Parent Page: Prospective Students id: 21397 Active Page: Class of 2028 Profileid:23329

Class of 2028

White coat 9Every year the College of Medicine makes over 50 visits to undergraduate programs across Oklahoma in an effort to recruit new students to The University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. Prospective students can request a college brochure, hear descriptions of the various programs, and visit our College of Medicine website. All of these options provide prospective students with a vast amount of information related to the M.D. program. Approximately 6000 students are contacted each year.

Our current class size is 188 incoming students and expanding every year. The Admissions Board is comprised of faculty, volunteer faculty, practicing physicians, and fourth year medical students who make all admissions recommendations. The Oklahoma State Board of Regents for Higher Education mandates that at least 75 percent of an entering class must be Oklahoma residents.

Applicant quality has remained consistently excellent. Matriculating students have entered medical school with an average grade point of 3.81 and an MCAT score of 510. Beyond the academic and experiential qualities, prospective students are assessed on their leadership ability, maturity, self-awareness, self-regulation, social skills, social awareness, and self-motivation.

Below is a snapshot of our current M.D. Class of 2028:  

Total Applications

Class Size

Average Cumulative GPA

Average Science GPA

Average MCAT

Schools Represented

Majors Represented