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Educational Experience

Fellows have a wide range of educational experiences throughout the year. Many are within the section led by experienced pediatric endocrinologists, while some are offered through the academic Department of Pediatrics and the OU Health Harold Hamm Diabetes Center. Our connection to the OU Health Harold Hamm Diabetes Center gives the fellows opportunity to attend conferences by renowned experts on diabetes research throughout the year. The section also hosts three visiting professorship endowments: the Kenneth Copeland Endowment, the CMRI Jack and Evelyn Trachtenberg Endowment, and the Macy Nigh Whitener Endowment. Those lectureships allow us to bring leaders in diabetes and endocrinology to campus to share the latest developments in their fields. Fellows typically have breakfast with visiting professors, present difficult cases and have opportunity to interact one on one. Our program also has a 100% first attempt board pass rate among our trainees.


Didactic Coursework
Board Review The goal of this bi-monthly session is to prepare fellows for board certification. The content is guided by the published American Board of Pediatrics core curriculum for Pediatric Endocrinology. Over the course of three years, the fellows are exposed to a wide range of common and rare topics covering basic and clinical endocrinology.
Journal Club Meets quarterly. Each fellow leads approximately two journal clubs per year. The fellow presenting meets with the faculty advisor to select two clinically relevant articles to review that are centered around a central theme i.e. adrenal pathology. The fellow creates a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the key findings of the article along with an analysis of the manuscript.

Introductory Curriculum to Multidisciplinary Care Model A series of educational lectures are provided by our diabetes educators and endocrine nurses to the first year fellow to educate them on various roles played by differing health care providers in taking care of our patients.

Thyroid Tumor Board Review This board review meets on the third Friday of every third month.


Research Conferences
Fellowship Research Conference This is a department-wide conference hosted by the Department of Pediatrics. It occurs on the 2nd Friday of each month (except June and December) and covers basic science research in-depth. Fellows present at this conference each year.
Metabolic Research Conference This conference occurs on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. It is hosted by the OU Health Harold Hamm Diabetes Center. A mix of local faculty and invited experts give lectures on topics related to obesity, diabetes, and related cardiometabolic disorders.
Lab Meeting The research lab meeting occurs weekly among a group of faculty and fellows in our section that utilize cell, biochemistry, and molecular biology methods in their projects. The group works cohesively to discuss progress, interpret results, and troubleshoot procedures, and plan additional experiments and techniques.


Clinical Conferences
Weekly Clinical Meeting Each week, the faculty and staff meet to discuss the inpatient consults and admits from the previous week as well as any other relevant announcements, clarifications, etc.
Morbidity and Mortality Held on the first Monday of the month, this meeting discusses morbidity and mortality cases from the previous month.
Clinical Case Conference Case Conference takes place monthly and is a forum for the providers to discuss any difficult or interesting patients they have seen to receive input and feedback from the group.
Pediatric Grand Rounds This conference is held every Wednesday and is attended by all faculty, staff, and residents in the Department of Pediatrics. The conference hosts visiting professors and department faculty who present their work in all areas of pediatrics.
Continuity Clinic Meeting Fellows will meet weekly with their continuity clinic attending to discuss difficult or interesting patients seen in continuity clinic.


Chart Reviews
DSD Chart Review and Journal Club
Turner Syndrome Clinic Chart Review
Bone Clinic Chart Review


Other Educational Opportunities
Academy of Teaching Scholars
Professional Development and QI Offered by the Department of Pediatrics, beginning each August, these workshops occur on the first Tuesday every other month at noon.
Camp Blue Hawk Fellows are required to attend this diabetes camp once during their three years of training. If the fellow has had prior experience in a diabetes camp setting the requirement will be waived by the Program Director.