The Academy of Teaching Scholars offers assistance to individual OU COM faculty interested in developing skills related to teaching and educational research.
Below is a set of the three categories where ATS members have offered their assistance. Below each category are 5 examples of skill sets where our members can provide mentoring.
Instructional Methods |
Assessment Methods |
Related Resources |
Team-based learning
Computer-based Exams
Audience Response Systems
Effective lecturing
Narrative Assessment
Video Lectures
Peer Assessment
Standardized Patients
Self-direct Learning
Oral Exams
Journal Club
Flipped Classroom
Practical Labs
Abstract Writing
To REQUEST A CONSULTATION, email to list the area(s) in which you would like assistance.
Once we receive your request, the ATS coordinator will pair you with an ATS member with expertise in the requested skill, who will contact you directly.
QUESTIONS? Contact Us Here.