Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 25716 Active Page: Publicationsid:25734



Borga, C., & Frazer, J. K. (2019). Zebrafish MYC-induced leukemia models: unique in vivo systems to study B and T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. International journal of hematologic oncology8(1), IJH12. doi:10.2217/ijh-2018-0013

Borga, C., Foster, C. A., Iyer, S., Garcia, S. P., Langenau, D. M., & Frazer, J. K.(2019).Molecularly distinct models of zebrafish Myc-induced B cell leukemia. Leukemia,33(2), 559–562. doi:10.1038/s41375-018-0328-1

Borga, C., Park, G., Foster, C.Burroughs-Garcia, J., Marchesin, M., Shah, R., Frazer, J. K. (2019). Simultaneous B and T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias in zebrafish driven by transgenic MYC: implications for oncogenesis and lymphopoiesis. Leukemia33(2),333–347. doi:101038/s41375-018-0226-6

 Burroughs-Garcia, J., Hasan, A., Park, G., Borga, C., Frazer, J. K. Isolating Malignant and Non-Malignant B Cells from lck:eGFP Zebrafish. J. Vis. Exp. (144), e59191, doi:10.3791/59191 (2019).


Squiban, B., Ahmed, S. T., & Frazer, J. K. (2017). Creation of a human T-ALL cell line online database. Leukemia & lymphoma58(11), 2728–2730. doi:10.1080/10428194.2017.1300896


West K, Miles R, Kent ML, Frazer JK. Unusual fluorescent granulomas and myonecrosis in Danio rerio infected by the microsporidian pathogenPseudoloma neurophiliaZebrafish. (In Press).

Squiban B, Frazer JK (2014) Danio rerio: Small Fish Making a Big Splash in Leukemia. Curr Pathobiol Rep 10.1007/s40139-014-0041-3

Mangum DS, Downie J, Mason CC, Jahromi MS, Joshi D, Rodic V, Müschen M, Meeker N, Trede N, Frazer JK, Zhou Y, Cheng C, Jeha S, Pui CH, Willman CL, Harvey RC, Hunger SP, Yang JJ, Barnette P, Mullighan CG, Miles RR, Schiffman JD. (2014). VPREB1 deletions occur independent of lambda light chain rearrangement in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia 28:216-20. 


Christoph S, Deryckere D, Schlegel J, Frazer JKBatchelor LA, Trakhimets AY, Sather S, Hunter DM, Cummings CT, Liu J, Yang C, Kireev D, Simpson C, Norris-Drouin J, Hull-Ryde EA, Janzen WP, Johnson GL, Wang X, Frye SV, Earp HS 3rd, Graham DK. (2013). UNC569, a novel small-molecule mer inhibitor with efficacy against acute lymphoblastic leukemia in uvitro and in vivo. Mol Cancer Ther 12:2367-77. 


El-Mallawany NK*Frazer JK*, Van Vlierberghe PV, Ferrando AA, Perkins S, Lim M, Chu Y, Cairo MS. (2012). Pediatric T- and NK-cell lymphomas: new biologic insights and treatment strategies. Blood Cancer J (Epub 2012 Apr 13).                                                                          
*Co-primary authorship

Online Text

Frazer JKBatchelor LA, Bradley DF, Brown KH, Dobrinski KP, Lee C, Trede NS. Genomic amplification of an endogenous retrovirus in zebrafish T cell malignancies. (2012). Adv Hematol. (Epub 2012 Jun 13).

Online Text      

Ridges S, Heaton WL, Joshi D, Choi H, Eiring A, Batchelor LA, Choudhry P, Manos EJ, Sofla H, Sanati A, Welborn S, Agarwal A, Spangrude G, Miles RR, Cox JE, Frazer JK, Deininger MWN, Balan K, Sigman M, Müschen M, Perova T, Johnson R, Montpellier B, Guidos CJ, Jones DA, Trede NS. (2012). Zebrafish screen identifies novel compound with selective toxicity against leukemia. Blood 119:5621-31.


Rudner LA, Brown KH, Dobrinski KP, Bradley DF, Garcia MI, Smith ACH, Downie JK, Meeker ND, Look AT, Downing JR, Gutierrez A, Mullighan CG, Schiffman JD, Lee C, Trede NS, Frazer JK. (2011). Shared acquired genomic changes in zebrafish and human T-ALL. Oncogene 30:4289-96.

Online Text

Meeker ND, Cherry AM, Bangs CD, Frazer JK. (2011). A pediatric B lineage leukemia with coincident MYC and MLL translocations. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol33:158-60.

Online Text


Meeker ND, Smith ACH, Frazer JK, Bradley DF, Rudner LA, Love C, Trede NS. (2010). Characterization of the zebrafish T cell receptor beta locus. Immunogenetics62:23-9.

Online Text


Frazer JK, Meeker ND, Rudner LA, Bradley DF, Smith ACH, Demarest B, Joshi D, Locke EE, Hutchinson SA, Tripp S, Perkins SL, Trede NS. (2009). Heritable T-cell malignancy models established in a zebrafish phenotypic screen. Leukemia23:1825-35.

Online Text


South ST, Frazer JK, Brothman A, Chen Z. (2006). Unexpected cytogenetic finding in acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a case of del(5q) with a cryptic t(12;21). Cancer Genet and Cytogenet168:177-8.

Online Text


Bonkowsky JL, Frazer JK, Buchi KF, Byington CL. (2002). Metamizole use by Latino immigrants: a common and potentially harmful home remedy. Pediatrics109:e98.

Online Text