Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 23099 Active Page: Bleeding and Clotting Disordersid:23100

Bleeding and Clotting Disorders

This department, known as the Oklahoma Center for Bleeding and Clotting Disorders (OCBCD), is lead by board certified hematologist-oncologists accompanied by a certified hemophilia and thrombophilia physician assistant, a nurse practitioner, nurse coordinators, a case manager, and a physical therapist. The goal of the OCBCD is to help patients live independently and productively.  The center is comprised of many different specialty areas for the best quality personalized care.

Hemophilia Treatment Center

The goal of our services is to help patients live independently and productively.  Personalized medical care and emotional support from hemophilia treatment specialists - both for children and adults - make this a reality every day.  Visits to the center typically include:

  • blood draws,
  • infusions,
  • orthopedics consultation, including movement assessments,
  • dental evaluation and care,
  • pain control consultation, and
  • reviews of financial and insurance circumstances.

     Communication is a key component of our treatment.  With occasional school, worksite and home visits by our health care team, a patient and family can gain important perspectives and advice based on a first-hand view of the environment.  Special luncheons are held regularly for all of our families.  During these, patients and faimly members alike share support, ideas and provide some of the best teaching possible fro their personal experiences.  Our team also collaborates with our patients' primary care doctors to enhance continuity of care. 

Thrombophilia Care

Children and adolescents with conditions causing excessive blood clotting, known as thrombophilia, receive expert treatment from board certified, pediatric hematologist-oncologists.  These children receive individualized medical and lifestyle management for their hereditary clotting disorders, or history of thromobosis, stroke or pulmonary emboli. Care is provided for high-risk children who, due to a family history of excessive clotting or inherited mutations, may also be at increased risk for clotting episodes
Through effective interventions that affect the coagulation of the blood and close medical monitoring, those with thrombophilia are able to live active lifestyles with confidence.

Factor @ Home

The Factor @ Home program allows people with hemophilia to use clotting-factor replacement therapy at home to manage bleeding problems.  In addition to the convenience that home treatment offers, it helps patients avoid serious complications from hemophilia.  Prompt treatment means that pain, dysfunction and long-term disability are decreased.  Significant cost savings are also passed along to patients.

Patients who obtain clotting factor supplies through Factor @ Home support OCBCD so that services, such as medical treatment, nursing, and physical therapy remain available.  This is especially critical since funding of non-profit centers like OCBCD is often inadequate.