Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 21544 Active Page: Facultyid:21550

Residency Faculty

Brandt Wiskur, PhD, LMSW
Family and Preventive Medicine

Brandt Wiskur, PhD, LMSW

Associate Professor of Research

Adjunct, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Family Medicine Center Building
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
​900 NE 10th Street
Oklahoma City, OK  73104


Dr. Wiskur (he/him) is an Associate Professor of Research in the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the OU College of Medicine. He is an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Additionally, he works as a psychotherapist at OU Health Psychiatry. His teaching responsibilities include instructing neuroscience didactics to psychiatry residents and biopsychosocial determinants of health to social workers. Dr. Wiskur has extensive experience developing methodologies that assess population characteristics across the university and evaluating statistical prediction models for dependent variables such as student enrollment, performance outcomes, and staff retention. He was the Director of Institutional Research for ten years and the Interim Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Affairs for four years. His institutional role follows years of biomedical research as a neuroscientist and education program management efforts where he designed novel experimental studies, participated in educational program development, and evaluated both results. These efforts have resulted in twenty-five peer-reviewed scientific publications and NIH grant funding. Before his graduate studies, he was a U.S. Army sergeant and has spent approximately two years in a deployed status. He is currently a member of an OUHS cross-departmental research team focusing on the impact of fear and trauma. He also serves as a field instructor for social work students in their practicum, some of whom have trained at CLL. In 2008, he earned his Doctorate in Neuroscience, and in 2017, he earned a master’s degree in social work. Brandt works with the CLL on special projects and participates as a faculty member in CLL-sponsored training events.


2013 – 2017       MSW, Social Work (summa cum laude). Anne and Henry Zarrow School of Social Work, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK

2009 - 2011       Postdoctoral Fellowship, Oklahoma Center for Neuroscience, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK

2003 - 2008       PhD, Neuroscience, Graduate College, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK

2001 - 2003       BS, Chemistry (cum laude), Department of Chemistry, College of the Ozarks, Point Lookout, MO



U01 GM132175, Sood (PI), Role: Site Coordinator. 07/01/2019 - 06/30/2024. Effectiveness of Innovative Research Mentor Interventions among Underrepresented Minority Faculty in the Southwest.

T99HP33558, Crawford (PI), Role: Program Evaluation. 09/01/2019 - 06/30/2024. Medical Student Education Program to prepare medical students for primary care careers.


James (PI), Role: Program Evaluator. 07/01/2017 - 06/30/2023. Education and Mentoring Professional Development Core (PDC), in Oklahoma Center for Clinical and Translational Resources (OSCTR).

Stoner & Houchen (PIs), Role: Program Evaluator. 09/24/2017 - 05/31/2022. Addressing Health Disparities among Oklahoma Minority and Rural Communities through Clinical Research Education and Career Development.

Select Publications:

  1. Boylan P, Knisley J, Wiskur B, Nguyen J, Lam K, Hong J, Caballero J. 2024. Pharmacist-social worker interprofessional relations and education in mental health: a scoping review. PeerJ 12:e16977 DOI 10.7717/peerj.16977
  1. Tigges B, Soller B, Myers O; Shore X, Mickel N, Dominguez N, Wiskur B,  Helitzer D, Sood A. Mentoring Network Questionnaire Support Scales Reliable and Valid with University Faculty. Chron Mentor Coach, 2023; 7 (16), 459-465. 
  1. Shore XW, Soller B, Mickel N, Wiskur B, Morales D, Dominguez N,  Tigges B, Myers O, Sood A. Gender Differences in Self-reported Faculty Developmental Networks. Chron Mentor Coach, 2023; 7 (16), 445-452. 
  1. Shore, X. W.;  Soller, B.;  Mickel, N.;  Wiskur, B.;  Morales, D.;  Arora, S.;  Dominguez, N.;  Tigges, B.;  Myers, O.; Sood, A., Curriculum-based Faculty Training in Networking: Knowledge and Self-efficacy Outcomes. Chron Mentor Coach, 2023; 7 (16), 453-458. 
  1. Hilton, B.T., Brand, Rojas, Leckie, Trapp, Wiskur B, Kavya, Kuhn, K. (in press). Fear of COVID-19 among non-smokers and smokers/former smokers: Implications for health promotion practice. Journal of Emergency Management. Apr 2023;21(7):306-313.
  1. Trapp MDC, Wiskur BJ, Suh JH, Brand MW, Kuhn KG, Rojas J. Sex Differences between Medical Students in the Assessment of the Fear of COVID-19. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Mar 13;19(6):3372.
  1.  Soller B, Dominguez N, Sood A, Mickel N, Myers O, Tigges B, Wiskur B, Helitzer D, Morales D. Developmental Networks Among Mentors and Mentees Involved in a Mentoring Intervention. Chron Mentor Coach. 2021 Dec;5(14):375-382.
  1. Brand, MW, Wiskur BJ, Rojas, JI. Assessing fear of COVID-19 at an academic medical center. Journal of Emergency Management. 2020 18(7) 91-98.
  1. Wiskur BJ, Mickel N, Williams VN. Mentee Assessment of Mentoring Competencies at an Academic Health Sciences Center. Journal of Faculty Development. 2020 34(2) 33-42.
  1. Mickel N, Wiskur BJ, James J, VanWagoner T, Williams VN. Assessing Faculty Capacity to Build an Effective Mentoring Network at an Academic Health Sciences Center. Journal of Faculty Development. 2018 32(3).
  1. Coburn PS, Wiskur BJ, Miller FC, LaGrow AL, Astley RA, Elliott MH, Callegan MC. Bloodstream-To-Eye Infections Are Facilitated by Outer Blood-Retinal Barrier Dysfunction. PLoS. 2016 May 19;11(5).
  1. Coburn PS, Wiskur BJ, Astley RA, Callegan MC. Blood-Retinal Barrier Compromise and Endogenous Staphylococcus aureus Endophthalmitis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015 Nov 1;56(12):7303-11.
  1. Coburn PS, Wiskur BJ, Christy E, Callegan MC. The diabetic ocular environment facilitates the development of endogenous bacterial endophthalmitis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012 Nov 1;53(12):7426-31.
  1. Tran L, Wiskur B, Greenwood-Van Meerveld B. The role of the anteriolateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in stress-induced nociception. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2012 Jun 1:302(11):G1301-9.
  1. Callegan MC, Gues S, Wheatley NR, Woods DC, Griffin G, Wiskur BJ, Leonard R. Efficacy of vitrectomy in improving the outcome of Bacillus cereus endophthalmitis. Retina. 2011 Sep;31(8):1518-24.
  1. Wiskur B, Greenwood-Van Meerveld B. The Aging Colon: The role of enteric neurodegeneration in constipation. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2010 Dec;12(6):507-12.
  1. Wiskur BJ, Tyler K, Campbell-Dittmeyer K, Chaplan SR, Wickenden AD, Greenwood-Van Meerveld B. A novel TRPV1 receptor antagonist JNJ-17203212 attenuates colonic hypersensitivity in rats. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol. 2010 Oct;32(8):557-64.
  1. Callegan MC, Novosad BD, Ramadan RT, Wiskur B, Moyer, AL. Rate of bacterial eradication by ophthalmic solutions of fourth generation fluoroquinolones. Adv Ther. 2009;26(4):447-454.
  1. Rajala RV, Wiskur BJ, Tanito M, Callegan M, Rajala A. Diabetes reduces autophosphorylation of retinal insulin receptor and increases protein tyrosine phosphatase-1B activity. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009 Mar;50(3):1033-40.
  1. Wiskur BJ, Woods DC, Wheatley NR, Callegan MC. Update on improvements for therapy of severe bacterial endophthalmitis. ISOPT. 2009:25-37.
  1. Wiskur BJ, Hunt JJ, Callegan MC. Hypermucoviscosity as a virulence factor in experimental Klebsiella pneumoniae endophthalmitis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2008;49(11):4931-8
  1. Wiskur BJ, Robinson ML, Farrand AJ, Novosad BD, Callegan MC. Toward improving therapeutic regimens for Bacillus endopthalmits. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2008;49(4):
  1. Callegan MC, Gilmore MS, Gregory M, Ramadan RT, Wiskur BJ, Moyer AL, Hunt JJ. Novosad BD. Bacterial endopthalmitis: therapeutic challenges and host-pathogen interactions. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2007;26(2):189-203.
  1. Thirumangalakudi L, Samany PG, Owoso A, Wiskur B, Grammas P. Angiogenic proteins are expressed by brain blood vessels in Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2006;10(1):111-8.

Research Faculty

Motolani Adedipe, DPh, MS, PhD

Motolani Adedipe, DPh, MS, PhD

Associate Professor

Associate Director, Access and Opportunity, Stephenson Cancer Center

Adam C. Alexander, PhD

Adam C. Alexander, PhD

Assistant Professor

Thanh C. Bui

Thanh C. Bui, MD, DrPH

Assistant Professor

Michael S. Businelle, PhD

Michael S. Businelle, PhD

Leader of the OTRC mHealth Core

Mary Gowin, PhD, MPH

Mary Gowin, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor

Robert Hamm, PhD

Robert Hamm, PhD

Professor, Director of Medical Decision Making

Darla E. Kendzor, Ph.D.

Darla E. Kendzor, PhD

Associate Professor
Leader of the Tobacco Intervention Research Clinic

Joanne Lyu, PhD

Joanne Lyu, PhD

Assistant Professor

Julia McQuoid, PhD

Julia McQuoid, PhD

Assistant Professor

Natasha M. Mickel, Ph.D.

Natasha M. Mickel, PhD

Assistant Professor
Assistant Director of Faculty Development
Director of Oklahoma Center for Mentoring Excellence
Program Coordinator of Center for Telemedicine

Jim Mold, MPH, MD

Jim W. Mold, MPH, MD

Professor Emeritus
Member of the Institute of Medicine

Zsolt Nagykáldi, PhD

Zsolt J. Nagykáldi, PhD, BTh

Director of Research (OUFMC)
Associate Director of Community-Engaged Research (OSCTR)
Associate Director of the Oklahoma Primary Healthcare Improvement Collaborative (OPHIC)

Jordan Neil, PhD

Jordan Neil, PhD

Assistant Professor

Jason A. Oliver, PhD

Jason A. Oliver, PhD

Assistant Professor

Elisabeth Ponce-Garcia, PhD

Elisabeth Ponce-Garcia, PhD

Associate Professor

Michael C. Robertson, PhD, MPH

Michael C. Robertson, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor

Brandt Wiskur, PhD, LMSW

Brandt Wiskur, PhD, LMSW

Associate Professor of Research

Adjunct, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences