26,000) plus medical insurance and tuition waivers.

Academic Programs

PHD Program

Our research-intensive PhD program is designed to prepare students for successful careers as scientists in many occupations, such as academic research (in universities, research institutes or government laboratories), biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, teaching, health and biomedical science management, regulatory organizations and science policy. The Biochemistry & Molecular  Biology faculty is augmented by adjunct faculty at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF), a private research institution across the street from our campus. Students can carry out their research on campus or at OMRF.

Most students enter the Biochemistry PhD program through the interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences (GPIBS).

Students who wish to enter the Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Program directly can apply through the Admissions and Records web page.

Our PhD program is structured so that almost all coursework is completed in the first 1 1/2 years. In the first year students rotate through three or more research labs to find a good match for their dissertation research. The qualifying examination is completed in the Spring of the second year, and consists of writing and orally defending a research proposal based on the proposed dissertation project. After that, the student engages almost full time in research, honing presentation skills in Journal Clubs and the departmental Workshops, and attending seminars. Students can also present their research at the annual campus Graduate Research and Technology Symposium in which they can win travel grants to attend and present research at national meetings. 

MD/PHD Program

Students can also enter the Biochemistry & Molecular Biology program as the PhD component of an MD/PhD combined program. These highly-selected students enter Medical School and complete the pre-clinical 2-year curriculum, then come into the second year of the PhD program. After completing their PhD, they return to medical school for the 2-year clinical curriculum. MD/PhD students receive a stipend throughout their studies. Details of the program and application procedures are here.

MS Program

Our Master of Science program is designed to qualify graduates for jobs as lab managers or research managers in academic research or biotechnology companies. The program is very flexible and course work is determined by the student's previous experience and career aspitations. The program is thesis-driven, with emphasis on research experimental planning and interpretation of results.

Professional Programs

The Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology provides classes to students enrolled in the professional degree programs of MD, PharmD and DDS in the Colleges of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry. For information about entry to these programs, please visit the College of MedicineCollege of Pharmacy or College of Dentistry web sites.