Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 22972 Active Page: Researchid:22986


Our Section conducts a wide variety of research, from bench science to clinical trials involving medications and devices.  Funding comes from a number of sources, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), institutional and academic sources, and pharmaceutical and medical device industries.

Oklahoma's Leader in Diabetes and Metabolic Research for Children

 Read more about our Pediatric Metabolic Research.

Clinical Research

Clinical research produces knowledge valuable for understanding human disease, preventing and treating illness, and promoting health.  We use the latest knowledge with patients to provide the best care, and we strive to use our clinical practice to increase our knowledge.   A large part of funding for clinical research in our Section comes from grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), but we also obtain funding from pharmaceutical companies.  Each research project is thoroughly reviewed by the university's  Institutional Review Board before it begins to ensure protection of participant rights and the welfare of human research participants.

Our section has been involved with clinical research for decades, but a series of studies stands out.  The TODAY studies were the first to understand which treatment works best for children and adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes.  Because of the success of the clinical trial, funding was awarded to observe these children and adolescents as they grew to become young adults - a span of up to 16 years.  We learned a great deal about how Type 2 diabetes advances over time as well as the development of complications. This important work led to a new initiative, the "DISCOVERY Study" to discover the risk factors for Type 2 Diabetes in Youth before diagnosis.

What started as an NIH study tracking the risk of Type 1 diabetes in relatives of those with the disease, TrialNet has expanded to include clinical trials.  In our Section, medications are being studied to learn if they can prevent or delay Type 1 diabetes in those who are at highest risk.

In our work with pharmaceutical companies like AscendisNovo Nordisk, and Boehringer Ingelheim, clinical research seeks to address problems with growth and Type 2 diabetes.

Read more about TODAY and TrialNet below. 

Contact Us

1200 Children's Avenue, 4D 
Oklahoma City, OK 73104 
405-271-3093 (fax)