Parent Page: Academic Departments id: 23176 Active Page: Applicant FAQid:25340

Applicant FAQs

Hello and thank you for your interest in the Pediatric Residency Program at The University of Oklahoma! Please see below for answers to our most frequently asked questions. We know how stressful it can be to go through residency interviews, especially virtually, so hopefully these FAQ's will put you at ease. 

Interview Specifics:

When will OU interview residency applicants? Tuesdays and Thursdays in late October to late January.

How long will the interview last? Approximately 4-5 hours. We will also have an informal resident / applicant Meet and Greet one of the nights during the week of your interview (typically Mondays), lasting approximately one hour.

What should I wear? Dress professionally and comfortably. Feel very free to personalize your location/background if desired to share more about yourself, your interests and your passions. 

Should I interview early to show "interest" or interview late to "not be forgotten"? Schedule interviews at your convenience. The timing of an interview has ZERO relevance to our decision making.

How is signaling being used at your program? We recommend you signal programs you have a genuine interest in. We will take into account if you signal us, but we will still review all applications regardless of signal status. 

Program Culture:

How can I learn about the culture of the program virtually? We will provide opportunities for you to be with residents in private/informal settings with ample Q & A time. The candor will be quite revealing. 

Can I talk to a resident currently in the program to help me decide on whether or not to apply? Of course! Send us an email at with your request, including if you have a preference of speaking with a resident of a particular training level, gender, family status, ethnicity, religion, hometown, med school, professional interest, favorite flavor ice cream, etc.. While we won't ask you many of these personal / demographic details, we understand the critical importance of both diversity and feeling like you fit in - so you should feel free to ask away!   

Can I come see the hospital in person for a second look? Yes! We will have two Second Look dates - January 31st and February 14th. At these events, you will be able to attend a noon report, tour the hospital, and meet the residents. Our program will finalize and certify our rank list (meaning we can no longer change it) before we meet you at a Second Look. This is meant to be for YOU to experience why we love OU and will not have any effect on your application to our program. It is completely optional and will not impact our rank list!


Should my ERAS application be submitted in the first week to be fully considered? No. We review all applications upon receipt, even in January.

Is there a cut-off for years since graduation? We prefer that you make application within 2 years of graduation from your respective medical school, however we take all information into account when reviewing your application.  We encourage anyone who is interested to apply!

How many letters of recommendation are required? We encourage a total of three recommendation letters. We do NOT require a Chair’s letter. In general, it is better to have fewer letters from people who know you really well, than more letters from people who don’t really you. We would like to see at least one Peds letter, but it’s perfectly okay to have letters from other specialties – especially if they know you well and can describe what’s amazing about you!  

Program Outcomes:

What is your board pass rate? Our 2022-2023 pass rate was 88%. Program Pass Rates for all ACGME accredited programs from 2021-2023 can be found on the ABP website. Our program rate from 2021-2023 was 79%. This is just below the national average and is primarily due to a one time uncharacteristically low pass rate during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 (2017-2023 pass rate 87%). As a result, we have implemented several programmatic supports to help residents prepare for the board exam. Please keep in mind that we recruit for personal values and characteristics, not USLME or COMLEX scores.

What do your graduates do? 1/3 to 1/2 go on to fellowship. Of those doing general pediatrics, about 1/4 stay in academics, 1/2 go into an urban or suburban practice, and about 1/4 go into rural practice (we have a list of recent fellowship matches at the bottom of our Program Details page just under Perks, Salary and Benefits).

Do you accept only COMLEX scores from osteopathic candidates (without taking Step)? Yes! Save your money, as far as we are concerned. Med School is expensive enough.

Is a Step 2 or Level 2 score required at time of application? We would like to see USMLE Step 2 or COMLEX Level 2 scores as early as possible. As a general rule of thumb, try to take these exams as early as you can.


Is there a maximum number of attempts you accept for USMLE / COMLEX?  You must pass your exams by the 3rd attempt.  After 3 failed attempts, you cannot get licensed in the State of Oklahoma.  This is a state requirement and not specific to the University of Oklahoma.

Do you accept only COMLEX scores from osteopathic candidates (without taking Step(s))? Yes! Save your money, as far as we are concerned. Med School is expensive enough.

Do you have a minimum score requirement?  We do not have a standard requirement for USMLE Step scores or COMLEX level scores.  We look at every application in a holistic manner.  Scores are taken into consideration, along with all other information included in your application.

Is Step 2 CK or Level 2 CE score required at time of application? We would like to see USMLE 2-CK or COMLEX level 2 CE scores as early as possible. As a general rule of thumb, try to take these exams as early as you can

International Applicants:

Do you accept International Medical Graduates?  We accept and encourage international medical graduates to apply to our program. As part of your application, and as with all applicants, help us understand what appeals to you about our program / Oklahoma City.

What type of visas can you sponsor for International Medical Graduates?  The University of Oklahoma only sponsors the J-1 Visa.  Should you be accepted to our program, you will need to establish a current J-1 Visa before starting your Intern Orientation.  Orientation is in June, before your intern year officially starts in July (usually July 1st).

Do you require an ECFMG Certificate to interview?  The ECFMG certificate is not required to receive an interview, but is required in order to start your residency.  The Education Office and the GME office must receive this before your residency begins.

Are there U.S. clinical experience requirements (for IMG’s) to apply? No. The University of Oklahoma does not require any clinical experience in the United States before making application to our Residency Program.