PubMed Links to Publications
- D Somerville, S Dore, KL Humphreys, N Verdiglione, S Zhou,
R Hamm, R Fiene, K Kapp, BH Levi. Comparison of the state online
mandated reported trainings. APSAC Advisor 2022; 34(1): 20-39
- Panlilio DD, Famularo L, Masters J, Dore S, Verdiglione N, Yang CW, Lehman E, Hamm RM, Fiene R, Bard D, Kapp KM, Levi BH. Integrating Validity Evidence to Revise a Child Abuse Knowledge Test for Early Childhood Education Providers: A Mixed Methods Approach. American Journal of Evaluation. EPUB 11-22-2021 DOI: 10.1177/10982140211002901
- Dwyer CP, MacNeela P, Durand H, O’Connor LL, Main CJ, McKenna-Plumley PE, Hamm RM, et al. Effects of Biopsychosocial Education on the Clinical Judgments of Medical Students and GP Trainees Regarding Future Risk of Disability in Chronic Lower Back Pain: A Randomized Control Trial. Pain Med. May 2020; 21(5): 939-950.
- Kapp KM, Dore S, Fiene R, Grable B, Panlilio C, Hamm RM, Yang C, Lehman EB, Mincemoyer C, Verdiglione N, Levi BH. Cognitive Mapping for Ilookout for Child Abuse: An Online Training Program for Early Childhood Professionals. Online J Distance Educ Elearn. April 2020; 8(2): 80-89.
- Yang C, Panlilio C, Verdiglione N, Lehman EB, Hamm RM, Fiene R, Dore S, Bard DE, Grable B, Levi B. Generalizing findings from a randomized controlled trial to a real-world study of the iLookOut, an online education program to improve early childhood care and education providers’ knowledge and attitudes about reporting child maltreatment. PLoS One. Jan. 2020; 15(1): e0227398
- Hamm RM, Djulbegovic B, Grade-informed guideline panel discussions change participants’ views regarding proposed practices. Medical Decision Making. Jan. 2020; 40(1): E22-23
- Hamm RM, Nagykaldi ZJ. Physician Judgment and Clinical Practice Guidelines. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making. Sept. 2018;12(3):209-214
- Mayrhofer T, Hamm RM, Van den Ende J, Hozo I, Djulbegovic B. The predicament of patients with suspected Ebola. Lancet Glob Health 2017;5:e657.
- Quitoriano J, Hamm RM. In patients suspected of cognitive decline, what is the most accurate in-office screening instrument to determine if there is dementia needing further evaluation and management? J Okla State Med Assoc 2017;110:454-7.
- Hamm RM, Yang H. Alternative lens model equations for dichotomous judgments about dichotomous criteria. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 2017; 30(2): 527-532.
- Dwyer CP, Reynolds B, MacNeela P, Hamm RM, Conneely S, Durand H, Slattery BW, Main CJ, O’Neill C, NicGabhainn S, Murphy AW, Kropmans T, McGuire BE. The effectiveness of a biopsychosocial e-learning intervention on the clinical judgments of medical students and GP trainees regarding future risk of disability in chronic lower back pain patients: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open2016;6:e010407doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010407
- Djulbegovic B, Hamm RM, Mayrhofer T, Hozo I, Van den Ende J. Rationality, practice variation and person-centred health policy: a threshold hypothesis. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2015; 21:1121-1124 (doi:10.1111/jep.12486).
- Djulbegovic B, Van den Ende J, Hamm RM, Mayrhofer T, Hozo I, Pauker SG. When is rational to order a diagnostic test, or prescribe treatment: the threshold model as an explanation of practice variation. European Journal of Clinical Investigation 2015; 45(5):485-493. (doi: 10.1111/eci.12421).
- Hamm RM, Beasley WH, Johnson WJ. A balance beam aid for instruction in clinical diagnostic reasoning. Medical Decision Making 2014; 34(7):854-862 (doi: 10.1177/ 0272989X14529623).
- Hamm RM, Beasley WH. The balance beam metaphor: A perspective on clinical diagnosis. Medical Decision Making 2014; 34(7):841-853 (doi: 10.1177/0272989X145 28755).
- Hamm RM. Figure and ground in physician misdiagnosis: metacognition and diagnostic norms. Diagnosis 2014; 1(1): 29-33.
- Yang H, Thompson C, Hamm RM, Bland M, Foster A. The effect of improving task representativeness on capturing nurses’ risk assessment judgments: A comparison of written case simulations and physical simulations. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2013; 13: 62.
- Scheid DC, Hamm RM, Ramakrishnan K, McCarthy LH, Mold JW. Improving colorectal cancer screening in family medicine: an Oklahoma Physicians Resource/Research Network (OKPRN) study. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 2013; 26(5):498-507.
- Aspy CB, Hamm RM, Schauf KJ, Mold JW, Flocke S. Interpreting the psychometric properties of the components of primary care instruments in an elderly population. Journal of Family and Community Medicine 2012; 19(2): 119-124.
- Tolma E, Batterton C, Hamm RM, Thompson D, Engelman KK. American Indian women and screening mammography: findings from a qualitative study in Oklahoma. American Journal of Health Education 2012; 43(1):18-30.
- McCree DH, Daley EM, Gorbach PM, Hamm RM, Sharpe PA, Brandt HM, McFarlane M, Kerndt P, McDermott RJ, Perrin KM, St. Lawrence JS. Awareness of diagnosis and knowledge of HPV in women patients: data from a multi-site study. American Journal of Health Education 2010; 41(4):197-205.
- Mold JW, Hamm RM, McCarthy LH. The law of diminishing returns in clinical medicine: how much risk reduction is enough? Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 2010; 23(3): 371-375.
- Tucker P, Candler C, Hamm RM, Smith EM, Hudson JC. Assessing changes in medical student attitudes toward non-traditional human sexual behaviors using a confidential audience response system. Sex Education 2010; 10(1): 37-45.
- Hamm RM, Fetters NL, Mui JW, Li Y, Papa FJ, and Aldrich DG. A comparison of different tutorial materials for teaching chest pain diagnosis. Journal of Physician Assistant Education. 2009; 20(3): 6-14.
- Weinrich SP, Seger RE, Rao GS, Chan EC, Hamm RM, Godley PA, Moul JW, Powell IJ, Chodak GW, Taylor KL, Weinrich MC. A decision aid for teaching limitations of prostate cancer screening. Journal of the Black Nurses Association 2008; 19(1): 1-11.
- Brehaut JC, Hamm R, Majumdar S, Papa F, Lott A, Lang E. Cognitive and social issues in emergency medicine knowledge translation: a research agenda. Academic Emergency Medicine 2007; 14(11): 984-990.
- Hamm RM, Bard DE, Hsieh E, Stein HF. Contingent or universal approaches to patient deficiencies in health numeracy. Medical Decision Making 2007; 27(5): 635-637.
- Hamm RM, Reiss DM, Paul RK, Bursztajn HJ. Knocking at the wrong door: insured workers’ inadequate psychiatric care and workers’ compensation claims. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 2007; 30(4-5): 416-426.
- McFall SL, Hamm RM, Volk RJ. Exploring beliefs about prostate cancer and early detection in men and women of three ethnic groups. Patient Education and Counseling 2006; 61(1): 109-116.
- Hamm RM. Theory about heuristic strategies based on verbal protocol analysis: the emperor needs a shave. Medical Decision Making 2004; 24(6): 681-686.
- Scheid DC, Hamm RM. Acute bacterial rhinosinusitis in adults: Part I. Evaluation. American Family Physician 2004; 70(9): 1685-1692. Reprinted in South African Family Practice 2005; 47(6): 22-26, and (both parts combined) in translation in медицина неотложных состояний (Medicine: Emergency Conditions) 2006; 5(6): 44-54.
- Scheid DC, Hamm RM. Acute bacterial rhinosinusitis in adults: Part II. Treatment. American Family Physician 2004; 70(9): 1697-1704.
- Juniper KC, Oman RF, Hamm RM, Kerby DS. The relationship between constructs in the health beliefs model and the transtheoretical model among African American college women for physical activity. American Journal of Health Promotion 2004; 18(5): 354-357.
- Beck JK, Logan KJ, Everhart PD, Hamm RM, Sproat SM, Musser KM, McDermott HM, Copeland KC. Reimbursement for pediatric diabetes intensive case management: a model for chronic diseases? Pediatrics 2004; 113: e47-50. full/113/1/e47
- Scheid DC, Coleman MT, Hamm RM. Do perceptions of risk and quality of life affect use of hormone replacement therapy by postmenopausal women? Journal of the American Board of Family Practice 2003; 16(4): 270-277.
- Mold JW, Hamm R, Scheid D. Evidence-based medicine meets goal-directed health care. Family Medicine 2003; 35(5): 360-364.
- Bursztajn HJ, Paul RK, Reiss DM, Hamm RM. Forensic psychiatric evaluation of workers’ compensation claims in a managed care context. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 2003; 31(1): 117-119.
- McFall SL, Hamm RM. Interpretation of prostate cancer screening events and outcomes: a focus group study. Patient Education and Counseling 2003; 49(3): 207-218.
- Sparks RA, Scheid D, Loemker V, Stader E, Reilly K, Hamm R, McCarthy L. Association of cervical cryotherapy with inadequate follow-up colposcopy. Journal of Family Practice 2002; 51(6): 526-529.
- Scheid DC, Hamm RM, Crawford SA. Measuring academic production. Family Medicine 2002; 34(1): 34-44.
- Scheid DC, McCarthy LH, Lawler FH, Hamm RM, Reilly KEH. Screening for microalbuminuria to prevent nephropathy in diabetic patients: a systematic review of the evidence. Journal of Family Practice 2001; 50(8): 661-668.
- Amyx D, Mowen JC, Hamm RM. Who really wants health care choice? Journal of Management in Medicine 2000; 14(5-6): 272-290.
- Amyx D, Mowen JC, Hamm R. Patient satisfaction: a matter of choice. Journal of Services Marketing 2000; 14(7): 557-572.
- Scheid DC, Hamm RM, Crawford SA. Measuring academic production -- caveat inventor. Academic Medicine 2000, 75(10): 993-995.
- Scheid DC, Hamm RM, Stevens KW. Cost effectiveness of human immunodeficiency virus postexposure prophylaxis for healthcare workers. Pharmacoeconomics 2000; 18(4): 355-368.
- Ganiats TG, Carson RT, Hamm RM, Cantor SB, Sumner W, Spann SJ, Hagen MD, Miller C. Population-based time preferences for future health outcomes. Medical Decision Making 2000; 20(3): 263-270.
- Mold JW, Hamm RM, Jafri B. The effect of labeling on perceived ability to recover from acute illnesses and injuries. Journal of Family Practice 2000; 49(5): 437-440.
- Smith SL, Hamm RM. Patient certification through mutual problem lists. Military Medicine 1998; 163(11): 786-788.
- Hamm RM. Characterizing individual strategies illuminates nonoptimal behavior. PSYCOLOQUY 1998; 9(49).
- Hamm RM, Loemker V, Reilly K, Johnson G, Dubois P, Staveley-O’Carroll K, Brand J, Owens T, Smith K. A clinical decision analysis of cryotherapy compared with expectant management for cervical dysplasia. Journal of Family Practice 1998; 47(3): 193-201.
- Hamm RM, Smith SL. The accuracy of patients’ judgments of disease probability and test sensitivity and specificity. Journal of Family Practice 1998; 47(1): 44-52.
- Bursztajn HJ, Hamm RM, Gutheil TG. Beyond the black letter of the law: an empirical study of an individual judge’s decision process for civil commitment hearings. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 1997; 25(1): 79-94.
- Hamm RM, Hicks RJ, Bemben DA. Antibiotics and respiratory infections: do antibiotic prescriptions improve outcomes? Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association 1996; 89(8): 267-274. (see Honors/Awards section)
- Hamm RM, Hicks RJ, Bemben DA. Antibiotics and respiratory infections: are patients more satisfied when expectations are met? Journal of Family Practice 1996; 43(1): 56-62.
- Lawler F, Cacy JR, Viviani N, Hamm RM, Cobb SW. Implementation and termination of a computerized medical information system. Journal of Family Practice 1996; 42(3): 233-236.
- Hamm RM. Physicians neglect base rates, and it matters. Comment on Koehler. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1996; 19(1): 25-26.
- Hamm RM, Zubialde J. Physicians’ expert cognition and the problem of cognitive biases. Primary Care 1995; 22(2): 181-212.
- Bergus G, Hamm RM. Clinical practice. How physicians make medical decisions and why medical decision making can help. Primary Care 1995; 22(2): 167-180.
- Bergus GR, Cantor SB, Ebell MH, Ganiats TG, Glasziou PP, Hagen MD, Hamm RM, Lawler FH, Murray JF. A glossary of medical decision-making terms. Primary Care 1995; 22 (2): 385-393.
- Hicks RJ, Hamm RM, Bemben DA. Prostate cancer screening: what family physicians believe is best. Archives of Family Medicine 1995; 4(4): 317-322.
- Hamm RM. Calculator spreadsheets, Section III: what was the lethal effect of Red Cross cigarettes in WWII? SCRC Research News 1994; 8(2): 27-31.
- Hamm RM. Spreadsheet calculators, Section II: the need for spreadsheet calculators. SCRC Research News 1994; 8(1): 6-10.
- Bemben DA, Winn P, Hamm RM, Morgan L, Davis A, Barton E. Thyroid disease in community-dwelling elders: Part 1: prevalence of subclinical and overt hypothyroidism. Journal of Family Practice 1994; 38(6): 577-582.
- Bemben DA, Hamm RM, Morgan L, Winn P, Davis A, Barton E. Thyroid disease in community-dwelling elders: Part 2: predictability of subclinical hypothyroidism. Journal of Family Practice 1994; 38(6): 583-588.
- Hamm RM. Underweighting of base-rate information reflects important difficulties people have with probabilistic inference. PSYCOLOQUY 1994; 5(3): http://www.cogsci.ecs.
- Howe CW, Smith MG, Bennett L, Brendecke CM, Flack JE, Hamm RM, Mann R, Rozaklis L, Wunderlich K. The value of water supply reliability in urban water systems. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 1994; 26(1): 19-30.
- Hamm RM. Calculators on spreadsheets for clinical decision making and research. South Central Research Consortium (SCRC) Research News 1993; 7(2): 12-15.
- Hamm RM. Clinical decision making calculators on spreadsheet. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Primary Care Research Methods and Statistics Conference. San Antonio, TX: University of Texas Health Science Center; 1993.
- Hamm RM. Modeling expert forecasting knowledge for incorporation in expert systems. Journal of Forecasting 1993; 12(2): 117-137.
- Hamm RM. Explanations for common responses to the blue/green cab probabilistic inference word problem. Psychological Reports 1993; 72(1): 219-242.
- Hamm RM. Cost-effectiveness analysis: don’t let the troubles of the Oregon Plan put you off! STFM Research News 1992; 6(4): 15-17.
- Hamm RM. Evaluation of relative importance judgment methods in the context of causal prediction. (ARI Research Note 92-79). Alexandria, VA: Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences; 1992: 40 pages.
- Bursztajn HJ, Chanowitz B, Gutheil TG, Hamm RM. Micro-effects of language on risk perception in drug prescribing behavior. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 1992; 20(1): 59-66.
- Hamm RM, Miller M, Ling R. Preferences, beliefs, and values in negotiations concerning aid to Nicaragua. Public Choice 1992; 74(1): 79-103.
- Hamm RM. Accuracy of alternative methods for describing experts’ knowledge of multiple influence domains. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1991; 29(6): 553-556.
- Hamm RM. Judgments of probability and relative importance in a military decision scenario: the influence of subjective and objective variations in causal factors (ARI Technical Report 931). Alexandria, VA: Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences; 1991: 62 pages.
- Hamm RM. Selection of verbal probabilities: a solution for some problems of verbal probability expression. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 1991; 48(2): 193-223.
- Bursztajn H, Chanowitz B, Kaplan E, Gutheil TG, Hamm RM, Alexander V. Medical and judicial perceptions of the risks associated with use of antipsychotic medication. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 1991; 19(3): 271-275.
- Hamm RM. Comparison of five methods for expressing the relative importance of causal factors in predicting mission success. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Workshop on Command and Control Decision Aiding. Dayton, OH: Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base; 1990.
- Hamm RM. Moment by moment variation in experts’ analytic and intuitive cognitive activity. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 1988; 18(5): 757-776.
- Bursztajn H, Gutheil TG, Hamm RM, Brodsky A, Mills MJ. Parens patriae considerations in the commitment process. Psychiatric Quarterly 1988; 59(3): 165-181.
- Hammond KR, Hamm RM, Grassia J, Pearson T. Direct comparison of the efficacy of intuitive and analytical cognition in expert judgment. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 1987; 17(5): 753-770.
- Hammond KR, Hamm RM, Grassia J. Generalizing over conditions by combining the multitrait multimethod matrix and the representative design of experiments. Psychological Bulletin 1986; 100(2): 257-269.
- Bursztajn H, Gutheil TG, Mills MJ, Hamm RM, Brodsky A. Process analysis of judges’ commitment decisions: a preliminary empirical study. American Journal of Psychiatry 1986; 143(2): 170-174.
- Hamm RM, Clark JA, Bursztajn H. Psychiatrists’ thorny judgments: describing and improving decision making processes. Medical Decision Making 1984; 4(4): 425-447.
- Bursztajn H, Hamm RM, Gutheil TG, Brodsky A. The decision-analytic approach to medical malpractice law: formal proposals and informal syntheses. Medical Decision Making 1984; 4(4): 401-414.
- Gutheil TG, Bursztajn H, Hamm RM, Brodsky A. Subjective data and suicide assessment in the light of recent legal developments. Part I: malpractice prevention and the use of subjective data. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 1983; 6(3-4): 317-329.
- Bursztajn H, Gutheil TG, Hamm RM, Brodsky A. Subjective data and suicide assessment in the light of recent legal developments. Part II: clinical uses of legal standards in the interpretation of subjective data. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 1983; 6(3-4): 331-350.
- Bursztajn H, Hamm RM. The clinical utility of utility assessment. Medical Decision Making 1982; 2(2): 161-165.
- Appelbaum P, Hamm RM. The decision to seek commitment: psychiatric decision making in a legal context. Archives of General Psychiatry 1982; 39(4): 447-451.
- Bursztajn H, Feinbloom RI, Hamm RM, Brodsky A. In defense of uncertainty. The New Physician 1981; 30(11): 16-21.
- Bursztajn H, Hamm RM. Medical maxims: two views of science. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 1979; 52(5): 483-486.
- Hamm RM. Automatic thinking. In: Kattan MW, (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Medical Decision Making. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications; 2009: Vol. 1, 45-49.
- Hamm RM. Conflicts of interest and evidence-based clinical medicine. In: Kattan MW, (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Medical Decision Making. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications; 2009; Vol. 1, 171-175.
- Hamm RM. Irrational persistence in belief. In: Kattan MW, (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Medical Decision Making. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications; 2009; Vol. 2, 640-644.
- Howe CW, Smith MG, Bennett L, Brendecke CM, Flack JE, Hamm RM, Mann R, Rozaklis L, Wunderlich K. The value of water supply reliability in urban water systems. In: Grafton RQ. Economics of Water Resources, Vol. 2 (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics 234). Edward Elgar Publishers; 2009: 517-528. (Reprint of 1994 paper)
- Hamm RM. Cue by hypothesis interactions in descriptive modeling of unconscious use of multiple intuitive judgment strategies. In: Plessner H, Betsch C, Betsch T, (Eds.). Intuition in Judgment and Decision Making. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum; 2008: 55-70.
- Hamm RM. Medical decision scripts: combining cognitive scripts and judgment strategies to account fully for medical decision making. In: Hardman D, Macchi L, (Eds.). Thinking: Psychological Perspectives on Reasoning, Judgment, and Decision Making. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons; 2003: 315-345.
- Hamm RM, Scheid DC, Smith WR, Tape TG. Opportunities for applying psychological theory to improve medical decision making: two case histories. In: Chapman GB, Sonnenberg F, (Eds.). Decision Making in Health Care: Theory, Psychology, and Applications. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press; 2000: 386-421.
- Lawler FH, Hamm RM. Clinical decision making. In: Fields SA, Mengel MB, (Eds.). Introduction to Clinical Skills: A Patient-Centered Textbook. New York, NY: Plenum Medical Book Company; 1997: 185-200.
- Hammond KR, Hamm RM, Grassia J, Pearson T. Direct comparison of the efficacy of intuitive and analytical cognition in expert judgment. In: Goldstein WM, Hogarth RM, (Eds.). Research on Judgment and Decision Making: Currents, Connections, and Controversies. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press 1997: 144-180. (Reprint of 1987 paper.)
- Bursztajn HJ, Hamm RM, Brodsky A, Alexander V, Levi L. Probability, decision analysis, and conscious gambling. In: Gutheil TG, Bursztajn HJ, Brodsky A, Alexander V, (Eds.). Decision Making in Psychiatry and the Law. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins 1991; 37-51.
- Bursztajn HJ, Hamm RM, Brodsky A, Gutheil TG, Alexander V. Subjective assessment in clinical decision making and malpractice liability. In: Gutheil TG, Bursztajn HJ, Brodsky A, Alexander V, (Eds.). Decision Making in Psychiatry and the Law. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins; 1991: 53-68.
- Alexander V, Bursztajn HJ, Brodsky A, Hamm RM, Gutheil TG, Levi L. Involuntary commitment. In: Gutheil TG, Bursztajn HJ, Brodsky A, Alexander V, (Eds.). Decision Making in Psychiatry and the Law. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins; 1991: 89-112.
- Kaplan E, Bursztajn HJ, Alexander V, Hamm RM, Brodsky A, Barnard D, Kaplan AN. Making treatment decisions. In: Gutheil TG, Bursztajn HJ, Brodsky A, Alexander V (Eds.), Decision Making in Psychiatry and the Law. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins; 1991: 112-132.
- Hamm RM. Clinical intuition and clinical analysis: Expertise and the cognitive continuum. In: Dowie J, Elstein A (Eds.). Professional Judgment: A Reader in Clinical Decision Making. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 1988: 78-105.
- Bursztajn H, Hamm RM, Gutheil TG. The technological target: Involving the patient in clinical choices. In: Reiser S, Anbar M, (Eds.). The Machine at the Bedside: Strategies for Using Technology in Patient Care. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press; 1984: 177-191.
- Hammond KR, Hamm RM. Thoughts on the acquisition and application of medical knowledge. In Friedman CP, Purcell EF, (Eds.). The New Biology and Medical Education: Merging the Biological, Information, and Cognitive Sciences. New York, NY: Josiah Macy, Jr., Foundation; 1983: 190-197.
- Feinbloom RI, Bursztajn H, Hamm RM, Brodsky A. Bringing the family into family practice. In Brazelton TB, Vaughn III VC, (Eds.). The Family: Setting Priorities. New York, NY: Science and Medicine Publishing Company, Inc.; 1979: 169-179.
- Abernathy CM, Hamm RM. Surgical Intuition. Philadelphia, PA: Hanley and Belfus; 1995. Reviewed in JAMA 1995; 274(16):1314-1315 and in Medical Decision Making 1996; 16(4): 424-426.
- Abernathy CM, Hamm RM. Surgical Scripts. Philadelphia, PA: Hanley and Belfus; 1994. Reviewed in JAMA 1994; 272(19):1553 and Medical Decision Making 1996; 16(4):424-426.
- Bursztajn H, Feinbloom RI, Hamm RM, Brodsky A. (1981). Medical Choices, Medical Chances: How Patients, Families, and Physicians Can Cope with Uncertainty. New York, NY: Delacorte Press; 1981. Republished Routledge, New York, NY; 1990. Republished iUniverse, Lincoln NE; 2001, in Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics 1992; 20(3): 268-270.
- Hamm RM, Scheid DC. Cost-informativeness ratio as a guide for whether to purchase diagnostic information. Medical Decision Making 2014; 34: E32
- Hamm RM, Scheid DC. Clinical threshold probabilities are affected by utility judgment framing effects. Medical Decision Making 2014; 34: E33
- Hamm RM, Ramsey R, Dawson NV, Whitelaw WA, Flemons WW, Brant RF, Strohl KP. Physician overutilization of sleep studies in predicting patient improvement using CPAP. Medical Decision Making 2013; 33: E53
- Hamm RM, Beasley WH IV. Entropy-based expected uncertainty reduction to guide the clinical exam. Medical Decision Making 2012; 32: E147
- Carter A, Carey L, Hamm R, Burks H, Hansen K, Craig L. Female infertility patients and their male partners under-report anxiety and depression. Fertility and Sterility 2011; 95(4 Suppl 1): S24.
- Hamm RM, Wolfe TA, Thompson CE, Arbuckle EE, Berger SE, Aldrich DG, Varalli-Claypool BM, and Papa FJ. Comparison of variants of a computerized chest pain diagnosis tutor. Medical Decision Making 2011; 31:E56.
- Hamm RM, Papa FJ. Change in confusion matrices for nine chest pain diagnoses during instruction. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society 50th Annual Meeting 2009; 14: 29.
- Hamm RM. Tutoring chest pain diagnosis: relative contribution of cases, contrasts, and prototypes. Medical Decision Making 2009; 29: E34. 29/1/E1
- Hamm RM. Typicality in diagnostic categorization: similarity-based or Bayesian? Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society 49th Annual Meeting 2008; 13: 3.
- Hamm RM. Dynamic sensitivity and specificity in clinical diagnosis. Medical Decision Making 2008; 28(1): E97.
- Hamm RM. Women’s attitudes about vaccination against HRHPV: vaccination likelihood and WTP. Medical Decision Making 2007; 27(4): E108. data/27/4/500/DC1/1
- Hamm RM, Dailey SB, Boci M, and Scheid DC. Motivated errors in knowledge about HPV: patients may not want to hear what physicians tell them. Medical Decision Making 2007, 27: E15.
- Hamm RM. The system of concepts behind the simplest medical diagnosis. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society 47th Annual Meeting 2006; 11: 6.
- Hamm RM, Bard DE, Scheid DC, Lipkus IM. Interpretation of the “50%” responses of men judging prostate cancer risks. Medical Decision Making 2006; 26(1): E20.
- Hamm RM. Triplet Triangulator Calculator: displays data triplets in a triangle. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society 46th Annual Meeting 2005; 10: 105.
- Hamm RM, Smith KD, Hsieh SS, Turner CS, Juniper KC, McCree DH. More numerate patients have more accurate imputed efficacy judgments concerning treatments of cervical dysplasia. Medical Decision Making 2005; 25(1): E44. reprint/25/1/E1
- Hamm RM. Numeracy, risk assessment, and consideration of future consequences. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society 45th Annual Meeting 2004; 9: 15.
- Scheid DC, Walker RK, Smith KD, Hamm RM. “If you name it, you claim it.” Beliefs and breast cancer risk perception. Medical Decision Making 2003; 23: 569.
- Hamm RM, Johnson GA, Scheid DC, DeAngelis AM. Agreement among cervical dysplasia clinicians on key natural history, treatment, and diagnosis probabilities about human papillomavirus. Medical Decision Making 2003; 23: 564.
- Scheid DC, Bard DE, Smith, KD, Hamm RM. Understanding breast cancer risk -- the role of numeracy. Medical Decision Making 2003; 23: 578.
- Hamm RM, Smith KD, Walker R. HR-HPV diagnosis affects patients’ probabilities of steps to cervical cancer. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society 44th Annual Meeting 2003; 8: 80.
- Hamm RM. Expected utility improves prediction of prostate cancer screening intentions compared to the health belief model. Medical Decision Making 2002; 22: 533.
- Scheid DC, Hamm RM, Smith KD, Craft MA. Effect of individualized computerized balance sheets to support the decision to screen for breast cancer. Medical Decision Making 2002; 22: 549.
- Hamm RM, Scheid DC, Cantor SB, Elmajian DA, Patrick RB, Mold JW. Outcome probabilities from a Markov model of prostate cancer screening. Medical Decision Making 2001; 21: 521.
- Scheid DC, Smith KD, Hamm RM, Craft M, McEachern M. Individualized computerized balance sheets to support the decision to screen for breast cancer. Medical Decision Making 2001; 21: 536.
- Hamm RM, Sieck JP. Anomalies revealed using a novel method for assessing intertemporal discount rates. Medical Decision Making 2000; 20: 489.
- Hamm RM. Thresholds on the number needed to treat (NNT) based on treatment costs and utility gains. Medical Decision Making 2000; 20: 497.
- Scheid DC, Coleman MT, Hamm RM. Do perceptions about risk and quality of life affect use of hormone replacement therapy by post-menopausal women? Medical Decision Making 2000; 20: 503.
- Hamm RM. Internet access to calculators for common decision analytic concepts. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 1999; 70: 421.
- Scheid DC, Hamm RM, Stevens K. Cost-effectiveness of human immunodeficiency virus post-exposure prophylaxis. Medical Decision Making 1997; 17: 525.
- Hamm RM, Loemker V, Johnson G, Reilly K. Role of HPV DNA testing for decision how to manage mild cervical dysplasia. Medical Decision Making 1997; 17: 529.
- Hamm RM, Dubois PC, Loemker V, Brand J, Johnson G, Owens T, Reilly K, Smith K. Watchful waiting versus cryotherapy for mild cervical dysplasia demonstrated by colposcopy-guided biopsy. Medical Decision Making 1995; 15: 422.
- Ganiats TG, Carson RT, Hamm R, Spann SJ, Hagen MD, Cantor SB. Population-based discounting of future health outcomes. AHSR FHSR Annual Meeting Abstract Book 1994; 11: 53.
- Furry KL, Heller C, Hamm RM, Abernathy CM. Do good surgical residents think “intuitively?” Medical Decision Making 1993; 13: 386.
- Hamm RM, Hicks RJ. The assumption that tests are independent may distort interpretation of mixed results on prostate cancer screening. Medical Decision Making 1993; 13: 387.
- Bursztajn H, Chanowitz B, Gutheil T, Hamm RM. Context specific language effects in the decision to prescribe neuroleptics. Medical Decision Making 1983; 3: 359.
- Hammond KR, Hamm RM, Fisch H-U, Joyce CRB. Differential contributions of two forms of cognitive science to medical decision making. Medical Decision Making 1982; 2: 358.
- Seaberg PH, McCarthy LH, Hamm RM. For patients with terminal chronic illness, does more face-to-face time with a healthcare provider decrease aggressive end-of-life (EOL) care such as ICU admission, feeding tube placement, CPR, or intubation? Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association 2014; 107(11):589-591.
- Eyadiel C, Hamm RM, Scheid DC. In adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus, are patients with poor control more likely to develop venous thromboembolism compared to patients with good control? Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association 2014; 107(2):65-66.
- Lazaro SC, Loper J, Hamm RM, Ramakrishnan K. Does routine screening of patients 65 years of age and older for orthostatic hypertension improve outcomes? Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association 2010; 103(3): 86-87.
- Aulepp K, Muneerah A, Hamm RM. Does treatment with antibiotics reduce the duration or severity of symptoms of acute otitis media in children as compared to treatment with analgesics alone? Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association 2006; 99(10): 521-522.
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- Hamm RM. Two methodological variants on the lens model. Brunswik Society Newsletter 2012; 27:20-21.
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- Hamm RM. In memoriam: Lenard I. Dalgleish. Brunswik Society Newsletter 2010; 25(1):4.
- Hamm RM. Gresham’s Law of Judgment: Fancy, invalid information drives out plain, valid information? Brunswik Society Newsletter 2009; 24: 9-10.
- Hamm RM. The SMDM SLOG: The paradoxical effect of health education materials designed for those with low literacy. Society for Medical Decision Making Newsletter, Summer 2009, 22(3), 9.
- Hamm RM. Plans for a choice probability approach to a lens model of multi-category diagnosis data. Brunswik Society Newsletter 2008; 23(1): 15. newsletters/2008news.pdf
- Hamm RM. What makes the best diagnostic tutorial: probabilistic prototypes, discriminating contrasts, or simply more cases? Brunswik Society Newsletter 2007; 22(1): 6-8.
- Hamm RM. Structural equation modeling of the Multi-Concept Multi-Method Matrix applied to utility assessment of health states. Brunswik Society Newsletter 2006; 21(1): 8-9.
- Hamm RM. The possibility of multiple judgment strategies. Brunswik Society Newsletter 2005; 20(1): 9.
- Hamm RM. Logistic model predictions for the Lens Model: how many steps? Brunswik Society Newsletter 2004; 19(1): 11-12.
- Hamm RM. Public, patient, and physician beliefs about the relation between human papillomavirus and cervical cancer. Brunswik Society Newsletter 2003; 18(1): 12-13.
- Hamm RM. The many roles of a research psychologist in a medical school. American Psychological Society Observer 2003; 16(9): 41, 57. http://www.psychologicalscience. org/ observer/getArticle.cfm?id=1383
- Walker R, Smith KD, Hamm RM. Researchers seek patients who have received HPV DNA testing. Oklahoma AHEC News 2003; 10(2): 12-13.
- Hamm RM, Scheid DC. Uncovering patients’ understanding of probabilities. Society for Medical Decision Making Newsletter 2003; 15(2): 2-3.
- Hamm RM. Research summary: prostate cancer screening: the Lens Model clarifies a comparison between the Health Beliefs Model and a Descriptive Expected Utility Model. Brunswik Society Newsletter 2002; 17(1): 12.
- Hamm RM. Research summary: patient education. Brunswik Society Newsletter 2001; 16(1): 8-9.
- Hamm RM. Research summary: scripts as an alternative framework for describing medical decision making. Brunswik Society Newsletter 2000; 15(1).
- Hamm RM. Research summary: information presentation in prostate cancer screening. Brunswik Society Newsletter 1999, 14(1).
- Hamm RM, Aoki N, Sim I. Electronic publication survey results. Society for Medical Decision Making Newsletter 1999, 11(2): 4.
- Hamm RM. Research summary: medical decision making and judgment. Brunswik Society Newsletter 1998; 13(1).
- Hamm RM. Research summary: prediction of patient follow-up. Brunswik Society Newsletter 1997; 12(1).
- Hamm RM. Members express preferences for annual meeting short courses. Society for Medical Decision Making Newsletter 1997; 8(1): 1, 4.
- Hamm RM, Gilbert C, Lawler M. Research summary: investigation of teens’ strategies for avoiding violent relationships. Brunswik Society Newsletter 1996; 11(1).
- Hamm RM. Future Physicians of Oklahoma. AHEC News (Enid, OK) 1996; 4(1): 23.
- Hamm RM. Research summary. Brunswik Society Newsletter 1995, 10(1).