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Coaching Program

The coaching program at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center was established in 2018. This innovative program is designed to promote individual resident observation, reflection, and feedback throughout training in order to develop the habits of life-long learning and effective self-reflection.

The primary aim of our residency program is helping trainees reach their full potential. In pursuit of this aim, we work hard to develop all faculty in providing effective feedback; with multiple annual workshops, grand rounds, and virtual trainings. Aside from a robust patient base, nothing is more important to the learner than effective feedback and support, but the learner has to be ready to receive the information without feeling attacked or ashamed. We stress the importance of developing a growth mindset and leaning in to the discomfort that often comes with vulnerability. Our Coaching Program was developed to further facilitate resident development in part by uncoupling the feedback process from formal assessment, and in part through the longitudinal pairing of each resident with a dedicated, highly qualified coach who shapes, supports and develops them over time.


Alexander Tamara

Tamara Alexander, MD

Assistant Professor

Behere Shashank

Shashank Behere, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatric Cardiology

Doolittle Rose

Rose Doolittle, MD

Assistant Professor

Hahn Devon

Devon Hahn, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatric Hospital Medicine and General and Community Pediatrics


Christina Harris, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatric Hospital Medicine

Laura Haws637364809449950814

Laura Haws, MD, FAAP

Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine

Morgan Katie

Katie Morgan, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatric Hospital Medicine

Peterson Nick

Nick Peterson, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Safarulla Azif

Azif Safarulla, MD

Assistant Professor,  Neonatal Perinatal Medicine


Amy Sparkman, MD

Assistant Professor, Pediatric Emergency Medicine

PEM Simulation Director

John H. Steumky, MD Endowed Professorship