Robert “Hal” Scofield, MD is a Professor in the Arthritis and Clinical Immunology Research Program at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation. He also serves as the Associate Chief of Staff for Research at the US Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Pathology at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. After earning his doctorate from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in 1984, Dr. Scofield joined OMRF’s scientific staff in 1991. His scientific efforts at OMRF work in tandem with the US Department of Veterans Affairs to examine autoimmune disease among those diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Academic Section(s):
Endocrinology and Diabetes
- 1980 - 1984 MD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX
- 1976 - 1980 BA - Chemistry, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
- 1989 - 1991 Associate Research Scientist, Arthritis and Immunology Program, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oklahoma City, OK
- 1988 - 1991 Fellow, Section of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Hypertension, Department of Medicine, University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, Oklahoma City, OK
- 1987 - 1988 Chief Medical Resident, Department of Medicine, University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, Oklahoma City, OK
- 1984 - 1987 Resident in Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, Oklahoma City, OK
Clinical/Research Interests:
Research Interests
The immune system distinguishes self from non-self. In autoimmunity, this ability fails. My research concentrates on the systemic autoimmune diseases, systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren's syndrome, which are characterized by a loss of tolerance to the ubiquitous antigens Ro/SSA and La/SSB. We use a wide range of scientific disciplines, from clinical research to laboratory-based basic research to animal models of human disease.
Presently we are studying a powerful genetic association on chromosome 11 at p13 that was originally found in families with severe SLE that are ethnically identified as Black Americans. High density single nucleotide polymorphism typing has identified a highly promising candidate gene, which is now being pursued with studies designed to explore the mechanism by which SLE susceptibility is increased. The etiology for the preponderance of women with SLE is under study. We have found that Klinefelter's syndrome (male 47, XXY) is found in excess among men with SLE, while 47,XXX is increased among women with SLE. Genetic linkage on X is established and is being further defined to test the hypothesis of a gene dose effect. Other genetic interests include the relationship of prolidase deficiency to systemic autoimmunity, and the genetics of Sjögren's syndrome. We are in the process of finalizing the first genome-wide association study for this disease.
My laboratory is also interested in the immunology of systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren's syndrome. Immunization of animals with short peptides from 60 kD Ro induces epitope spreading as well as a Sjögren's syndrome-like illness. The immunology and genetics of this model are being explored. Future studies of this model include adoptive transfer, genetic control of epitope spreading as well as disease manifestations, MRI imaging of animals, and prevention by dendritic cell immunization. This project complements animal immunization studies in which oxidatively modified antigens induce enhanced epitope spreading and disease. We also find that humans with SLE have more oxidative modification of proteins and lipids than do controls.
Human lupus and Sjögren's are being studied at the level of B cell immunity. We have found that transfer of anti-Ro antibodies into naïve animals induces salivary gland dysfunction. The mechanism of this pathology is being investigated, including in 60 kD Ro knock out animals.
Clinical research involving diabetes among patients with lupus is ongoing. In addition, clinical research is being pursued in a comprehensive Sjögren's syndrome research clinic in which patients undergo a complete dental, ophthalmological, and medical evaluation.
Select Publications:
Basu A, Schell J, Scofield RH. Dietary fruits and arthritis. Food Funct 24;9(1):70‑77, 2018 Jan (PMCID:PMC5788027)
Harris VM, Sharma R, Cavett J, Kurien BT, Liu K, Koelsch KA, Rasmussen A, Radfar L, Lewis D, Stone DU, Kaufman CE, Li S, Segal B, Wallace DJ, Weisman MH, Venuturupalli S, Kelly JA, Alarcon‑Riquelme ME, Pons‑Estel B, Jonsson R, Lu X, Gottenberg JE, Anaya JM, Cunninghame‑Graham DS, Huang AJW, Brennan MT, Hughes P, Alevizos I, Miceli‑Richard C, Keystone EC, Bykerk VP, Hirschfield G, Xie G, Siminovitch KA, Ng WF, Nordmark G, Bucher SM, Eriksson P, Omdal R, Rhodus NL, Rischmueller M, Rohrer M, Wahren‑Herlenius M, Witte T, Mariette X, Lessard CJ, Harley JB, Sivils KL, Scofield RH. Corrigendum to "Klinefelter's syndrome (47,XXY) is in excess among men with Sjögren's syndrome" [Clin. Immunol. 168 (2016) 25‑29]. Clin Immunol 187:137‑138, 2018 Feb
LaBryer L, Sharma R, Chaudhari KS, Talsania M, Scofield RH. Kratom, an emerging drug of abuse, raises prolactin and causes secondary hypogonadism. J Invest Med High Impact Case Reports 16;6:2324709618765022, 2018 Mar (PMCID:PMC5858613)
Scofield RH, Sharma R, Harris VM. Reply: X chromosome short arm involvement in autoimmune diseases: comment on the report by Sharma, et al. Arthritis Rheum 70(4):626‑627. 2018 Apr (PMCID:PMC5876124)
Leehan KM, Pezant NP, Rasmussen A, Grundahl K, Moore JS, Radfar L, Lewis DM, Houston GD, Stone DU, Lessard CJ, Rhodus NL, Segal BM, Scofield RH Sivils KL, Montgomery C, Farris AD. Minor salivary gland fibrosis in Sjögren’s syndrome is elevated, associated with focus score and not solely a consequence of aging. Clin Exp Rheumatol May‑Jun;36 Suppl 112(3):80‑88, 2018 (PMCID:PMC5913007)
Koelsch KA, Cavett J, Smith K, Moore JS, Lehoux SD, Jia N, Mather T, Quadri SMS, Rasmussen A, Kaufman CE, Lewis DM, Radfar L, Lessard CJ, Kurien BT, Cummings RD, James JA, Sivils KL, Farris AD, Scofield RH. Evidence for Alternate Modes of B cell Activation Involving IgG Fab Acquired-N-Glycosylations in Plasmablasts Infiltrating the Labial Salivary Glands of Sjögren’s Syndrome Patients. Arthritis Rheumatol 70:1102-1113, 2018 Jul (PMCID: PMC6019603)
Patel Z, Lu X, Miller D, Forney CR, Lee J, Lynch A, Schroeder C, Parks L, Magnusen AF, Chen X, Pujato M, Maddox A, Zoller EE, Namjou B, Brunner HI, Henrickson M, Huggins JL, Williams AH, Ziegler JT, Comeau ME, Marion MC, Glenn SB, Adler A, Shen N, Nath SK, Stevens AM, Freedman BI, Pons‑Estel BA, Tsao BP, Jacob CO, Kamen DL, Brown EE, Gilkeson GS, Alarcón GS, Martin J, Reveille JD, Anaya JM, James JA, Sivils KL, Criswell LA, Vilá LM, Petri M, Scofield RH, Kimberly RP, Edberg JC, Ramsey‑Goldman R, Bang SY, Lee HS, Bae SC, Boackle SA, Cunninghame Graham D, Vyse TJ, Merrill JT, Niewold TB, Ainsworth HC, Silverman ED, Weisman MH, Wallace DJ, Raj P, Guthridge JM, Gaffney PM, Kelly JA, Alarcón‑Riquelme ME, Langefeld CD, Wakeland EK, Kaufman KM, Weirauch MT, Harley JB, Kottyan LC. A plausibly causal functional lupus‑associated risk variant in the STAT1‑STAT4 locus. Hum Mol Genet 2018 Jul 1;27(13):2392-2404, 2018 Jul (PMCID: PMC6005081)
Scofield RH, Fayyaz A, Kurien BT, Koelsch KA. Prognostic Value of Sjögren’s Syndrome Autoantibodies. J Lab Prec Med 3:10.21037, 2018 Oct (jlpm.2018.08.05. doi: 10.21037) (PMCID:PMC7034933)
Hanscombe KB, Morris DL, Noble JA, Dilthey AT, Tombleson P, Kaufman KM, Comeau M, Langefeld CD, Alarcon‑Riquelme ME, Gaffney PM, Jacob CO, Sivils, KL, Tsao BP, Alarcon GS, Brown EE, Croker J, Edberg J, Gilkeson G, James JA, Kamen DL, Kelly JA, McCune, J, Merrill JT, Petri M, Ramsey‑Goldman R, Reveille JD, Salmon JE, Scofield H, Utset T, Wallace DJ, Weisman MH, Kimberly RP, Harley JB, Lewis CM, Criswell LA, Vyse, TJ. Genetic fine mapping of systemic lupus erythematosus MHC associations in Europeans and African Americans. Hum Mol Genet 27: 3813‑3824, 2018 Nov (PMCID:PMC6196648)
Harris VM, Harley IWT, Kurien BT, Koelsch KA, Scofield RH. The lupus risk gene Lysosomal pH is regulated in a sex dependent manner in immune cells expressing CXorf21. Front Immunol 10:578, doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00578, 2019 Apr (PMCID:PMC6454867)
Harris VH, Scofield RH, Sivils KL. Genetics of Sjögren’s Syndrome: Where do we go from here? Clin Exp Rheumatol 37 Suppl 118(3):234-239, 2019 May
Scofield RH, Sharma R, Pezant N, Kelly JA, Radfar L, Lewis DM, Kaufman CE, Cioli S, Harris J, Grundahl K, Rhodus NL, Wallace DJ, Weisman MH, Venuturupalli S, Brennan MT, Koelsch KA, Lessard CJ, Montgomery CG, Sivils KL, Rasmussen A. American Indians have a higher risk of Sjögren’s syndrome and more disease activity than Caucasians or African-Americans. Arthritis Care Res 1:292-302. 2019 Jun (PMCID: PMC6710016)
Rasmussen A, Stone DU, Fife D, Pezant N, Grundahl K, Hefner KS, Kaufman CE, Huang AJW, Siatkowski RL, Chodosh J, Fram NR, Radfar L, Lewis DM, Weissman M, Venuturupalli S, Wallace D, Rhodus NL, Segal BM, Lessard CL, Scofield RH, Montgomery CG, Sivils KL. Reproducibility of Ocular Surface Staining in the Assessment of Sjögren's Syndrome-related Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca – Implications on Disease Classification. ACR Open Rheumatol 1(5):292-302, 2019 Jul (PMCID:PMC6710016)
Harris VM, Koelsch KA, Kurien BT, Harley ITW, Wren JD, Harley JB, Scofield RH. Characterization of CXorf21 provides molecular insight into female-bias immune response in SLE pathogenesis. Front Immunol 10:2160. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.02160, 2019 Oct (PMCID:PMC6816314)
Scofield RH. Physical Examination - Still Relevant in Sjögren’s syndrome. J Rheumatol 45:1495-1496, 2019 Nov
Scofield RH, Chakrabarty EF. Utility and Safety of Vaccines in Sjögren’s. In, Vivno F, ed, Sjögren’s Syndrome: A Clinical Handbook (Elsevier:New York), 2019
Scofield RH, Harris VM. Sex Bias in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Sjögren’s Syndrome. In, Sharma S, ed, Autoimmune Disease in Women, 2019.
Sharma R, Chaudhari K, Kapoor N, Scofield RH. Reversible fulminant hepatitis secondary to cocaine in the setting of beta-blocker therapy. J Invest Med High Impact Case Rep 8:2324709620924203, 2020 Jan. (PMCID:PMC7243380)
Sharma R, Chaudhari KS, Kurien BT, Grundahl K, Radfar L, Lewis DM, Lessard CJ, Li H, Rasmussen A, Sivils KL, Scofield RH. Sjögren’s Syndrome without focal lymphocytic infiltration of the salivary glands. J Rheumatol 47:394-399, 2020 Mar (PMCID: PMC7304293)
Joachims ML, Leehan KM, Dozmorov MG, Georgescu C, Pan Z, Lawrence C, Marlin C, Macwana S, Rasmussen A, Radfar L, Lewis DM, Stone DU, Grundahl K, Scofield RH, Lessard CJ, Wren JD, Thompson LF, Guthridge JM, Sivils KL, Moore JS, Farris AD. Sjögren’s syndrome minor salivary gland CD4+ memory T cells associate with glandular disease features and have a germinal center T follicular helper transcriptional profile. J Clin Med 8;9(7):E2164, 2020 Jul. (PMCID: PMC7408878)
Igoe A, Scofield RH. Sjögren’s Syndrome and Cancer. Rheum Dis Clin N Am 46:513-532, 2020 Aug
Rasmussen A, Scofield RH. The serological status affects the prognostic role of salivary gland histology in primary Sjögren’s syndrome – Response. J Rheumatol 47(12):1839, 2020 Dec
Rasmussen A, Scofield RH. Association between glandular infiltrate and leukopenia in Sjögren’s syndrome (SS): data from the Italian Group for Study of SS (GRISS) - Response. J Rheumatol 47(12):1841, 2020 Dec
Tsaliki M, Koelsch KA, Chambers A, Talsania M, Scofield RH, Charkravarty EF. Ovarian antibodies among SLE women with premature menopause after cyclophosphamide. Intl J Rheum Dis 24(1):120-124, 2021 Jan
Gaines H, Berry D, Jones K, Lim J, Scofield RH. Effect of ivacaftor on cystic fibrosis related diabetes in adults. J Diab Comp 5:107845, 2021 Jan
Oyelakin A, Horeth E, Song EAC, Min S, Che M, Lessard CJ, Rasmussen A, Radfar L, Scofield RH, Lewis DM, Stone DU, Grundahl K, Farris AD, Sivilis K, Sinha S, Kramer JM, Romano R-A. Transcriptomic and Network Analysis of Minor Salivary Glands of Patients with Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome. Front Immunol 8;11:606268, 2021 Jan (PMCID: PMC7821166)
Bachmann M, Bartsch T, Bippes C, Bachmann D, Puentes-Cala E, Bachmann J, Bartsch H, Arndt C, Koristka S, Loureiro LR, Kegler A, Laube M, Gross JK, Gross T, Kurien B, Scofield RH, Farris AD, James JA, Schmitz M, Feldmann A. T Cell Mediated Conversion of a Non-anti-La Reactive B cell to an Autoreactive anti-La B Cell by Somatic Hypermutation. Intl J Mol Sci 26;22(3):1198, 2021 Jan (PMCID: PMC7865296)
Lee AS, Scofield RH, Hammitt KM, Gupta N, Thomas DE, Moua T, Ussavarungsi K, St. Clair EW, Meehan R, Dunleavy K, Makara M, Carsons SE, Carteron NL Consensus Guidelines for Evaluation and Management of Pulmonary Disease in Sjögren’s. Chest 159(2):683-698, 2021 Feb
Basu A, Kurien B Tran H, Byrd B, Maher J, Schell J, Masek E, Barrett J, Lyons T, Betts N, Scofield H. Strawberries decrease circulating tumor necrosis factor and lipid peroxidation underlying knee osteoarthritis in obese adults. Food Nutrition, in press
Kurien BT, Fesmire J, Scofield RH. Increased Atherosclerotic Plaque And Anti-oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein In Anti-Ro60 SLE Autoantibody Subset. Int J Med Sci, in press
Scofield RH. Western Medicine Comes to the Unassigned Lands: Doctors who made the Land Run of 1889. J OK State Med Assoc, in press
3Park EH, Ha Y-J, Kang EH, Song YW, Scofield RH, Lee YL. Baseline disease activity influences subsequent achievement of patient acceptable symptom state in Sjögren's syndrome: a single-institute 3-year prospective study. Rheumatology, in press
LaBryer, L., Sharma, R., Chaudhari, K. S., Talsania, M. S., Scofield, R. H. (2018). Kratom, an Emerging Drug of Abuse, Raises Prolactin and Causes Secondary Hypogonadism: Case Report. Journal of investigative medicine high impact case reports, 6, 2324709618765022. PMID: 29568783. DOI: 10.1177/2324709618765022Radfar L, Scofield RH. Kikuchi-Fujimoto Disease in Patients with Sjögren’s Syndrome. Open J Pathol 3:32-36, 2013
Koelsch, K. A., Cavett, J., Smith, K. M., Moore, J. S., Lehoux, S. D., Jia, N., Mather, T., Quadri SMS, Rasmussen, A., Kaufman, C. E., Lewis, D. M., Radfar, L., Scordino, T. A., Lessard, C. J., Kurien, B. T., Cummings, R. D., James, J. A., Sivils, K. L., Darise Farris, A., Scofield, R. H. (2018). Evidence for Alternate Modes of B cell Activation Involving Fab Acquired-N-Glycosylations in Antibody Secreting Cells Infiltrating the Labial Salivary Glands of Sjögren's Syndrome Patients. Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.). PMID: 29457375. DOI: 10.1002/art.40458
Basu, A., Schell, J., Scofield, R. H. (2018). Dietary fruits and arthritis. Food & function, 9(1), 70-77. PMID: 29227497. DOI: 10.1039/c7fo01435j
Sharma, R., Harris, V. M., Cavett, J., Kurien, B. T., Liu, K., Koelsch, K. A., Fayaaz, A., Chaudhari, K. S., Radfar, L., Lewis, D., Stone, D. U., Kaufman, C. E., Li, S., Segal, B., Wallace, D. J., Weisman, M. H., Venuturupalli, S., Kelly, J. A., Pons-Estel, B., Jonsson, R., Lu, X., Gottenberg, J. E., Anaya, J. M., Cunninghame-Graham, D. S., Huang AJW, Brennan, M. T., Hughes, P., Alevizos, I., Miceli-Richard, C., Keystone, E. C., Bykerk, V. P., Hirschfield, G., Nordmark, G., Bucher, S. M., Eriksson, P., Omdal, R., Rhodus, N. L., Rischmueller, M., Rohrer, M., Wahren-Herlenius, M., Witte, T., Alarcón-Riquelme, M., Mariette, X., Lessard, C. J., Harley, J. B., Ng, W. F., Rasmussen, A., Sivils, K. L., Scofield, R. H. (2017). Rare X Chromosome Abnormalities in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Sjögren's Syndrome. Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.), 69(11), 2187-2192. PMID: 28692793. DOI: 10.1002/art.40207
Leehan, K. M., Pezant, N. P., Rasmussen, A., Grundahl, K., Moore, J. S., Radfar, L., Lewis, D. M., Stone, D. U., Lessard, C. J., Rhodus, N. L., Segal, B. M., Scofield, R. H., Sivils, K. L., Montgomery, C., Farris, A. D. (2017). Minor salivary gland fibrosis in Sjögren's syndrome is elevated, associated with focus score and not solely a consequence of aging. Clinical and experimental rheumatology. PMID: 29148407
Talsania, M. S., Sharma, R., Sughrue, M. E., Scofield, R. H., Lim, J. (2017). Familial Pallister-Hall in adulthood. Neuro endocrinology letters, 38(5), 329-331. PMID: 29106787.
Schell, J., Betts, N. M., Foster, M., Scofield, R. H., Basu, A. (2017). Cranberries improve postprandial glucose excursions in type 2 diabetes. Food & function, 8(9), 3083-3090. PMID: 28748974. DOI: 10.1039/c7fo00900c
Schell, J., Scofield, R. H., Barrett, J., Kurien, B. T., Betts, N., Lyons, T. J., Zhao, Y. D., Basu, A. (2017). Strawberries Improve Pain and Inflammation in Obese Adults with Radiographic Evidence of Knee Osteoarthritis. Nutrients, 9(9). PMID: 28846633. DOI: 10.3390/nu9090949
Li, H., Reksten, T. R., Ice, J. A., Kelly, J. A., Adrianto, I., Rasmussen, A., Wang, S., He, B., Grundahl, K. M., Glenn, S. B., Miceli-Richard, C., Bowman, S., Lester, S., Eriksson, P., Eloranta, M. L., Brun, J. G., Gøransson, L. G., Harboe, E., Guthridge, J. M., Kaufman, K. M., Kvarnström, M., Cunninghame Graham, D. S., Patel, K., Adler, A. J., Farris, A. D., Brennan, M. T., Chodosh, J., Gopalakrishnan, R., Weisman, M. H., Venuturupalli, S., Wallace, D. J., Hefner, K. S., Houston, G. D., Huang AJW, Hughes, P. J., Lewis, D. M., Radfar, L., Vista, E. S., Edgar, C. E., Rohrer, M. D., Stone, D. U., Vyse, T. J., Harley, J. B., Gaffney, P. M., James, J. A., Turner, S., Alevizos, I., Anaya, J. M., Rhodus, N. L., Segal, B. M., Montgomery, C. G., Scofield, R. H., Kovats, S., Mariette, X., Rönnblom, L., Witte, T., Rischmueller, M., Wahren-Herlenius, M., Omdal, R., Jonsson, R., Ng, W. F., Nordmark, G., Lessard, C. J., Sivils, K. L. (2017). Identification of a Sjögren's syndrome susceptibility locus at OAS1 that influences isoform switching, protein expression, and responsiveness to type I interferons. PLoS genetics, 13(6), e1006820. PMID: 28640813. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006820
Brito-Zerón, P., Acar-Denizli, N., Zeher, M., Rasmussen, A., Seror, R., Theander, E., Li, X., Baldini, C., Gottenberg, J. E., Danda, D., Quartuccio, L., Priori, R., Hernandez-Molina, G., Kruize, A. A., Valim, V., Kvarnstrom, M., Sene, D., Gerli, R., Praprotnik, S., Isenberg, D., Solans, R., Rischmueller, M., Kwok, S. K., Nordmark, G., Suzuki, Y., Giacomelli, R., Devauchelle-Pensec, V., Bombardieri, M., Hofauer, B., Bootsma, H., Brun, J. G., Fraile, G., Carsons, S. E., Gheita, T. A., Morel, J., Vollenveider, C., Atzeni, F., Retamozo, S., Horvath, I. F., Sivils, K., Mandl, T., Sandhya, P., De Vita, S., Sanchez-Guerrero, J., van der Heijden, E., Trevisani VFM, Wahren-Herlenius, M., Mariette, X., Ramos-Casals, M., EULAR-SS Task Force Big Data Consortium (2017). Influence of geolocation and ethnicity on the phenotypic expression of primary Sjögren's syndrome at diagnosis in 8310 patients: a cross-sectional study from the Big Data Sjögren Project Consortium. Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 76(6), 1042-1050. PMID: 27899373. DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2016-209952
Danda, D., Sharma, R., Truong, D., Koelsch, K. A., Kurien, B. T., Bagavant, H., Deshmukh, U., Kaufman, C. E., Lewis, D. M., Stone, D. U., Radfar, L., Rasmussen, A., Sivils, K. L., Scofield, R. H. (2017). Anti-La positive, anti-Ro negative subset of primary Sjögren's syndrome: anti-La is a reality but is the disease? Clinical and experimental rheumatology, 35(3), 438-444. PMID: 28229827.
Talsania, M. S.*, Scofield, R. H.# (2017). Menopause and Rheumatic Disease. Rheumatic diseases clinics of North America, 43(2), 287-302. PMID: 28390570. DOI: 10.1016/j.rdc.2016.12.011
Carsons, S. E., Vivino, F. B., Parke, A., Carteron, N., Sankar, V., Brasington, R., Brennan, M. T., Ehlers, W., Fox, R., Scofield, H., Hammitt, K. M., Birnbaum, J., Kassan, S., Mandel, S. (2017). Treatment Guidelines for Rheumatologic Manifestations of Sjögren's Syndrome: Use of Biologic Agents, Management of Fatigue, and Inflammatory Musculoskeletal Pain. Arthritis care & research, 69(4), 517-527. PMID: 27390247. DOI: 10.1002/acr.22968
Vitali, C., Scofield, R. H., Shiboski, S., Seror, R., Criswell, L., Labetoulle, M., Lietman, T., Rasmussen, A., Bowman, S., Mariette, X., Shiboski, C. (in press). Author’s Response to Tezcan and colleagues’ letter. Arthritis Rheumatol. DOI: 10.1002/art.40085 [Epub ahead of print]
Danda, D., Sharma, R.*, Truong, D., Koelsch, K. A., Kurien, B. T., Bagavant, H., Deshmukh, U., Kaufman, C. E., Lewis, D. M., Stone, D. U., Radfar, L., Rasmussen, A., Sivils, K. L., Scofield, R. H.# (2017). Anti-La positive, anti-Ro negative subset of primary Sjögren's syndrome: anti-La is a reality but is the disease? Clinical and experimental rheumatology. PMID: 28229827
Stone, D. U., Fife, D., Brown, M., Earley, K. E., Radfar, L., Kaufman, C. E., Lewis, D. M., Rhodus, N. L., Segal, B. M., Wallace, D. J., Weisman, M. H., Venuturupalli, S., Brennan, M. T., Lessard, C. J., Montgomery, C. G., Scofield, R. H., Sivils, K. L., Rasmussen, A. (2017). Effect of Tobacco Smoking on The Clinical, Histopathological, and Serological Manifestations of Sjögren's Syndrome. PloS one, 12(2), e0170249. PMID: 28166540. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0170249
Shiboski, C. H., Shiboski, S. C., Seror, R., Criswell, L. A., Labetoulle, M., Lietman, T. M., Rasmussen, A., Scofield, H., Vitali, C., Bowman, S. J., Mariette, X. (2017). 2016 American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism Classification Criteria for Primary Sjögren's Syndrome: A Consensus and Data-Driven Methodology Involving Three International Patient Cohorts. Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.), 69(1), 35-45. PMID: 27785888. DOI: 10.1002/art.39859
Kurien, B. T., Matsumoto, H., Scofield, R. H. (2017). Nutraceutical Value of Pure Curcumin. Pharmacognosy magazine, 13(Suppl 1), S161-S163. PMID: 28479742. DOI: 10.4103/0973-1296.203988
Kurien, B. T., Scofield, R. H. (2017). Validating Antibody Specificities for Immunohistochemistry by Protein Blotting Methods. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 1554, 61-73. PMID: 28185183. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-6759-9_3
Fayyaz, A.*, Scofield, R. H. (2016). Iatrogenic milk-alkali syndrome in a patient recovering from acute renal failure. J Diabetes Endocrinol, 3(3), 1-3. DOI: I:
Kurien, B. T., Fesmire, J., Anderson, C. J., Scofield, R. H. (2016). Anti-Ro and Concomitant Anti-La Autoantibodies Strongly Associated With Anti-oxLDL or Anti-Phospholipid Antibody in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Journal of clinical rheumatology : practical reports on rheumatic & musculoskeletal diseases, 22(8), 418-425. PMID: 27870764. DOI: 10.1097/RHU.0000000000000429
Deng, Y., Zhao, J., Sakurai, D., Sestak, A. L., Osadchiy, V., Langefeld, C. D., Kaufman, K. M., Kelly, J. A., James, J. A., Petri, M. A., Bae, S. C., Alarcón-Riquelme, M. E., Alarcón, G. S., Anaya, J. M., Criswell, L. A., Freedman, B. I., Kamen, D. L., Gilkeson, G. S., Jacob, C. O., Merrill, J., Gaffney, P. M., Sivils, K. M., Niewold, T. B., Ramsey-Goldman, R., Reveille, J. D., Scofield, R. H., Stevens, A. M., Boackle, S. A., Vilá, L. M., Sohn, I. I., Lee, S., Chang, D. M., Song, Y. W., Vyse, T. J., Harley, J. B., Brown, E. E., Edberg, J. C., Kimberly, R. P., Cantor, R. M., Hahn, B. H., Grossman, J. M., Tsao, B. P. (2016). Decreased SMG7 expression associates with lupus-risk variants and elevated antinuclear antibody production. Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 75(11), 2007-2013. PMID: 26783109. DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-208441
Seror, R., Meiners, P., Baron, G., Bootsma, H., Bowman, S. J., Vitali, C., Gottenberg, J. E., Theander, E., Tzioufas, A., De Vita, S., Ramos-Casals, M., Dörner, T., Quartuccio, L., Ravaud, P., Mariette, X., EULAR Sjögren Task Force (2016). Development of the ClinESSDAI: a clinical score without biological domain. A tool for biological studies. Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 75(11), 1945-1950. PMID: 27150113. DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-208504
Fedorowski, A., Li, H., Yu, X., Koelsch, K. A., Harris, V. M.*, Liles, C., Murphy, T. A., Quadri, S. M.*, Scofield, R. H., Sutton, R., Melander, O., Kem, D. C. (2016). Antiadrenergic autoimmunity in postural tachycardia syndrome. Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology. PMID: 27702852. DOI: 10.1093/europace/euw154
Fayyaz, A.*, Kurien, B. T., Scofield, R. H.# (2016). Autoantibodies in Sjögren's Syndrome. Rheumatic diseases clinics of North America, 42(3), 419-34. PMID: 27431345. DOI: 10.1016/j.rdc.2016.03.002
Vivino, F. B., Carsons, S. E., Foulks, G., Daniels, T. E., Parke, A., Brennan, M. T., Forstot, S. L., Scofield, R. H., Hammitt, K. M. (2016). New Treatment Guidelines for Sjögren's Disease. Rheumatic diseases clinics of North America, 42(3), 531-51. PMID: 27431353. DOI: 10.1016/j.rdc.2016.03.010
Sandhya, P., Kurien, B. T., Danda, D.*, Scofield, R. H.# (2016). Update on Pathogenesis of Sjögren's syndrome. Current rheumatology reviews. PMID: 27412602
Harris, V. M.*, Sharma, R.*, Cavett, J., Kurien, B. T., Liu, K.*, Koelsch, K. A., Rasmussen, A., Radfar, L., Lewis, D., Stone, D. U., Kaufman, C. E., Li, S., Segal, B., Wallace, D. J., Weisman, M. H., Venuturupalli, S., Kelly, J. A., Alarcon-Riquelme, M. E., Pons-Estel, B., Jonsson, R., Lu, X., Gottenberg, J. E., Anaya, J. M., Cunninghame-Graham, D. S., Huang, A. J., Brennan, M. T., Hughes, P., Alevizos, I., Miceli-Richard, C., Keystone, E. C., Bykerk, V. P., Hirschfield, G., Xie, G., Ng, W. F., Nordmark, G., Bucher, S. M., Eriksson, P., Omdal, R., Rhodus, N. L., Rischmueller, M., Rohrer, M., Wahren-Herlenius, M., Witte, T., Mariette, X., Lessard, C. J., Harley, J. B., Sivils, K. L., Scofield, R. H. (2016). Klinefelter's syndrome (47,XXY) is in excess among men with Sjögren's syndrome. Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.), 168, 25-9. PMID: 27109640. DOI: 10.1016/j.clim.2016.04.002
Rasmussen, A., Radfar, L., Lewis, D., Grundahl, K., Stone, D. U., Kaufman, C. E., Rhodus, N. L., Segal, B., Wallace, D. J., Weisman, M. H., Venuturupalli, S., Kurien, B. T., Lessard, C. J., Sivils, K. L., Scofield, R. H. (2016). Previous diagnosis of Sjögren's Syndrome as rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus. Rheumatology (Oxford, England), 55(7), 1195-201. PMID: 26998859. DOI: 10.1093/rheumatology/kew023
Joachims, M. L.*, Leehan, K. M.*, Lawrence, C. A., Pelikan, R. C., Moore, J. S., Pan, Z., Rasmussen, A., Radfar, L., Lewis, D. M., Grundahl, K. M., Kelly, J. A., Wiley, G. B., Shugay, M., Chudakov, D. M., Lessard, C. J., Stone, D. U., Scofield, R. H., Montgomery, C. G., Sivils, K. L., Thompson, L. F., Farris, A. D. (2016). Single-cell analysis of glandular T cell receptors in Sjögren's syndrome. JCI insight, 1(8). PMID: 27358913. DOI: 10.1172/jci.insight.85609
Liu, K.*, Kurien, B. T., Zimmerman, S. L., Kaufman, K. M., Taft, D. H., Kottyan, L. C., Lazaro, S., Weaver, C. A., Ice, J. A., Adler, A. J., Chodosh, J., Radfar, L., Rasmussen, A., Stone, D. U., Lewis, D. M., Li, S., Koelsch, K. A., Igoe, A., Talsania, M. S., Kumar, J., Maier-Moore, J. S., Harris, V. M., Gopalakrishnan, R., Jonsson, R., Lessard, J. A., Lu, X., Gottenberg, J. E., Anaya, J. M., Cunninghame-Graham, D. S., Huang, A. J., Brennan, M. T., Hughes, P., Illei, G. G., Miceli-Richard, C., Keystone, E. C., Bykerk, V. P., Hirschfield, G., Xie, G., Ng, W. F., Nordmark, G., Eriksson, P., Omdal, R., Rhodus, N. L., Rischmueller, M., Rohrer, M., Segal, B. M., Vyse, T. J., Wahren-Herlenius, M., Witte, T., Pons-Estel, B., Alarcón-Riquelme, M. E., Guthridge, J. M., James, J. A., Lessard, C. J., Kelly, J. A., Thompson, S. D., Gaffney, P. M., Montgomery, C. G., Edberg, J. C., Kimberly, R. P., Alarcón, G. S., Langefeld, C. L., Gilkeson, G. S., Kamen, D. L., Tsao, B. P., Joseph McCune, W., Salmon, J. E., Merrill, J., Weisman, M. H., Wallace, D. J., Utset, T. O., Bottinger, E. P., Amos, C. I., Siminovitch, K. A., Mariette, X., Sivils, K. L., Harley, J. B., Scofield, R. H. (2016). X Chromosome Dose and Sex Bias in Autoimmune Diseases: Increased Prevalence of 47,XXX in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Sjögren's Syndrome. Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.), 68(5), 1290-300. PMID: 26713507. DOI: 10.1002/art.39560
Wolska, N.*, Rybakowska, P., Rasmussen, A., Brown, M., Montgomery, C., Klopocki, A., Grundahl, K., Scofield, R. H., Radfar, L., Stone, D. U., Anaya, J. M., Ice, J. A., Lessard, C. J., Lewis, D. M., Rhodus, N. L., Gopalakrishnan, R., Huang, A. J., Hughes, P. J., Rohrer, M. D., Weisman, M. H., Venuturupalli, S., Guthridge, J. M., James, J. A., Sivils, K. L., Bagavant, H., Deshmukh, U. S. (2016). Brief Report: Patients With Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Who Are Positive for Autoantibodies to Tripartite Motif-Containing Protein 38 Show Greater Disease Severity. Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.), 68(3), 724-9. PMID: 26636433. DOI: 10.1002/art.39497
Szczerba, B. M.*, Kaplonek, P., Wolska, N., Podsiadlowska, A., Rybakowska, P. D., Dey, P., Rasmussen, A., Grundahl, K., Hefner, K. S., Stone, D. U., Young, S., Lewis, D. M., Radfar, L., Scofield, R. H., Sivils, K. L., Bagavant, H., Deshmukh, U. S. (2016). Interaction between innate immunity and Ro52-induced antibody causes Sjögren's syndrome-like disorder in mice. Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 75(3), 617-22
Zhao, J., Wu, H., Langefeld, C. D., Kaufman, K. M., Kelly, J. A., Bae, S. C., Alarcón, G. S., Anaya, J. M., Criswell, L. A., Freedman, B. I., Kamen, D. L., Gilkeson, G. S., Jacob, C. O., James, J. A., Merrill, J., Gaffney, P. M., Sivils, K. M., Niewold, T. B., Petri, M. A., Song, S. T., Jeong, H. J., Ramsey-Goldman, R., Reveille, J. D., Scofield, R. H., Stevens, A. M., Boackle, S. A., Vilá, L. M., Chang, D. M., Song, Y. W., Vyse, T. J., Harley, J. B., Brown, E. E., Edberg, J. C., Kimberly, R. P., Hahn, B. H., Grossman, J. M., Tsao, B. P., La Cava, A. (2015). Genetic associations of leptin-related polymorphisms with systemic lupus erythematosus. Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.), 161(2), 157-62. PMID: 26385092. DOI: 10.1016/j.clim.2015.09.007
Radfar, L., Ahmadabadi, R. E., Masood, F., Scofield, R. H.# (2015). Biological therapy and dentistry: a review paper. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology, 120(5), 594-601. PMID: 26372436. DOI: 10.1016/j.oooo.2015.07.032
Kurien, B. T., Harris, V. M.*, Quadri, S. M.*, Coutinho-de Souza, P., Cavett, J., Moyer, A., Ittiq, B., Metcalf, A., Ramji, H. F., Truong, D., Kumar, R., Koelsch, K. A., Centola, M., Payne, A., Danda, D., Scofield, R. H. (2015). Significantly reduced lymphadenopathy, salivary gland infiltrates and proteinuria in MRL-lpr/lpr mice treated with ultrasoluble curcumin/turmeric: increased survival with curcumin treatment. Lupus science & medicine, 2(1), e000114. PMID: 26380101. DOI: 10.1136/lupus-2015-000114
Sandhya, P., Jeyaseelan, L., Scofield, R. H., Danda, D. (2015). Clinical Characteristics and Outcome of Primary Sjogren's Syndrome: A Large Asian Indian Cohort. The open rheumatology journal, 9, 36-45. PMID: 26161156. DOI: 10.2174/1874312901409010036
Lu, X.*, Zoller, E. E., Weirauch, M. T., Wu, Z., Namjou, B., Williams, A. H., Ziegler, J. T., Comeau, M. E., Marion, M. C., Glenn, S. B., Adler, A., Shen, N., Nath, S. K., Stevens, A. M., Freedman, B. I., Tsao, B. P., Jacob, C. O., Kamen, D. L., Brown, E. E., Gilkeson, G. S., Alarcón, G. S., Reveille, J. D., Anaya, J. M., James, J. A., Sivils, K. L., Criswell, L. A., Vilá, L. M., Alarcón-Riquelme, M. E., Petri, M., Scofield, R. H., Kimberly, R. P., Ramsey-Goldman, R., Joo, Y. B., Choi, J., Bae, S. C., Boackle, S. A., Graham, D. C., Vyse, T. J., Guthridge, J. M., Gaffney, P. M., Langefeld, C. D., Kelly, J. A., Greis, K. D., Kaufman, K. M., Harley, J. B., Kottyan, L. C. (2015). Lupus Risk Variant Increases pSTAT1 Binding and Decreases ETS1 Expression. American journal of human genetics, 96(5), 731-9. PMID: 25865496. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2015.03.002
Clark, E. G., Knoll, G., Bugeja, A., Burns, K. D., Scofield, R. H. (2015). Lupus after kidney donation to an affected male relative. Transplantation, 99(4), e27-8. PMID: 25827324. DOI: 10.1097/TP.0000000000000643
Maier-Moore, J. S.*, Kurien, B. T., D'Souza, A., Bockus, L., Asfa, S., Dorri, Y., Hubbell, S., Yeliosof, O.*, Obeso, D.*, Schoeb, T. R., Jonsson, R., Scofield, R. H.# (2015). Passive transfer of antibodies to the linear epitope 60kD Ro 273-289 induces features of Sjögren's syndrome in naive mice. Clinical and experimental immunology, 180(1), 19-27. PMID: 25370295. DOI: 10.1111/cei.12480
Fayyaz, A.*, Igoe, A.*, Kurien, B. T., Danda, D.*, James, J. A., Stafford, H. A., Scofield, R. H. (2015). Haematological manifestations of lupus. Lupus science & medicine, 2(1), e000078. PMID: 25861458. DOI: 10.1136/lupus-2014-000078
Seror, R., Bowman, S. J., Brito-Zeron, P., Theander, E., Bootsma, H., Tzioufas, A., Gottenberg, J. E., Ramos-Casals, M., Dörner, T., Ravaud, P., Vitali, C., Mariette, X., Asmussen, K., Jacobsen, S., Bartoloni, E., Gerli, R., Bijlsma, J. W., Kruize, A. A., Bombardieri, S., Bookman, A., Kallenberg, C., Meiners, P., Brun, J. G., Jonsson, R., Caporali, R., Carsons, S., De Vita, S., Del Papa, N., Devauchelle, V., Saraux, A., Fauchais, A. L., Sibilia, J., Hachulla, E., Illei, G., Isenberg, D., Jones, A., Manoussakis, M., Mandl, T., Jacobsson, L., Demoulins, F., Montecucco, C., Ng, W. F., Nishiyama, S., Omdal, R., Parke, A., Praprotnik, S., Tomsic, M., Price, E., Scofield, H., Sivils, K., Smolen, J., Laqué, R. S., Steinfeld, S., Sutcliffe, N., Sumida, T., Valesini, G., Valim, V., Vivino, F. B., Vollenweider, C. (2015). EULAR Sjögren's syndrome disease activity index (ESSDAI): a user guide. RMD open, 1(1), e000022. PMID: 26509054. DOI: 10.1136/rmdopen-2014-000022
Kottyan, L. C., Zoller, E. E., Bene, J., Lu, X., Kelly, J. A., Rupert, A. M., Lessard, C. J., Vaughn, S. E., Marion, M., Weirauch, M. T., Namjou, B., Adler, A., Rasmussen, A., Glenn, S., Montgomery, C. G., Hirschfield, G. M., Xie, G., Coltescu, C., Amos, C., Li, H., Ice, J. A., Nath, S. K., Mariette, X., Bowman, S., Rischmueller, M., Lester, S., Brun, J. G., Gøransson, L. G., Harboe, E., Omdal, R., Cunninghame-Graham, D. S., Vyse, T., Miceli-Richard, C., Brennan, M. T., Lessard, J. A., Wahren-Herlenius, M., Kvarnström, M., Illei, G. G., Witte, T., Jonsson, R., Eriksson, P., Nordmark, G., Ng, W. F., Anaya, J. M., Rhodus, N. L., Segal, B. M., Merrill, J., James, J. A., Guthridge, J. M., Scofield, R. H., Alarcon-Riquelme, M., Bae, S. C., Boackle, S. A., Criswell, L. A., Gilkeson, G., Kamen, D. L., Jacob, C. O., Kimberly, R., Brown, E., Edberg, J., Alarcón, G. S., Reveille, J. D., Vilá, L. M., Petri, M., Ramsey-Goldman, R., Freedman, B. I., Niewold, T., Stevens, A. M., Tsao, B. P., Ying, J., Mayes, M. D., Gorlova, O. Y., Wakeland, W., Radstake, T., Martin, E., Martin, J., Siminovitch, K., Moser Sivils, K. L., Gaffney, P. M., Langefeld, C. D., Harley, J. B., Kaufman, K. M. (2015). The IRF5-TNPO3 association with systemic lupus erythematosus has two components that other autoimmune disorders variably share. Human molecular genetics, 24(2), 582-96. PMID: 25205108. DOI: 10.1093/hmg/ddu455
Vaughn, S. E., Foley, C., Lu, X., Patel, Z. H., Zoller, E. E., Magnusen, A. F., Williams, A. H., Ziegler, J. T., Comeau, M. E., Marion, M. C., Glenn, S. B., Adler, A., Shen, N., Nath, S., Stevens, A. M., Freedman, B. I., Tsao, B. P., Jacob, C. O., Kamen, D. L., Brown, E. E., Gilkeson, G. S., Alarcón, G. S., Reveille, J. D., Anaya, J. M., James, J. A., Moser, K. L., Criswell, L. A., Vilá, L. M., Alarcón-Riquelme, M. E., Petri, M., Scofield, R. H., Kimberly, R. P., Ramsey-Goldman, R., Binjoo, Y., Choi, J., Bae, S. C., Boackle, S. A., Vyse, T. J., Guthridge, J. M., Namjou, B., Gaffney, P. M., Langefeld, C. D., Kaufman, K. M., Kelly, J. A., Harley, I. T., Harley, J. B., Kottyan, L. C. (2015). Lupus risk variants in the PXK locus alter B-cell receptor internalization. Frontiers in genetics, 5, 450. PMID: 25620976. DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2014.00450
Canzler, U., Bartsch, H., Großmann, K., Lehmann, W., Conrad, K., Kurien, B. T., Dorri, Y., Scofield, R. H., Bachmann, M. P. (2015). A miniaturized blotting system for simultaneous detection of different autoantibodies. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 1312, 165-73. PMID: 26044001. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2694-7_20
Kurien, B. T., Scofield, R. H. (2015). Analysis of antibody clonotype by affinity immunoblotting. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 1312, 109-17. PMID: 26043996. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2694-7_15
Aggarwal, R.*, Anaya, J. M.*, Koelsch, K. A., Kurien, B. T., Scofield, R. H.# (2015). Association between Secondary and Primary Sjögren's Syndrome in a Large Collection of Lupus Families. Autoimmune diseases, 2015, 298506. PMID: 26246904. DOI: 10.1155/2015/298506
LaBryer, L.*, Sawh, R., McLaurin, C., Scofield, R. H.# (2015). Calcitonin-Secreting Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of Larynx with Metastasis to Thyroid. Case reports in endocrinology, 2015, 606389. PMID: 26491576. DOI: 10.1155/2015/606389
Yeliosof, O.*, Scofield, R. H. (2015). Grid-immunoblotting. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 1312, 375-8. PMID: 26044018. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2694-7_37
Kurien, B. T., Scofield, R. H. (2015). Multiple Immunoblots by Passive Diffusion of Proteins from a Single SDS-PAGE Gel. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 1312, 77-86. PMID: 26043992. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2694-7_11
Moore, J. S.*, Scofield, R. H. (2015). Nanogold Immunodetection Detection Systems for the Identification of Autoantigens by Western Blotting. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 1314, 179-84. PMID: 26139266. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2718-0_19
Kurien, B. T., Scofield, R. H. (2015). Other Notable Methods of Membrane Protein Detection: A Brief Review. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 1314, 357-70. PMID: 26139283. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2718-0_36
Dsouza, A., Scofield, R. H. (2015). Protein Stains to Detect Antigen on Membranes. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 1314, 33-40. PMID: 26139252. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2718-0_5
Kurien, B. T., Scofield, R. H. (2015). Purification of Tryptic Digests on Polyvinylidene Difluoride Membrane. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 1314, 273-7. PMID: 26139275. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2718-0_28
Kurien, B. T., Danda, D., Bachmann, M. P., Scofield, R. H. (2015). SDS-PAGE to Immunoblot in One Hour. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 1312, 449-54. PMID: 26044026. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2694-7_45
Kurien, B. T., Scofield, R. H. (2015). Western blotting of high and low molecular weight proteins using heat. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 1312, 247-55. PMID: 26044007. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2694-7_26
Kurien, B. T., Scofield, R. H. (2015). Western blotting: an introduction. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 1312, 17-30. PMID: 26043986. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2694-7_5
Kurien, B. T., Scofield, R. H. (2015). Western blotting of high and low molecular weight proteins using heat. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 1312, 247-55. PMID: 26044007. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2694-7_26
Kurien, B. T., Scofield, R. H. (2015). Western blotting: an introduction. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 1312, 17-30. PMID: 26043986. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2694-7_5

Reviews and Invited Papers
Igoe A, Scofield RH. Autoimmunity and Infection in Sjogren's Syndrome. Curr Op Rheumatol 25:480-487, 2013 Jul
Kurien BT, Scofield RH. Autoimmune diseases and oxidatively modified autoantigens Autoimmunity Rev, in press.
Scofield RH. Viewpoints in Genetic Medicine: Can Genetic Changes Predict Manifestations of SLE? In, Beuhler B, ed. Medscape Genomic Medicine, 2011 (no PMCID required)
Scofield RH. Vasculitis in Sjögren's Syndrome. Curr Rheumatol Rep 13:482-488, 2011 (No PMCID required)
Scofield RH. Can Genetic Changes Predict Manifestations of SLE. Viewpoints in Genomic Medicine, in Medscape Genomic Medicine, May 2011 (No PMCID required) (
Scofield RH. IL-21 and Sjögren’s syndrome. Arthritis Res Ther 13:137, 2011 (PMCID: PMC3334639)
Scofield RH. Do we need new autoantibodies in lupus? Arthritis Res Therapy. 12:120, 2010 (PMCID:PMC2911855)
Mathews SA, Kurien BT, Scofield RH. Oral manifestations of Sjögren’s syndrome. J Dent Res 87:308-318, 2008.
Scofield RH. Autoimmune hypo- and hyperthyroid in systemic autoimmune disease. In, Walker SE, Jara LJ, eds, Handbook of Systemic Autoimmune Diseases 9:195-205, 2008.
Williams PH, Cobb BL, Namjou B, Scofield RH, Sawalha AH, Harley JB. Horizons in Sjögren's Syndrome Genetics. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol 32:201-209, 2007 (Epub ahead of print 26 Oct 2007) (PMID: 17963047).
Kurien BT, Scofield RH. Western Blotting. Methods 38:283-293, 2006. (PMID: 16483794).
Kurien BT, Hensley K, Bachmann M, Scofield RH. Oxidatively modified autoantigens in autoimmune diseases. Free Rad Biol Med 41:549-556, 2006.
James JA, Harley JB, Scofield RH. Epstein Barr virus and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Curr Opin Rheumatol 18:462-467, 2006.
Kurien BT, Scofield RH. Lipid peroxidation in SLE. Indian J Exp Biol 44:349-356, 2006.
Kurien BT, Patel NC, Porter AC, Miller D, D’Sousa A, Matsimoto H, Wang H, Scofield RH. Proidase deficiency and biochemical assays used in its diagnosis. Anal Biochem 349:165-175, 2006.
Kurien BT, Scofield RH. Autoantibody determination in the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Scand J Immunol 64:227-235, 2006.
Beall DP, Henslee HB, Webb HR, Scofield RH. Milk alkali syndrome: Historical review and description of the modern version of the syndrome. Am J Med Sci 331:233-242, (PMID: 16702792) 2006.
Poole BD, Scofield RH, Harley JB, James JA. Epstein-Barr virus and molecular mimicry in systemic lupus erythematosus. Autommunity 39:1-8, 2006.

Books Chapters and Manuscripts
Kurien, B. T., Scofield, R. H. (2015). Detection of blotted proteins: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology Series (vol. 1314). New York, NY: Humana Press/Springer Science
Scofield, R. H. (2014). Ro/SSA Autoantibodies. The Autoantibodies (pp. 233-238). New York): Elsevier, Shoenfeld Y, Meroni PL, and Gershwin ME., eds
Scofield, R. H. (2013). Mechanisms of Tissue Damage - Free radicals and fibrosis,. Lupus Erythematosus and Related Syndromes (pp. 175-190). Philadelphia: Elsevier
Lessard CJ, Ice JA, Maier-Moore S, Montgomery CG, Scofield RH, Kathy L. Moser KL. Genetics, Genomics, and Proteomics of Sjögren’s syndrome. In, Ramos-Casals M, Stone JH, Moutsopoulos HM, eds, Sjögren’s Syndrome: Diagnosis and Therapeutics, 11-32, 2012. (No PMCID required)
Kurien BT, Mohan C, Scofield RH. Mechanisms of Tissue Damage - Free radicals and fibrosis, In, Wallace DJ, Hahn BH, eds, Dubois’ Lupus Erythematosus and Related Syndromes (Elsevier:Philadelphia), pp 175-190, 2013 (No PMCID required)
Scofield RH. Ro/SSA Autoantibodies. In, eds, Vehuda Shoenfeld, M Eric Gershwin, and Pier Luigi Meroni. The Autoantibodies (Elsevier:New York), 2013, in press (No PMCID required)
Scofield RH, Kaufman KM. Mapping Susceptibility Gene in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. In, Perl A, ed, Autoimmunity: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology 900:11-15, 2012 (No PMCID required)
Kurien BT, Scofield RH, eds. Protein electrophoresis: Methods and Protocols. Humana Press: New York, 2012 (No PMCID required)
Kurien BT, Scofield RH, eds., Methods in Molecular Biology: Protein Blotting and Detection (Human Press: London), volume 536, 2009.
Scofield RH, Nguyen TT. Milk-alkali syndrome. In, Pourmotabbed G, Talavera F, Khardori R, Cooper M, Griffing GT,eds, Medicine Specialties: Endocrinology (, 2009.
Zacharias L, Scofield RH. Rheumatic Manifestations of Systemic Disease. In, Lohr KM, Talavera F, Brent LH, Plantz SH, Zevitz ME, eds, Textbook of Medicine (,
Reichlin, M, Scofield, RH. Ro (SS-A) antibodies. In: Shoenfeld Y, Gershwin ME, and Meroni PL, eds, Textbook of Autoantibodies, 2nd ed, (Elsevier:Amsterdam), 2006.
Scofield RH. Milk-alkali syndrome. In, Pourmotabbed G, Talavera F, Khardori R, Cooper M, Griffing GT, eds, Medicine Specialties: Endocrinology (, 2006.