Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 22845 Active Page: Neuroradiology Fellowshipid:35039

The Neuroradiology Fellowship Program


The section of neuroradiology offers a 1-year diagnostic neuroradiology program that is fully accredited by the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). We participate in the Radiology Specialty Match sponsored by the National Residents Matching Program (NRMP) and applicants must register for the match.  There are 8 neuroradiologists in the section who are dedicated to teaching and patient care.  

Prior to appointment in the program, applicants must have completed an ACGME-accredited residency programs, AOA approved residency programs, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC)-accredited or College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC)-accredited residency programs located in Canada, or in residency programs with ACGME International (ACGME-I) Advanced Specialty Accreditation. This residency must be in Diagnostic Radiology. All applicants must be eligible to take the ABR Core Examination or the AOBR Diagnostic Radiology Combined Physics and Diagnostic Imaging Written Exam.

What to expect:

1. The fellow will receive one-on-one training from neuroradiology faculty in the following areas: general neuroradiology, pediatric neuroradiology, head and neck radiology, spine radiology, and vascular neuroradiology.
2. Training in neurological nuclear medicine will be provided by nuclear medicine faculty. Training in interpretation of cerebral doppler ultrasound will be provided by neurological ICU physicians.
3. The fellow will perform and interpret conventional cerebral angiography with the neurointerventional attendings. Training in spine biopsies will be provided by interventional radiology attendings. Training in the performance of lumbar punctures, myelograms, and cisternograms will be from neuroradiology attendings.
4. A large volume of diverse pathology is imaged at OU health, and this will be a benefit to the fellows training. The fellow will also participate in tumor boards and journal clubs.

For further questions about applications please reach out to Jennifer Schlegel.

For more information about our neuroradiology section please, click here.