Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 21520 Active Page: Facultyid:21537


The Department of Anesthesiology has a diverse faculty, whose interests encompass the entire spectrum of modern clinical practice. Each faculty member strives to provide different insights to patient care.  This encourages our residents to develop anesthetic plans, which have been thought out logically with alternatives considered.  Emphasis on the development of a consultant is emphasized.

Positions Available

The successful candidate enjoys teaching and has an interest in research.  Responsibilities include clinical and didactic instruction of residents, fellows, medical students, and supervision of CRNA's in anesthesia related activities. Surgical procedures cover all major surgical specialties. Physical requirements include helping to move patients to/from stretchers to/from OR bed, helping to push patients on stretchers to PACU and to/from ICU, plus should be able to navigate on footing very small areas that are oftentimes surrounded by machines, cords, carts, etc. Individuals with disabilities and protected veterans are encouraged to apply.  The University of Oklahoma is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Forward CV to Dr. Kenichi Tanaka, Department of Anesthesiology, P.O. Box 26901, OKC, OK  73126-0901. 

Alphabetical Listing by Hospital

Administration | Adult Services | Children's Hospital | Veteran's Administration | Advance Practice Practitioners


Kenichi Tanaka, MD

Kenichi Tanaka, MD

Professor and Chair
John L. Plewes Professorship of Anesthesiology

Pamela Roberts, MD

Pamela Roberts, MD

Vice Chair for Administration

Pramod K. Chetty, MD

Pramod Chetty, MD

Vice Chair for Education
Associate Residency Program Director

Adult Services

Benjamin Blanchard , MD
Estibaliz Burns, MD

Estibaliz Burns, MD

Assistant Professor

Aaron Cates, MD

Aaron Cates, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Pramod K. Chetty, MD

Pramod Chetty, MD

Vice Chair for Education
Associate Residency Program Director

Bradley Gawey, MD

Bradley Gawey, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Campbell Gillespie, MD

Campbell Gillespie, MD

Assistant Professor

Division Chief, Pre-Anesthesia Unit (PAU)

Marcos Gomes, MD

Marcos Gomes, MD

Assistant Professor

William Gordon, MD

William Gordon, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Jeremy Haney, MD

Jeremy Haney, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor
Co-Medical Director, Obstetric Anesthesiology

Rodney Helton, MD

Rodney Helton, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Brett Hulin, DO

Brett Hulin, DO

Associate Professor
Medical Director, Ambulatory Anesthesia

Neeti Kohli, MD

Neeti Kohli, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Kaitlyn Kulesus, DO

Kaitlyn Kulesus, DO

Assistant Professor

Assistant Residency Program Director
John H. Saxon III, M.D. Professorship of Anesthesiology
Medical Director of MOCA Simulation

Christopher Lamb, MD
Nathan Lasiter, MD

Nathan Lasiter, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Michael Major, DO

Michael Major, DO

Assistant Professor
Co-Medical Director, Obstetric Anesthesiology

Kailee May, MD

Kailee May, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Aaron McCoy, DO

Aaron McCoy, DO

Assistant Professor

Teodora O. Nicolescu, MD
Aimee Pak, MD

Aimee Pak, MD

Assistant Professor

Srikiran Ramarapu, MD

Srikiran Ramarapu, MD

Clinical Associate Professor

John Sheets, MD

John Sheets, MD


Shashank S. Shettar, MD FASA

Shashank S. Shettar, MD, FASA

Assistant Professor

Associate Chief of Staff, Adult Services, OU Medical Center

Medical Director, Transplant Anesthesiology

Co-Medical Director, Anestheisa Informatics

Richard Spangler, MD

Richard Spangler, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Kenichi Tanaka, MD

Kenichi Tanaka, MD

Professor and Chair
John L. Plewes Professorship of Anesthesiology

Geoffrey Taylor, MD

Geoffrey Taylor, MD

Assistant Professor
Director of Anesthesia, Adult Services

Joseph Terracina, MD

Joseph Terracina, MD

Assistant Professor

Assistant Medical Student Clerkship Director

Julie Thomas, DO

Julie Thomas, DO

Assistant Professor

Division Chief, Acute Pain Servcie

Jaxson Thomas, MD

Jaxson Thomas, MD


Andrew Thyen, MD

Andrew B. Thyen, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Troy Tortorici, MD

Troy Tortorici, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

David Van, MD

David Van, MD

Assistant Professor
Assistant Residency Program Director

Kofi Vandyck, MD

Kofi Vandyck, MD

Associate Professor
Medical Director, Cardiovascular and Thoracic Anesthesia

Christine Vo, MD

Christine Vo, MD, FASA

Associate Professor
Medical Student Clerkship Director

Casey Windrix, MD

Casey Windrix, MD

Associate Professor
Residency Program Director
Interim Fellowship Program Director, Pain Management

Children's Hospital

Thomas Stevens, MD