Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 23512 Active Page: Researchid:24299



Internal medicine residents at the University of Oklahoma are given resources, education, mentorship and time to participate in research at various levels throughout their training, regardless of research background.
Our Research Curriculum, headed by Dr. Gabe Vidal, is divided into two parts. During the fall semester, all residents are exposed to a series of introductory lectures to clinical research. The goal is to expose all residents to the basics of research and resources available on campus. In the spring semester, residents have the opportunity to participate in small group sessions designed in a partnership with the Hudson College of Public Health. These sessions allow residents to have a more in-depth look into biostatistics and epidemiology.
Residents who choose to complete a research elective month are paired with a research mentor in an area of their choosing. The goal is to provide longitudinal mentorship on projects that will ultimately lead to publications. Residents and their faculty mentors have access to the Oklahoma Shared Clinical and Translational Resources (OSCTR) and the Biostatistics and Epidemiology Research Design and Analysis Center (BSE RDAC). These Centers/Cores are able to provide research services that can further a resident's career and scholarly performance.