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Academic and Student Success

Course Scheduling

Pre-Clinical Course Scheduling

During the first two years of medical school, all students will complete the same pre-clinical coursework. Once students have successfully completed all compliance-related requirements, students will be automatically enrolled in their pre-clinical coursework.

Clinical Course Scheduling

Students in the third and fourth year will complete the clinical curriculum. Students must take and pass Step 1 of the USMLE prior to being promoted to the third year. MS3 requirements include core clerkships in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Surgery as well as two Selectives. Clerkship and course schedules are assigned based on a lottery. MS4 requirements include two Selectives, a fourth-year Capstone course, a 4-week Subinternship rotation, and 22 weeks of Elective courses.

Academic Advising


Three exams (Steps 1, 2, and 3) comprise a uniform route to licensure. Students must register and complete the USMLE Step 1 exam during their second year of medical school and complete USMLE Step 2 (CK) during their fourth year.


Step 1

  • Register during October through December
  • Take Step 1 between May and June (recommended early June)
  • Optional study guides are UWorld Qbank (about $400) and DIT (about $750)

Step 2 

  • Register February through April during third year
  • Take CK during Capstone course (recommended July or August)
  • Study Materials
    • UWorld Qbank, Master the Boards, FirstAid