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College News

The National Institutes of Health has awarded the University of Oklahoma a five-year, $17.2 million grant to partner with tribal nations and communities to improve cancer outcomes. Research has shown that the American Indian and Alaska Native population in Oklahoma experiences a 36% higher incidence of cancer and a 73% higher death rate from cancer than faced by the U.S. general population.

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As people age, the liver is among several organs that experience chronic, low-grade inflammation, a state that keeps the immune system activated even though there is no threat. Liver inflammation has been linked to several liver diseases, such as fatty liver disease and liver cancer, but the liver also communicates with the brain, triggering inflammation that can lead to cognitive decline. University of Oklahoma researcher Deepa Sathyaseelan, Ph.D., recently earned a $2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to study the reasons behind this liver-brain crosstalk and test methods of protecting both organs.

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Soon after a dementia diagnosis, many people document their preferences for medical care near the end of their lives, often stipulating that they want to avoid hospitalizations and aggressive interventions. A new University of Oklahoma study aims to discover whether the actual care they receive aligns with their preferences.

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Professor and Chairman of the Department of Urology at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Michael S. Cookson, M.D., was recently accepted as a member of the prestigious Clinical Society for Genitourinary Surgeons.

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Monday, September 30, 2024

Good News

September 2024 

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