Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 23059 Active Page: Curriculumid:23062


At OUHSC, students receive a strong science, research, and psychosocial curriculum. Taken on a full-time basis, course work will require twenty-one (21) months of study. The total time for classroom courses, practicums, and thesis will be 48 credit hours.

Didactic Coursework

  • Didactic course work will encompass medical genetics, psychosocial theory, counseling techniques, clinical and molecular genetics, and cytogenetics.
  • The full 48 hours of course work must be completed with a minimum grade point average of 3.0; as well as attendance and/or participation in departmental journal club, Pediatrics grand rounds, clinic case conferences, committee meetings, and community outreach/education opportunities.
  • Class Schedule


In addition to coursework, students conduct original research for a required thesis in an area of interest to the student.

  • Students produce a written thesis and present the thesis in an oral defense prior to graduation.
  • Students submit an abstract of their original work for presentation to an appropriate genetics meeting prior to graduation and, as appropriate, submit an article for publication.
  • Students also produce a poster which is presented at the GREAT Symposium and Pediatrics Research Day at OUHSC.

Clinical Practicums

Clinical practicums provide the students with supervised experience in many areas of clinical genetics including; prenatal diagnosis counseling, cancer genetics counseling, clinical metabolic genetics, and laboratory techniques in cytogenetics and molecular genetics, and others.

Other required Activities

  • Presentation of current genetics research articles at Genetics Journal Club four (4) times over the 2-year program
  • Students are also expected to give a Genetics Education presentation to a local support group or organization outside the Genetics Section
  • Students complete a series of “reflection” assignments over the course of the program to aid in their professional development and take a series of multiple choice exams to provide feedback on their increasing didactic knowledge and provide additional examination experience.
  • Our students have also been involved in OUHSC GREAT (Graduate Research Education And Technology) and have successfully presented posters at the The GREAT Symposium

Sample Extra-Curricular Opportunities

  •  MSGC Students often present at PEDS Research Day each Spring.

  • Many of our students are also successful in securing GRA positions either within the Section of Genetics or in related areas.

  • Many of our students and faculty have also been involved with The Oklahoma LEND Interdisciplinary Leadership Education Program.

  • Students are also often involved with local support groups like: SibShops or Cavett Kids.