Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 23052 Active Page: Gene Teamid:23053

Gene Team

Our Students

Students from all OUHSC colleges, from the OU main campus, and from partner institutions across the state are encouraged to consider applying for our summer program.

Though primarily designed for medical and professional students, we strive to recruit students from other programs, academic disciplines and colleges, specifically for the purpose of broadening students' knowledge of and experience with all aspects of academic and biomedical research. Also, by bringing students and faculty mentors together, from the widest possible range of research specialties, we encourage the development of inter-disciplinary research collaborations.

So far, this effort has resulted in the recruitment and training of 49 Medical, 4 Pharmacy, 1 Dentistry, 3 Public Health, and 2 Allied Health students and 1 biomedical graduate student from the OUHSC OKC campus. Also, 3 students—1 each from Anthropology, Psychology and Communication—from the OU main campus in Norman; 1 student from the Oklahoma State University DO school in Tulsa; and one PhD Psychology student from OSU. Of these students, 3 have gone on into the MD/PhD and 1 into the MS in CTS programs. In addition to students, 3 junior faculty members (OMRF, Pharmacy & COM) and 1 staff (IRB) have attended our didactic course.