Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 22046 Active Page: Facultyid:22079




Priyabrata Mukherjee, PhD, FRSC, FAIMBE, FAAAS, FCRS, FNAI

George Lynn Cross Research Professor
PHF Presidential Professor
Peggy and Charles Stephenson Endowed Chair of Laboratory Cancer Research
Professor of Pathology
Senior Director for Research Partnership and Collaboration, Stephenson Cancer Center
Co-Director, Nanomedicine Program
Oklahoma TSET Research Scholar

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
975 NE 10th ST, BRC 1409A
Oklahoma City, OK 73104

507-358-8508 (cell)


  • BS - Chemistry, University of Burdwan, India (1992)
  • MS - Chemistry, University of Burdwan, India (1994)
  • PhD - Chemistry, University of Poona, India (2000)


  • Junior Research Fellow, Council of Scientific Industrial Research, India (1994-1996)
  • Senior Research Fellow, Council of Scientific Industrial Research, India (1997-2000)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX (2001-2003)
  • Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School/Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA (2003-2004)
  • Senior Research Fellow, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN (2004-2005)

Clinical/Research Interests:

  • Reprogramming tumor microenvironment by nanoparticles
  • Anti-Angiogenic property of inorganic nanoparticles
  • Metabolic enzyme and angiogenesis
  • Identification of new molecular targets using nanotechnology
  • Nanoendocytosis
  • Understanding cellular processes using engineered nanoparticles
  • Metabolic enzymes in cancer

Select Publications:

  1. Zhang, Y., Elechalawar, C. K, Yang, W., Frickenstein, A. N., Asfa, S., Fung, K., Murphy, B. N., Dwivedi, S. K., Rao, G., Dey, A., Wilhelm, S., Bhattacharya, R., Mukherjee. P.Disabling partners in crime: gold nanoparticles disrupt multicellular communications within the tumor microenvironment to inhibit ovarian tumor aggressiveness. (2022). Materials Today Feb 22, 2022 in press.
  2. Hybrid nanosystems for biomedical applications. Joshua Seaberg, Hossen Montazerian, Md Nazir Hossen, Resham Bhattacharya, Ali Khademhosseini, Priyabrata Mukherjee. (2021) ACS Nano, 15, 2099-2142
  3. Switching the intracellular pathway and enhancing the therapeutic efficacy of small interfering RNA by Auroliposome. Md. Nazir Hossen1,2, Lin Wang3, Harisha. R. Chinthalapally1,2, Joe. D. Robertson4, Kar-Ming Fung1,2, Stefan Wilhelm5, Magdalena Bieniasz3, Resham Bhattacharyaand Priyabrata Mukherjee1,2* . (2020) Science Advances, 6(30), eaba5379. PMID: 32743073. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aba5379. 
  4. Dey, A.+, Prabhudesai, S.+, Zhang, Y., Rao, G., Thirugnanam, K., Hossen, M. N., Dwivedi, S. K. D., Ramchandran, R., Mukherjee, P., Bhattacharya, R. (2020). Cystathione β-synthase regulates HIF-1α stability through persulfidation of PHD2. Science Advances. 2020 Jul 3;6(27):eaaz8534. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz8534.
  5. Rao G, Dwivedi SKD, Zhang Y, Dey A, Shameer K, Karthik R, Srikantan S, Hossen MN, Wren JD, Madesh M, Dudley JT, Bhattacharya R, Mukherjee PMicroRNA-195 controls MICU1 expression and tumor growth in ovarian cancer. EMBO Rep. 2020 Oct 5;21(10):e48483. doi: 10.15252/embr.201948483 
  6. Xiong, X., Rao, G., Roy, R. V., Zhang, Y., Means, N., Dey, A., Tsaliki, M., Saha, S., Bhattacharyya, S., Dhar Dwivedi, S. K., Rao, C. V., McCormick, D. J., Dhanasekaran, N., Ding, K., Gillies, E. M., Zhang, M., Yang, D., Bhattacharya, R., Mukherjee, P. (2020). Ubiquitin-binding associated protein 2 regulates KRAS activation and macropinocytosis in pancreatic cancer. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. PMID: 32692445. DOI: 10.1096/fj.201902826RR 
  7. Hossen, M. N., Rao, G., Dey, A., Robertson, J. D., Bhattacharya, R., Mukherjee, P. (2019). Gold Nanoparticle Transforms Activated Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts to Quiescence. ACS applied  materials & interfaces, 11(29), 26060-26068. PMID: 31117437. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b03313
  8. Chakraborty, P. K., Mustafi, S. B., Xiong, X., Dwivedi SKD, Nesin, V., Saha, S., Zhang, M., Dhanasekaran, N., Jayaraman, M., Mannel, R. S., Moore, K., McMeekin, S., Yang, D., Zuna, R. E., Ding, K., Tsiokas, L., Bhattacharya, R., Mukherjee, P. (2017). MICU1 drives glycolysis and chemoresistance in ovarian cancer. Nature communications, 8, 14634. PMID: 28530221. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14634
  9. Arvizo, R. R., Saha, S., Wang, E., Robertson, J. D., Bhattacharya, R., Mukherjee, P. (2013). Inhibition of tumor growth and metastasis by a self-therapeutic nanoparticle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 110(17), 6700-5. PMID: 23569259. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1214547110
  10. Bhattacharyya, S., Bhattacharya, R., Curley, S., McNiven, M. A., Mukherjee, P. (2010). Nanoconjugation modulates the trafficking and mechanism of antibody induced receptor endocytosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 107(33), 14541-6. PMID: 20679244. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1006507107

Adjunct Faculty

Sepideh Nikki Asadbeigi, MD

Sepideh N Asadbeigi, MD

Assistant Professor
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Dermatology

Prabir K. Chakraborty, PhD

Prabir K. Chakraborty, PhD

Assistant Professor (Research)

Daniel J. Cowden, MD, FCAP, CPHIMS

Daniel J. Cowden, MD, FCAP, CPHIMS

Clinical Associate Professor

Judith James, MD, PhD

Judith James, MD, PhD

Associate Vice Provost of Clinical & Translational Science

Professor, Department of Medicine

George Lynn Cross Research Professor

Adjunct Professor of Pathology


Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer

Professor and Program Chair

Arthritis and Clinical Immunology Research Program


David M Lewis, DDS

David M. Lewis, DDS

Associate Professor
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

Adjunct Associate Professor
Department of Pathology

Charles A. Montgomery, DVM, DACVP, DACLAM

Charles A. Montgomery, DVM, DACVP, DACLAM

Adjunct Professor
Department of Pathology
Division of Comparative Medicine

Kathy L. Moser, PhD

Kathy L. Moser, PhD

Associate Member, Arthritis & Immunology Program

Adjunct Faculty, Pathology

Amr H. Sawalha, MD

Amr H. Sawalha, MD

Assistant Member
Arthritis and Immunology Research Program

Assistant Professor of Medicine 
Department of Medicine

Staff Physician 
Veteran Affairs Medical Center
Oklahoma City

Adjunct Faculty
Department of Pathology

R. Hal Scofield, MD

R. Hal Scofield, MD

Internal Medicine
Adjunct Professor, Department of Pathology