2009 – present Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine / Diagnostic Error in Medicine
1997 – present Brunswik Society
1992 – present Oklahoma-Kansas Judgment and Decision Making Society
1990 – present Association for Psychological Science (formerly American Psychological Society)
1988 – present Psychonomic Society
1987 – present Society for Mathematical Psychology
1982 – present Society for Judgment and Decision Making
1979 – present Society for Medical Decision Making
AHRQ R01HS024917 (Benjamin Djulbegovic PI) 2018 – 2020
Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope
Evaluation of the Group Decision Making Process of Clinical Guideline Panels
Both public health and healthcare financing depend on reliable, trustworthy Clinical Practice Guidelines. To understand group judgment processes that are foundations of the CPG development, Dr. Hamm is analyzing judgment data collected from individual members of specialty societies’ guideline development panels. Judgments collected before, during, and after the panel meetings allow insight into the changes in opinion induced by panel discussions, and the degree to which panel decisions have the full endorsement of panel members.
Role: Subcontract PI
ME-1403-11937 (Nagykaldi PI) 2015 – 2018
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
Development of a Patient-Directed Queries Network to Engage Patients and Prioritize Their Questions to Inform the PCORI Research Agenda.
In collaboration with a patient advisory board, a patient advocacy group, a community coalition, and three practice-based research networks, we will address gaps in patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) methods in the areas of engagement and prioritization, focusing on longitudinal engagement between researchers and existing patient- and community-based organizations and use of value of information calculations. We will learn how these successful groups have achieved engagement and prioritized opportunities. We will then develop recommendations for enhancements.
Role: Co-Investigator
NIGMS/NIH U54GM104938 (Mold PI) 2013 – 2018
“Limited Competition: Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Program Infrastructure for Clinical and Translational Research”
We propose to strengthen productive bidirectional relationships between researchers and communities in Oklahoma with an emphasis on primary care clinicians, pharmacists, and American Indian communities, expand community test sites by enhancing three practice-based research networks and build a system-wide dissemination/ implementation/diffusion infrastructure consisting of county health improvement organizations (CHIOs) linked to each other and, through regional coordinating centers, to the academic research partners.
Role: Co-Investigator
20100349 (Fetters PI) 01/01/2010 – 12/31/2010
National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) Foundation
Standardization of the clinical skills evaluation of physician assistant students across multiple PA programs.
The major goal is to develop and validate an Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) as an evaluation of the clinical skills of physician assistant students from four regional training programs.
Role: Research Coordinator
RFA-HS-08-003 (Scheid PI) 06/01/2008 – 05/31/2011
Modeling Prioritization of Health Care for Complex Patients Using Archimedes
To study a computer simulation of people with chronic diseases exposed to different treatments with measurements of predicted cardiovascular events.
Role: Co-Investigator
C1053601 (Scheid PI) 07/01/2008 – 06/30/2010
Oklahoma Tobacco Research Center (OTRC)
Tobacco Relapse Prevention: Factors for Success
We propose to conduct a cross-sectional study of factors associated with long-term (>2 years) abstinence from tobacco use in order to identify successful factors for long-term abstinence.
Role: Co-Investigator
SES-0624136 (Hamm PI) 10/01/2006 – 09/30/2010
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: DRU: Hypothesis Generation and Feedback in Dynamic Decision Making.
The purpose of the portion of this project to be conducted at OUHSC is to validate findings from Dr. Thomas’s HyGene and Dr. Gonzalez’s cogIBLT modeling studies, using stimulus materials that have high medical fidelity and using individuals at various levels of education. As a result of the work, the MEDIC software will have realistic tasks ready for use in further research, and the HyGene and cogIBLT models will have been fit to data from experienced diagnosers and decision makers. This will provide insight into the kinds of training needed to prepare clinicians to deal with decision making about dynamic medical situations.
Role: PI
Grant # (Teasdale PI) 2007 – 2010
HRSA Bureau of Health Professions, Geriatric Education Centers (GEC) Grant Program HRSA-07-108
Oklahoma Geriatric Education Center: evidence-based education.
The major goal is to support a network of geriatrics educators with curriculum materials. Hamm advises on the evaluation of curriculum materials
Role: Co-Investigator
Grant # (Sparks PI) 2007 – 2008
Association for Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE)
Direct Interaction with elders as a standardized patient training tool for the portrayal of cognitive impairment.
The main goal is to evaluate if having a Standardized Patient actor observe an actually demented patient will help the actor play the role of a demented patient better. Student evaluations of the SP performance, before and after the SP watched the actual
patient be interviewed by a doctor, were compared.
Role: Co-Investigator
Grant # (Hamm PI) 11/23/2004 – 11/22/2006
Merck & Co., Inc.
Describing the psychosocial burden of illness among women experiencing human papillomavirus-related illness or screening interventions.
The major goal of this project is to conduct a study of women’s understanding of their Pap screening results, whether normal or abnormal (including dysplasia, genital warts, and HPV infection).
Role: Principal Investigator
TSO 571 17 (Hamm PI) 09/30/2001 – 09/29/2005
ATPM/CDC/ATSDR Cooperative Agreement
Women's Emotional and Rational Response to High Risk HPV
The major goals of this project are to design and conduct a study of women after receipt of results of an HPV gene test, of high versus low risk, or no HPV. The study will address women's interpretation of the meaning of the diagnosis with respect to cancer risk and sexual relationships. White, African American, and Indian participants will be involved.
Role: PI
5 D32 HP 10229-03 (Crawford PI) 09/01/1999 – 08/31/2002
Establishments of Departments of Family Medicine
The major goals of this project are to develop an individualized training program in the skills of medical informatics and to train faculty, community primary care physicians, staff and students.
Role: Evidence Based Medicine Advisor
BASIC 99 – 003299 (Scheid PI) 12/31/1999 – 12/31/2002
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
Individualized Computerized Balance Sheets to Support the Decision to Screen for Breast Cancer
The major goals of this project are to run a focus group with women in their 40's concerning breast cancer screening, developed a computerized balance sheet on the mammography decision including calculation of the individual woman's risk of getting breast cancer, and run a study to determine the effects of the balance sheet on women's intentions to be screened for breast cancer as well as on their actual screening behavior in the subsequent 6 months.
Role: Co-Investigator
TS 281 14-16 (Hamm PI) 09/30/1998 – 09/29/2002
ATPM/CDC/ATSDR Cooperative Agreement
Efficacy of Balance Sheets in Prostate Cancer Screening Decisions
The major goals of this project are to develop a paper balance sheet on the prostate cancer screening decision, based on a decision analysis we conducted, and run a study to determine the effects of the balance sheet on men's intentions to be screened for prostate cancer as well as on their actual screening behavior in the subsequent 6 months.
Role: PI