Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 23237 Active Page: Nephrologyid:22607


The Section of Nephrology and Hypertension provides medical care for patients with all types of kidney and kidney-related conditions, including chronic renal failure, acute renal failure, renal transplantation, hypertension (high blood pressure), nephrolithiasis (kidney stones), fluid/electrolyte disorders, and acid/base disorders.  All types of acute renal replacement therapy (dialysis and related modalities) are offered, and the Section is part of an active renal transplant program.

Training is offered to qualified applicants through the ACGME Nephrology Fellowship Program.  Clinical training involves all aspects of Nephrology as described above.  In addition, opportunities for involvement in active clinical and basic research programs exist. Please click on the Nephrology Fellowship page for more information. 

Contact the College of Medicine Nephrology Administrative Offices at:

Nephrology Section
Department of Medicine/OUHSC
800 Stanton L. Young Blvd., AAT-5300
Oklahoma City, OK  73104
TEL:  405-271-6842
FAX:  405-271-6496

Contact the Medicine Specialty Nephrology Clinic at:

Internal Medicine / Medicine Specialty Clinic
Nicholson Tower
1000 N.E. 13th St., Suite 1G
Oklahoma City, OK  73104

TEL:  405-271-8478
FAX:  405-271-5878