Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 22025 Active Page: Faculty & Staffid:22033

Core Faculty


Greg A. Krempl, MD, FACS

Professor and Chair

Head & Neck Surgery, General Otolaryngology, Clinical Research Medicine


Medical School: University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Internship: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland


University of Texas Health Sciences Center, San Antonio, Texas


Head and Neck Oncologic Surgery, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


Clinical/Research Interests:

Head and Neck Surgery, General Otolaryngology and Clinical Research Medicine

Volunteer Faculty

Katsiaryna H. Bailor, MD

Katsiaryna H. Bailor, MD

Volunteer Faculty

Facial Plastics & Reconstructive Surgery

Robert K. Dyer, MD

Robert K. Dyer, MD

Volunteer Faculty

General Otolaryngology

John R. Houck, Jr., MD, FACS

John R. Houck, Jr., MD, FACS

Volunteer Faculty

Head & Neck Cancer, Sleep Disorders, Nasal Sinus Surgery and Nasal Allergy

Robert M. Rhodes, MD

Robert M Rhodes, MD

Volunteer Faculty

Facial Plastics & Reconstructive Surgery

Ivan Wayne, MD

Ivan Wayne, MD

Volunteer Faculty

Facial Plastics & Reconstructive Surgery

Mark W. Wood, MD

Mark W. Wood, MD

Volunteer Faculty

General Otolaryngology