Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 22787 Active Page: Application Informationid:22789

Application and Selection Process

Internship and Academic Preparation
Applicants must have completed all of the requirements for an APA/CPA-approved doctoral program in psychology and a one-year APA/CPA approved internship including dissertation before the beginning of the program. The Program will also accept applications from individuals who have completed all requirements of a university based APA/CPA-approved program of postdoctoral education for retraining in clinical or counseling psychology. 

** Application materials for the open Child Clinical position need to be submitted directly to Psychology Training

  • Letters of reference can be submitted by the letter writer to that address, with the applicant's name in the subject line. 
  • Deadline for submission is July 1, 2025.

Applications need to be submitted through the APPIC Psychology Postdoctoral Application Centralized Application System (APPA-CAS). The Deadline for applications is January 3, 2025.  Each applicant is required to submit a complete set of application materials.  In order to have your application reviewed the following are required; Central Application form, curriculum vitae, a cover letter stating professional goals for the residency and graduate transcript.

Uploaded material should include: 

    1. A letter of interest, including a discussion of training and career goals, including the status of your dissertation and/or completeness of all doctoral degree requirements.
    2. A copy of your curriculum vitae containing background information, academic and clinical experience.
    3. Three letters of reference.
    4. A copy of your graduate transcript.

The Postdoctoral Training Director and selection committees for each area will be reviewing the applications.  Interviews will be scheduled between January 20-February 7, 2025.  All interviews are on an invitation-only basis and the program will be doing virtual interviews. However, please plan for a full interview day schedule. Telephone interviews are also available. Offers will be made outside of the APPIC Notification Date.  ** Program Orientation will be conducted on the following dates: Friday, Jan. 10, Weds., Jan. 15 and Friday, Jan. 17.  Interviews will be scheduled and conducted according to faculty and candidate availability.**

The Residency start date is the last working day of August.

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