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Jie Wu, PhD

Jie Wu, PhD

Professor of Pathology
Section of Experimental Pathology
Peggy and Charles Stephenson Endowed Chair in Cancer Translational Research
Oklahoma TSET Research Scholar

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Stanton L. Young Biomedical Research Center
975 NE 10th St, Rm BRC 413
Oklahoma City, OK 73104

405-271-8001, x 31092


  • BS - Xiamen University, Xiamen, China (1978-1982)
  • Graduate Student - Cancer Biology, Shanghai Institute of Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China (1982-1983)
  • PhD - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS (1983-1988)


  • Postdoctoral Fellow - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY (1988-1990)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Clinical Pharmacology, University of Virginia Health Sciences Center, Charlottesville, VA (1990-1994)

Clinical/Research Interests:

  • Protein kinases and phosphatases
  • Tumor biology
  • Adaptive responses to targeted cancer therapy
  • Mechanisms of resistance to cancer therapy
  • Drug discovery and development
  • RET-altered cancers (lung adenocarcinoma, thyroid cancers, etc)
  • Precision medicine

Select Publications:

  1. Chen, Q., Olashaw, N., and Wu, J. (1995) Participation of reactive oxygen species in the lysophosphatidic acid stimulated MAP kinase kinase activation pathway. J Biol Chem, 1995 Dec1;270(48):28499-28502 (doi:10.1074/jbc.270.48.28499).
  2. Cunnick, J. M., Mei, L., Doupnik, C. A., and Wu, J.  Phosphotyrosines 627 and 659 of Gab1 constitute a bisphosphoryl tyrosine-based activation motif (BTAM) conferring binding and activation of SHP2. J Biol Chem 2001 Jun 29;276(26):24380-24387 (doi:10.1074/jbc.M010275200).
  3. Dorsey JF, Cunnick JM, Mane SM, and Wu J. Regulation of the Erk2-Elk1 signaling pathway and megakaryocytic differentiation of the Bcr-Abl+ K562 cells by Gab2. Blood. 2002 Feb 15;99(4):1388-1397 (doi:10.1182/blood.v99.4.1388).
  4. Ren Y, Zhang Y, Liu RZ, Fenstermacher DA, Wright KL, Teer JK, and Wu J. JAK1 truncating mutations in gynecologic cancer define new role of cancer-associated protein tyrosine kinase aberrations. Sci Rep. 2013 Oct 24;3:3042 (doi:10.1038/srep03042).
  5. Fan C, Chen L, Huang Q, Tao S, Welsh EA, Teer JK, Cai J, Cress WD, and Wu J. Overexpression of major CDKN3 transcripts is associated with poor survival in lung adenocarcinoma. Br J Cancer. 2015 Dec 22;113(12):1735-1743 (doi: 10.1038/bjc.2015.378).
  6. Sun X, Ren Y, Gunawan S, Teng P, Chen Z, Lawrence HR, Cai J, Lawrence NJ, and Wu J. Selective inhibition of leukemia-associated SHP2E69K mutant by the allosteric SHP2 inhibitor SHP099. Leukemia 2018 May;32(5):1246-1249 (doi:10.1038/s41375-018-0029-5).
  7. Huang Q, Schneeberger VE, Luetteke N, Jin C, Afzal R, Budzevich MM, Makanji RJ, Martinez GV, Shen T, Zhao L, Fung KM, Haura EB, Coppola D, and Wu J. Preclinical modeling of KIF5B-RET fusion lung cancer. Mol Cancer Ther. 2016 Oct; 15, 2521-2529.
  8. Shen T, Chen Z, Zhao ZJ, and Wu J. Genetic defects of the IRF1-mediated major histocompatibility complex class I antigen presentation pathway occur prevalently in the JAK2 gene in non-small cell lung cancer. Oncotarget 2017 May 8;8(37):60975-60986 (doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.17689).
  9. Liu X, Shen T, Mooers BHM, Hilberg F, Wu J. Drug resistance profiles of mutations in the RET kinase domain. Br J Pharmacol. 2018 Sept;175(17):3504-3515 (doi:10.1111/bph.14395).
  10. Terzyan SS, Shen T, Liu X, Huang Q, Teng P, Hilberg F, Cai J, Mooers BHM, Wu, J. Structural basis of resistance of mutant RET protein tyrosine kinase to its inhibitors nintedanib and vandetanib. J Biol Chem 2019 Jul 5;294(27):10428-10437 (doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.007682).
  11. Subbiah V, Shen T, Terzyan SS, Liu X, Hu X, Hu KP, Patel KP, Hu M, Cabanillas M, Behrang F, Meric-Bernstam F, Vo PTT, Mooers BHM, Wu J. Structural basis of acquired Resistance to selpercatinib and pralsetinib mediated by non-gatekeeper mutations. Ann Oncol. 2021 Feb; 32(2):261-268. (doi:10/1016/j.annonc.2020.10.599).
  12. Shen T, Hu X, Liu X, Subbiah V, Mooers BHM, and Wu J. The L730V/I RET roof mutations display different activities towards pralsetinib and selpercatinib. NPJ Precis Oncol. 2021 Jun 7;5(1):48 (DOI: 10.1038/s41698-021-00188-x).
  13. Subbiah V, Shen T, Tetzlaff M, Weissferdt A, Byers LA, Cascone T, Behrang A, Meric-Bernstam, F, Mooers, BHM, Rothenberg, SM, Ebata K, and Wu J. Patient-driven discovery and post-clinical validation of NTRK3 fusion as an acquired resistance mechanism to selpercatinib in RET fusion-positive lung cancer. Ann Oncol 2021 Jun;32 (6):817-819 (doi: 10.1016/j.annonc.2021.02.010).
  14. Thein KZ, Velcheti V, Mooers BHM, Wu J, and Subbiah V. Precision therapy for RET-altered cancers with RET inhibitors. Trends Cancer 2021 Dec;7(12):1074-1088 (doi: 10.1016/j.recan.2021.07.003).
  15. Khatri U, Dayal N, Hu X, Larocque E, Naganna N, Shen T, Liu X, Holtsberg FW, Aman, OA, Sintim HO, and Wu J. Targeting RET solvent-front mutants with alkynyl nicotinamide-based inhibitors. Mol. Cancer Ther. 2023 Jun 1;22(6):717-725 (doi: 10,1158/1535-7163.MCT-22-0629).
  16. Gouda MA, Hu I, Cabanillas ME, Wu J, Meric-Bernstam F, and Subbiah V. (2023) Weight gain in patients with RET aberrant cancers treated with brain penetrant RET selective inhibitors. Ann Oncol 2023 Oct;34(10):946-948. (doi: 10.1016/j.annonc.2023.07.002).
  17. Hu X, Liu X, Khatri U, and Wu J. The heterogeneous transition state of resistance to RET kinase inhibitors converges on ERK1/2-driven Aurora A/B kinases. Drug Resist Updat. 2023 May;68:100958 (DOI: 10.1016/j.drup.2023.100958).
  18. Bhamidipati D, Yedururi S, Huse J, Chinapuvvula SV, Wu J, and Subbiah, V. Exceptional response to selpercatinib in RET-fusion driven metastatic pancreatic cancer. JCO Precis  Oncol. 2023 Sep;7,e2300252 (doi: 10.1200/PO.23.00252).
  19. Hu X, Khatri U, Shen T, and Wu J. Progress and challenges in RET-targeted cancer therapy. Front Med. 2023 Apr;17(2):207-219 (doi: 10.1007/s11684-023-0985-y).
  20. Subbiah V, Gouda MA, Iorgulescu JB, Dadu R, Patel K, Sherman S, Cabanillas M, Hu M, Casellanos LE, Amini B, Meric-Bernstam F, Shen, T, and Wu, J. Adaptive Darwinian off-target resistance mechanisms to selective RET inhibition in RET driven cancer. NPJ Precis Oncol. 2024 Mar 4;8(1):62 (doi: 10.1038/s41698-024-00563-4).

Adjunct Faculty

Sepideh Nikki Asadbeigi, MD

Sepideh N Asadbeigi, MD

Assistant Professor
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Dermatology

Prabir K. Chakraborty, PhD

Prabir K. Chakraborty, PhD

Assistant Professor (Research)

Daniel J. Cowden, MD, FCAP, CPHIMS

Daniel J. Cowden, MD, FCAP, CPHIMS

Clinical Associate Professor

Judith James, MD, PhD

Judith James, MD, PhD

Associate Vice Provost of Clinical & Translational Science

Professor, Department of Medicine

George Lynn Cross Research Professor

Adjunct Professor of Pathology


Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer

Professor and Program Chair

Arthritis and Clinical Immunology Research Program


David M Lewis, DDS

David M. Lewis, DDS

Associate Professor
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

Adjunct Associate Professor
Department of Pathology

Charles A. Montgomery, DVM, DACVP, DACLAM

Charles A. Montgomery, DVM, DACVP, DACLAM

Adjunct Professor
Department of Pathology
Division of Comparative Medicine

Kathy L. Moser, PhD

Kathy L. Moser, PhD

Associate Member, Arthritis & Immunology Program

Adjunct Faculty, Pathology

Amr H. Sawalha, MD

Amr H. Sawalha, MD

Assistant Member
Arthritis and Immunology Research Program

Assistant Professor of Medicine 
Department of Medicine

Staff Physician 
Veteran Affairs Medical Center
Oklahoma City

Adjunct Faculty
Department of Pathology

R. Hal Scofield, MD

R. Hal Scofield, MD

Internal Medicine
Adjunct Professor, Department of Pathology