Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 22497 Active Page: DBP Fellowship Facultyid:22499


Megan K. Roberts, PT, D.Sc.

Megan K Roberts, PT, D.Sc

Associate Professor, Pediatrics

Child Study Center
1100 NE 13th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73117
Phone: (405) 271-5700
FAX: (405) 271-8835

(405) 271-5700

Megan K. Roberts, PT, D.Sc., PCS, is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics of the College of Medicine at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) where she was appointed in 2016. Dr. Roberts is the Principal Investigator and Program Director for the Oklahoma Interdisciplinary Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (OKLEND) program and is the Director of Education and Training for the Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics section of the Department of Pediatrics. Before Joining the OUHSC Faculty, Dr. Roberts worked as a physical therapist for Putnam City Schools, chairing the Occupational/Physical Therapy Department, and leading the district-wide assistive technology program. Dr. Roberts has been a Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Pediatric Physical Therapy and a member of the Pediatrics Specialization Academy of Content Experts through the American Physical Therapy Association. Dr. Roberts' research focus is on interdisciplinary training and education for future health and medical professionals and disability advocates. Dr. Roberts is a graduate of the 2017 cohort of the Association of University Centers on Disability Leadership Academy. She is a member of the Academy of Teaching Scholars (ATS) at the OUHSC College of Medicine and serves on the executive committee as the liaison between ATS and the Interprofessional Education and Practitioners Association (IEPA).

Academic Section(s):

Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics