Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 23046 Active Page: Publications 2020id:25546

Publications and Presentations

2020 Publications

  1. Berg CJ, Barker DC, Meyers C, Weber A, Park AJ, Patterson A, Dorvil S, Fairman RT, Huang J, Sussman S, Livingston MD, Wagener TL, Hayes RB, Pulvers K, Getachew B, Schleicher N, Henriksen L. Exploring the Point-of-Sale Among Vape Shops Across the US: Audits Integrating a Mystery Shopper Approach. Nicotine Tob Res. 2020.
  2. Berg CJ, Barker DC, Sussman S, Getachew B, Pulvers K, Wagener TL, Hayes RB, Henriksen L. Vape shop owners/managers' opinions about FDA regulation of e-cigarettes. Nicotine Tob Res. 2020.
  3. Berg CJ, Getachew B, Pulvers K, Sussman S, Wagener TL, Meyers C, Park A, Dorvil S, Patterson A, Weber A, Hayes RB, Barker DC, Henriksen L. Vape shop owners'/managers' attitudes about CBD, THC, and marijuana legal markets. Prev Med Rep. 2020;20:101208.
  4. Brett EI, Miller MB, Leavens ELS, Lopez SV, Wagener TL, Leffingwell TR. Electronic cigarette use and sleep health in young adults. J Sleep Res. 2020;29(3):e12902.
  5. Caldwell A, Erickson E, Shearman N, Sharif I, Garbe MC, Tyrrell H, Needlman R, Dunlap M. Literacy Promotion Training and Implementation in Pediatric Continuity Clinics. Acad Pediatr. 2020;20(7):1013-1019.
  6. Cheng KW, Shang C, Lee HM, Chaloupka FJ, Fong GT, Borland R, Heckman BW, Hitchman SC, O'Connor RJ, Levy DT, Cummings KM. Costs of vaping: evidence from ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey. Tob Control. 2020.
  7. Chriqui JF, Lin W, Leider J, Shang C, Perna FM. The harmonizing effect of Smart Snacks on the association between state snack laws and high school students' fruit and vegetable consumption, United States-2005-2017. Prev Med. 2020;139:106093.
  8. Cohn AM, Ganz O, Dennhardt AA, Murphy JG, Ehlke S, Cha S, Graham AL. Menthol cigarette smoking is associated with greater subjective reward, satisfaction, and "throat hit", but not greater behavioral economic demand. Addict Behav. 2020;101:106108.
  9. Comiford AL, Rhoades DA, Dvorak JD, Ding K, Mehta T, Spicer P, Wagener T, Doescher MP. Use of Potentially Reduced Exposure Tobacco Products Among American Indian Smokeless Tobacco Users: Associations With Cessation Behaviors and Cotinine Levels. Public Health Rep. 2020;135(1):141-149.
  10. Comiford AL, Rhoades DA, Spicer P, Dvorak JD, Ding K, Wagener TL, Doescher MP. Impact of e-cigarette use among a cohort of American Indian cigarette smokers: associations with cigarette smoking cessation and cigarette consumption. Tob Control. 2020.
  11. Eissenberg T, Soule E, Shihadeh A. 'Open-System' electronic cigarettes cannot be regulated effectively. Tob Control. 2020. (Wagener T, CSTP Nicotine Flux Work Group Member)
  12. Espeleta HC, Bakula DM, Sharkey CM, Reinink J, Cherry A, Lees J, Shropshire D, Mullins LL, Gillaspy SR. Adapting Pediatric Medical Homes for Youth in Foster Care: Extensions of the American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2020;59(4-5):411-420.
  13. Floyd EL, Subedi S, Wagener TL, Johnson DL, Oni TM. Low powered variable voltage E-Cigarette batteries under perform at higher power settings. Inhal Toxicol. 2020;32(3):110-114.
  14. Gamwell KL, Roberts CM, Espeleta HC, Baudino MN, Hommel KA, Grunow JE, Jacobs NJ, Gillaspy SR, Mullins LL, Chaney JM. Perceived stigma, illness uncertainty, and depressive symptoms in youth with inflammatory bowel disease: The moderating effect of mindfulness. Psychol Health Med. 2020:1-12.
  15. Ganz O, Rimal RN, Cohn AM, Johnson AL, Delnevo CD, Horn K. Receptivity to Tobacco Advertising among Young Adults with Internalizing Problems: Findings from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study. Subst Use Misuse. 2020;55(4):546-556.
  16. Leavens ELS, Lechner WV, Stevens EM, Miller MB, Meier E, Brett EI, Moisiuc A, Hale JJ, Wagener TL. Electronic cigarette and combustible cigarette use following a campus-wide ban: Prevalence of use and harm perceptions. J Am Coll Health. 2020;68(4):332-335.
  17. Leavens ELS, Morgan TL, Brett EI, Patzkowsky K, Son J, Molina N, Eissenberg T, Shihadeh A, Leffingwell TR, Wagener TL. Concurrent Alcohol Use and Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking: Smoking Topography, Toxicant Exposure, and Abuse Liability. Nicotine Tob Res. 2020;22(2):280-287.
  18. Li B, Fu J, Feng J, Shang C, Lin Z. Review of heterogeneous material objects modeling in additive manufacturing. Vis Comput Ind Biomed Art. 2020;3(1):6.
  19. Lin W, Leider J, Shang C, Hennessy E, Perna FM, Chriqui JF. The Association Between State Physical Education Laws and Student Physical Activity. Am J Prev Med. 2020;58(3):436-445.
  20. Nargis N, Stoklosa M, Shang C, Drope J. Price, income and affordability as the determinants of tobacco consumption: A practitioner's guide to tobacco taxation. Nicotine Tob Res. 2020.
  21. Pericot-Valverde I, Priest JS, Wagener TL, Gaalema DE. Examination of a mouthpiece-based topography device for assessing relative reinforcing effects of e-cigarettes: A preliminary study. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. 2020;28(1):13-18.
  22. Perry CL, Creamer MR, Chaffee BW, Unger JB, Sutfin EL, Kong G, Shang C, Clendennen SL, Krishnan-Sarin S, Pentz MA. Research on Youth and Young Adult Tobacco Use, 2013-2018, From the Food and Drug Administration-National Institutes of Health Tobacco Centers of Regulatory Science. Nicotine Tob Res. 2020;22(7):1063-1076.
  23. Roberts CM, Baudino MN, Gamwell KL, Edwards CS, Traino KA, Tung J, Grunow JE, Jacobs NJ, Mullins LL, Chaney JM. Illness Stigma, IBD Worry, Illness Intrusiveness, and Depressive Symptoms in Youth with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020.
  24. Roberts CM, Gamwell KL, Baudino MN, Grunow JE, Jacobs NJ, Tung J, Gillaspy SR, Hommel KA, Mullins LL, Chaney JM. The Contributions of Illness Stigma, Health Communication Difficulties, and Thwarted Belongingness to Depressive Symptoms in Youth with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. J Pediatr Psychol. 2020;45(1):81-90.
  25. Shang C, Ngo A, Chaloupka FJ. The pass-through of alcohol excise taxes to prices in OECD countries. Eur J Health Econ. 2020;21(6):855-867.
  26. Shang C, Weaver SR, White JS, Huang J, Nonnemaker J, Cheng KW, Chaloupka FJ. E-cigarette Product Preferences among Adult Smokers: A Discrete Choice Experiment. Tob Regul Sci. 2020;6(1):66-80.
  27. Smith L, Grabovac I, Jackson SE, Veronese N, Shang C, López-Sánchez GF, Schuch FB, Koyanagi A, Jacob L, Soysal P, Yang L, Zhu X. Chocolate Consumption and Indicators of Adiposity in US Adults. Am J Med. 2020;133(9):1082-1087.
  28. Smith L, Parris C, Veronese N, Shang C, López-Sánchez GF, Jacob L, Koyanagi A, Nottegar A, Jackson SE, Raupach T, Grabovac I, Crichton S, Dempsey F, Yang L. Cross-sectional associations between angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor use and cancer diagnosis in US adults. Clin Exp Med. 2020;20(3):409-416.
  29. Stevens EM, Hébert ET, Tackett AP, Leavens ELS, Wagener TL. Harm Perceptions of the JUUL E-Cigarette in a Sample of Ever Users. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(13).
  30. Tackett AP, Farrow M, Kopel SJ, Coutinho MT, Koinis-Mitchell D, McQuaid EL. Racial/ethnic differences in pediatric asthma management: the importance of asthma knowledge, symptom assessment, and family-provider collaboration. J Asthma. 2020:1-12.
  31. Tackett AP, Hébert ET, Stevens EM, Wagener TL. E-cigarette regulation: a delicate balance for public health. Addiction. 2020.
  32. Tackett AP, Keller-Hamilton B, Smith CE, Hébert ET, Metcalf JP, Queimado L, Stevens EM, Wallace SW, McQuaid EL, Wagener TL. Evaluation of Respiratory Symptoms Among Youth e-Cigarette Users. JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3(10):e2020671.
  33. Wagener TL, Avery J, Leavens ELS, Simmons K. Associated Changes in E-cigarette Puff Duration and Cigarettes Smoked Per Day. Nicotine Tob Res. 2020.
  34. Wagener TL, Leavens ELS, Mehta T, Hale J, Shihadeh A, Eissenberg T, Halquist M, Brinkman MC, Johnson AL, Floyd EL, Ding K, El Hage R, Salman R. Impact of flavors and humectants on waterpipe tobacco smoking topography, subjective effects, toxicant exposure and intentions for continued use. Tob Control. 2020.
  35. Yang YT, Zettler PJ, Wagener TL. New Graphic Tobacco Warnings and the First Amendment. JAMA Oncol. 2020;6(4):473-474.
  36. Zlomke KR, Jeter K. Comparative Effectiveness of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Children with and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2020;50(6):2041-2052.

2020 Presentations 

  1. Caldwell A, Erickson E, Shearman N, Sharif I, Tyrrell H, Needlman R, Dunlap M. Clinician experiences with reach out and read. 2020 Southern Regional Meeting. Journal of Investigative Medicine 2020;68:435-710.
  2. Douville E, Dusenberry B, Bryant C, Hahn D, Dunlap M, Aston C. Implementation of poatpartum depression screening at ouhsc outpatient pediatrics clinics: a QI project. 2020 Southern Regional Meeting. Journal of Investigative Medicine 2020;68:435-710.
  3. Dunlap M, Caldwell A, Lake L, Patterson S, Perdue B. Reach out and read and developmental screening: a novel health services initiative. 2020 Southern Regional Meeting. Journal of Investigative Medicine 2020;68:435-710.
  4. Nguyen C, Caldwell A, Dunlap M, Garbe C. Impact of early literacy program on medical student education. 2020 Southern Regional Meeting. Journal of Investigative Medicine 2020;68:435-710.
  5. Walker B, Dunlap M, Garbe C, Caldwell A. Early literacy training among medical students. 2020 Southern Regional Meeting. Journal of Investigative Medicine 2020;68:435-710.
  6. Thompson C, Dunlap M, Levi H, Garbe C, Cooper M. Impact of a state quality improvement project on immunizations. 2020 Southern Regional Meeting. Journal of Investigative Medicine 2020;68:435-710.
  7. Smith C, Tackett AP, Hale, J, Wagener T. The Effects of Electronic Cigarette Flavors on Post-Cessation Weight Gain among Cigarette Smokers in a Smoke or Switch Trial. Symposium presented at the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Annual Meeting; March 2020; New Orleans, LA. 
  8. Dunlap M, Caldwell A, Patterson S, Lake L, Perdue B. Reach Out and Read and Developmental Screening: Leveraging Federal Dollars through a Health Services Initiative. Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.  May 1-5, 2020. Due to COVID-19 related conference cancellation, this peer-reviewed abstract and/or presentation was disseminated on 4/30/2020 to the PAS 2020 Meeting Program Guide., Accepted, Platform Presentation. April 30, 2020.
  9. Caldwell A, Erickson E, Shearman N, Sharif I, Tyrrell H, Needlman R, Dunlap M. Clinician Experiences with Reach Out and Read. Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. May 1-5, 2020.  Due to COVID-19 related conference cancellation, this peer-reviewed abstract was disseminated on 4/30/20 to the PAS 2020 Meeting Program Guide., Accepted, Poster. April 30, 2020.
  10. Nguyen C, Caldwell A, Dunlap M. Impact of an Early Literacy Volunteer Program on Medical Student Education. Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.  May 1-5, 2020. Due to COVID-19 related conference cancellation, this peer-reviewed abstract and/or presentation was disseminated on 4/30/2020 to the PAS 2020 Meeting Program Guide., Accepted, Poster. April 30, 2020.
  11. DeLeon S, Hahn D, DeGrace B. How Residents Develop Autonomy: A Qualitative Study. Poster, Pediatric Hospital Medicine conference. Virtual. July 2020. 
  12. Gomez, D, Schneider, M, Blucker R. Virtual Immersion Spanish Classes for Mental Health Professionals. American Psychological Association Convention 2020, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, Accepted, Poster. August 2020.

Last updated 11-17-2020