Parent Page: Faculty & Staff id: 21480 Active Page: Membership & Standardsid:23362

Academy Membership


Faculty will be considered eligible for membership if they:

  • Are faculty members within the College of Medicine
  • Support the teaching mission of the College of Medicine
  • Are in good standing within the College of Medicine
  • Provide evidence of quality and quantity of educational activities in teaching, educational activities, scholarly work related to teaching and educational leadership, and administration.

Sample Application

Membership Details

Membership Benefits

Membership Expectations

Membership in the Academy carries privileges as well as expectations. To ensure that the Academy remains a premier, vibrant, and growing academy, each member is expected to commit time and energy towards the accomplishments of the stated goals of the Academy.

Ways you can get involved

¡Attend committee meetings and participate in committee activities
¡Attend ATS programing
¡Moderate an ATS session
¡Assist in planning ATS programming
¡Give a presentation/workshop for ATS members
¡Attend the annual recognition ceremony
¡Speak to others about opportunities with in the ATS

Membership Options

Faculty members may be eligible for Full Membership if they meet the standards below:

  • Faculty members may be eligible for Faculty Membership if they have three years as teaching faculty and a minimum of one item in education research or scholarship*
  • Membership is based on evidence of excellence in education documented through an application completed by the applicant. The application includes: (1) a letter of support from the chair, (2) current CV, (3) application.

Each application is reviewed using peer-review process via a review panel of Academy members from the Membership and Standards Committee. A panel of Academy members will review and score all applications, and only those that meet the criteria will be granted membership. Membership in the Academy of Teaching Scholars is at the discretion of the Membership & Standards Committee. 

Faculty members may be eligible for Associate Faculty Membership if they have less than three years as teaching faculty and/or one item in education research or scholarship*

Membership is based on evidence of excellence in education documented through an application completed by the applicant. The application includes: (1) a letter of support from the chair, (2) current CV, (3) application. Please submit all letters of support via PDF to

Each application is reviewed using peer-review process via a review panel of Academy members from the Membership and Standards Committee. A panel of Academy members will review and score all applications, and only those that meet the criteria will be granted membership. Membership in the Academy of Teaching Scholars is at the discretion of the Membership & Standards Committee. 

The OU College of Medicine Academy of Teaching Scholars (ATS) has established a new membership category for trainees, including residents, fellows, medical students, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows.  Complete the application, then email it and other requested documents to Membership in the Academy of Teaching Scholars is at the discretion of the Membership & Standards Committee. 

Required Application Documents

  • Documentation of trainee’s education and training
  • Identification and description of a planned medical or biomedical education project
    • Identification of a faculty mentor for the project
    • Identification of a sponsoring ATS member if the project mentor is not an ATS member
  • Letter of support from the faculty mentor (Please address letters to ATS Chair, Christine Vo, MD)
  • Letter of support from one of the following: (Please address letters to ATS Chair, Christine Vo, MD)
    • Program Director (residents and fellows)
    • Associate Dean for Student Affairs (medical students)
    • Principal Investigator (graduate students and postdoctoral fellows)

Additional Membership Requirements

  • Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows must include the project in their individual development plan (IDP)
  • Commitment to present project results at the poster session of the annual ATS Education Research Week
  • Documentation of planned participation in courses, curricula, or other activities related to medical/biomedical education or education research

Here is a helpful link titled “Research in Medical Education”:

Online Application
Applications are due annually on August 1

*Educational research or scholarship includes invited education-related presentations outside one’s own department, dissemination of teaching materials created by the faculty member, that others have adopted or adapted, publication of educational materials in MedEdPORTAL, training or educational grants, and traditional forms of publication that reflect the science and practice of teaching or education (e.g., oral and poster abstract presentations, published abstracts, and peer-reviewed manuscripts).